The Female Cannon Fodder Is Highly Poisonous

Chapter 4394 What should I do if the heroine loves me too much (18)

Early the next morning, Madam Ruan had just woken up when the woman beside her said that the prime minister had come this morning.

"What is he here for?" Madam Ruan showed a look of disgust.

Mother-in-law: "Your Excellency came forward early in the morning and said that if our eldest lady sends an imperial doctor to treat the young lady, let him stop by to see Master Eighth and Aunt Hong."

Ruan Wenti is not used by the old lady, and Ruan Xiang will not ignore it either.

An enemy of an enemy is a friend.

In this back house, the old lady has a lot of power. Temporarily wooing the old lady can make life difficult for Aunt Hong, mother and son, so Ruan Xiang doesn't mind giving the old lady some sweetness.

The disgust in Madam Ruan's eyes increased, "He's dreaming!"

The mother-in-law beside her also said angrily: "My lord is too numerous. What is Aunt Hong's identity? How can I visit her as the imperial doctor specially hired by our eldest lady for the young lady? She was punished for being disrespectful to her superiors. It's a dream to get preferential treatment from a body of sin."

As for the Eighth Young Master, it was even more impossible.

He almost killed the little lady, and asked the imperial doctor to see the eighth young master. Didn't he let the madam and the eldest miss knock out teeth and swallow blood?

"Don't worry about it, if anyone comes again, we'll just get rid of them," Madam Ruan said.

As Ruan Wen said, the imperial doctor really came, but he came with him, accompanied by eunuchs and others.

Now that Ruan Xiang is being favored, the title of "Favorite Concubine" is very useful, Xuanyuan Jue didn't think about tearing his face up now, so naturally he has to meet all the requirements of the concubine.

After returning to the palace, Ruan Xiang talked about a series of things that happened after Ruan Tang fell into the water. She didn't care about any family ugliness that should not be publicized. His Majesty is her "husband", not an outsider.

She knew that Xuanyuan Jue's "favor" to her was fake, and Xuanyuan Jue also knew it well, but before everything was revealed, she was the most favored concubine.

Xuanyuan is absolutely against her, and will do everything she can.

Therefore, Ruan Jue's murder and wounding, the old lady's betrayal of her elders, Concubine Hong's disrespect for her superiors, Prime Minister Ruan's filial piety to oppress others, protect concubines, and despise the majesty of the royal family, all received due punishment.

For the old lady, Ruan Xiang is not easy to offend, but Xuanyuan Jue can.

It is only natural for the emperor to protect his favorite concubine.

As for Aunt Hong, Ruan Jue and the others, there was no pressure at all to deal with it. The only pressure came from "Ruan Rou". But the emperor is not out of the palace at present, and there is not so much interaction between the two of them, and Xuanyuan Jue would not consider that. many.

He loves Ruan Rou, but it doesn't mean that he will tolerate a lowly concubine provoking the majesty of the royal family.

Aunt Hong was injured, but you are disrespectful to the imperial family, disregarding the noble concubine, and even making provocative words, then I will reward you another twenty boards, and execute it immediately.

Ruan Jue was young and seriously ill, so he didn't want to punish him severely, but just a verbal reprimand and warning was too serious for him.

Prime Minister Ruan was not strict in managing his family and was disrespectful to his superiors. He was also fined for three months of self-examination at home and a year of salary.

For Ruan Wen, a one-year fine is nothing, but self-examination at home is no different from being grounded.

Moreover, it will be the end of the new year soon, and the palace will hold a spring banquet. At that time, the ministers of the court and the central government will bring their families to the banquet. He is a dignified prime minister, but he cannot enter the palace. What a humiliation!

More importantly, during the three months of his introspection, the errands in his hands will be distributed to other people. If it is someone from his own faction, it is okay, but if it falls into the hands of his opponent, it will inevitably divide his current errands. Power, then something bad will happen!

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