The Female Cannon Fodder Is Highly Poisonous

Chapter 4433 What should I do if the heroine loves me too much (57)

"Sir, sir, the master has already arrived outside the house and was stopped by the fifth young master and the second young master. Do you still want to come in?"

As soon as he entered the yard, the boy was startled by the mess on the ground.

Ruan Wen sat on the threshold with a gloomy expression. Hearing this, he stood up and gave the boy a kick, "Please tell them to get out, get out!"

The boy rubbed his knees, which were numb from being kicked, and quickly went to do his errands.

After a while, he came back and said, "Master, if they don't leave, it's not okay to let them go in vain because you promised to give them two hundred taels of silver each."

Ruan Wen's expression became even more ferocious after hearing this, "I asked them to come here to do the work. Did they do it? Why should I ask for money if they didn't do it?"

Boy: "..."

He said cautiously: "They also said that if the master cheats and refuses to pay, they will go to the street and shout, saying that you bribed them to falsely accuse your daughter of being possessed by an evil spirit, and they will ruin your reputation..."

Ruan Wen's eyes looked as if he wanted to kill someone. The boy's back felt cold and he did not dare to continue speaking.

There was a stalemate for a few seconds, and when the boy wanted to take the opportunity to retreat, Ruan Wen threw out a few banknotes, "Take them, tell them to get out, get out of the capital, and don't call me to hear their names again!"

The boy breathed a sigh of relief, picked up the banknote and ran away.

On the other side, Mrs. Ruan went back and rewarded each of the maids and women who had helped earlier with five taels of silver, and ordered people to cut new clothes for Ruan Tang.

"Mom, don't I have a lot of clothes?" To be honest, Ruan Tang's house is very big, and most of the space is used to store clothes.

Most people don't make so many clothes when their children are young, because their bodies are growing and they can no longer wear them after a few wears.

But Mrs. Ruan always gave her daughter the best. In the palace, Ruan Xiang often sent people to send all kinds of beautiful fabrics and jewelry to make clothes for them.

Mrs. Ruan pulled her and looked her up and down, all she could see was that my daughter is so beautiful, as if she couldn't get enough of it, "Those clothes are for normal wear. You are now the county head personally ennobled by His Majesty, how can you still be the same as before?" "

The mother-in-law took out the new fabric and rubbed it on Ruan Tang. Mrs. Ruan gave her suggestions and said, "After the New Year, when the weather gets warmer, mother will take you out to a banquet. Then you will know that no woman will be dissatisfied with the clothes." too much."

Whether it is an elegant gathering with the theme of exchanges such as music, chess, calligraphy and painting, or a simple gathering, as long as people get together, they will inevitably talk about clothes and jewelry.

Her daughter is naturally the most dazzling one.

Ruan Tang was used as a model to try on a lot of fabrics. As soon as Ruan Qin came, she hurriedly ran behind Ruan Qin and said, "Brother, help!"

"What's wrong?" Ruan Qin didn't know why, and Mrs. Ruan and the mothers-in-law all laughed.

Ruan Qin was puzzled, turned around and picked up Ruan Tang, then looked at Mrs. Ruan. Mrs. Ruan couldn't help laughing, "I want to make clothes for her. I tried more materials. She is probably tired."

He instantly remembered Ruan Qin’s experience of visiting a clothing store with his sister and mother: “…”

My sister is miserable enough.

"Mom, you have good taste, just help me take a look. Our Tang'er looks good and looks good in any material, right?" He also teased Ruan Tang.

Ruan Tang didn't know how to be modest, so he nodded seriously and said softly, "Mom, don't do it for me alone. I'll do it for you and my brothers."

"Mom, you can take care of it. I'll take Tang'er out for some fresh air." Ruan Qin was afraid that Mrs. Ruan would stop her, so she hugged Ruan Tang and ran away, just like a human trafficker.

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