The Female Cannon Fodder Is Highly Poisonous

Chapter 4118 I want to decide this throne (92)

Jiang Yao didn't finish her words, but the regent understood.

Thinking of Ruan Yuntian, a stern look flashed in the Regent's eyes, but he said: "Your Majesty has grown up and no longer relies on you and me like he did when he was a child. This is normal. It's just that occasionally, His Majesty is a little extreme, especially in court. As for matters in the court, he has only been in office for a short period of time and has not yet fully understood the characteristics of his ministers and noble families. If he continues like this, he will suffer losses sooner or later. Don’t worry, I will watch him and make him avoid detours."

Before their children grow up, let Ruan Yuntian get over the addiction of being an emperor. Sooner or later, he will pay the price for the killing order he issued.

Hearing the regent's words, Jiang Yao's lips curled up, and the worry in her eyes disappeared, "Of course I believe you, but he is still too young, and it is easy for him to forget his true self if he has too much power. You'd better not favor him too much. Hold him."

From now on, let Ruan Zhong take back the power he gave away little by little, and then give Yuntian a fatal blow when he has nothing left.

When the time comes, she can be the regent and queen mother by supporting their child to ascend to the throne.

Although this road took too many detours, the result was still good, almost no different from what she expected.

Naturally, the Prince Regent fully supported the Queen Mother's decision, "Leave these things to me. What you have to do now is to take good care of the baby. Don't worry too much and seriously injure your body."

The two of them had just finished talking and Jiang Yao took a rest. When the regent went out, he told the guards Chang Wei and Meng Ping that he wanted to meet some of his former subordinates, who are now extremely important roles in the military attache.

As soon as they left, the little palace maid spread the news about everything that happened here.

When Ruan Yuntian received the news, another fire inevitably broke out.

Take back power?

What power is being taken back, and whose power is it? Doesn’t the power in the hands of the regent belong to the royal family? Why did they take it back as soon as they said it would be taken back? Why did they really treat him as a soft persimmon and let them knead him?

What made him even more angry was his mother.

She kept saying that it was for his own good, that she cared for him and pampered him, but time and time again she handed outsiders the knife to kill him, and the knife was fatal!

"Your Majesty, calm down! Since we already know their plan, we should make plans early." The eunuch who accompanied him boldly stepped forward to persuade him.

Others also quickly picked up the porcelain tiles that had been smashed on the floor.

Ruan Yuntian was helped to sit down. He looked at the dark night with a ruthless look on his face.


If they don't leave him any way out, he will never show mercy.

The worst thing is, the fish will die and the net will fall apart!

Most people are still very realistic.

Before Ruan Tang was deposed, although many people secretly laughed at her and ridiculed her because of the relationship between the regent and the queen mother, they were still very respectful to her in person and would even fawn over her.

But now, those people who used to pack their bags and come over to say hello after meeting her all had their nostrils turned upward, as if he was no longer as good as them without his status as heir apparent.

Ruan Tang didn't care at all, but his friends felt sorry for him.

Today they went to a restaurant for dinner. When they went upstairs, they met several men and women, including those who had studied with the seventh princess Ruan Yunhua and the new emperor Ruan Yuntian. Ruan Tang had a perverse temperament. They had bumped into Ruan Tang several times. Take a grudge.

When they met this time, they kept making fun of Ruan Tang.

Ruan Tang really didn't care at first.

But when one of the women mentioned in a gloating tone that the Shi sisters might become concubines because of their own misfortune, Ruan Tang and Ji Yao gave the woman a kick at the same time.

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