The Female Cannon Fodder Is Highly Poisonous

Chapter 4342 cannon fodder her father is Long Aotian (86)

King Zhou is of course very clear.

Compared with other sons, being a son-in-law is more in his mind, and he is more like an heir. The country he has worked so hard to build can never be handed over to the idiot.

Therefore, this son must be rescued.

The next step is to negotiate terms.

Ruan Minwen first proposed to replace one person with three cities, two barren and backward cities were sparsely populated and even Zhou officials were unwilling to set foot there, and the remaining one Lin'an City, although it was next to Qinghe, its economic strength and land location were far inferior to Qinghe.

But no matter how bad the land is, it is also our own. How can there be any reason to give it away?

King Zhou thought this was the condition, and he was still bargaining there, but was told that this was only the condition for returning the princess.

The king of Zhou was very confused. How could a man be away without a woman by his side? The so-called concubine did not exist at all. The one who was arrested was only his son and a greenhouse. Not to mention the three cities, they were not even worth a hundred taels of silver!

He also said that if Ruan Minwen wanted to use this to blackmail, it would not work, Zhou Guo would not be stupid.

The representative Ruan Minwen sent to negotiate was Chang Yin.

He told the king of Zhou the information he got from chatting with Ruan Baozhu, Zhao Yuanling and others. The king of Zhou didn't believe it at all, and neither did the ministers. The reason why they won the battle against Wu was because of a woman.

But Zhao Yuanling's personal letters and his secret guards can prove that those few battles were won because of Ruan Baozhu's advice.

Seeing that Zhou Guo didn't care, Chang Yin immediately said that there would be no exchange. It was just right for them to leave such an intelligent woman, and then began to discuss the conditions for redeeming Zhao Yuanling.

How could Zhou Guo agree to let such a goddess-like talent stay by Ruan Minwen's side, while procrastinating the negotiation, he asked Zhao Yuanling's insiders to find out about the situation.

Ruan Minwen's conditions were not particularly harsh. With Ruan Baozhu's intelligence, Zhou Guo could take back all these lost lands without any effort.

Furthermore, apart from Lin'an City, which is slightly better, the other two cities that Ruan Minwen asked for were barren, backward and perennially dry places that even Zhou Guo didn't want, and the population was even sparser, even if they gave up, they would still accept it.

It's just that you can't agree too simply, and you can't let Ruan Minwen's people know what they are thinking.

The first one settled most of the negotiations, and then started to talk about Shi Ziye.

As the heir, the eldest son has a valuable status and has different meanings to the state of Zhou. Naturally, the asking price must not be less, otherwise he will look down on him.

As long as Chang Yin thinks of the Prince Zhou who bulged into a ball, and the meat he ate, he will laugh happily when he sleeps.

But Zhou Guo couldn't laugh anymore.

The first condition was not so harsh, but the second one, just the two cities near Mobei, made Zhou Guo gritted his teeth and hated it.

Those two cities are very important places, and most of the food and grass needed for the war horses are supplied there. Ruan Min heard that the wolves were ambitious, and wanted to cut off their retreat!

Zhou Guo disagreed, so the negotiation couldn't go on, and the stalemate lasted for a few days.

Chang Yin was not in a hurry, they didn't intend to ask for these two places, and it was impossible for Zhou Guo to give them to them, so they proposed it now, just to better achieve their goals.

Sure enough, after they took the initiative to take a step back, King Zhou immediately agreed to give him the two cities to the west, plus five million taels of gold and silver each.

After the agreement was reached, the prince of Zhou and his concubine were immediately sent to the border of Zhou.

After Zhao Yuanling and Ruan Baozhu walked out, all the ministers who came to welcome the crown prince and concubine became angry unanimously.

Well, you King of Han, you lied to my city, and even used a dummy to pretend that the prince trampled on the dignity of the Zhou royal family. You are simply provoking the prestige of the Zhou state!

Zhou Guo couldn't bear this hatred!

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