The Female Cannon Fodder Is Highly Poisonous

Chapter 4437 What should I do if the heroine loves me too much (61)

After Ruan Tang woke up, Yun Shu and Ruan Tang had only been together for three-quarters of an hour before Ruan Qin had already arrived.

With his brother around, Yun Shu knew that he, "Brother Yun Shu," could only stand aside, so he was very obedient.

"Where did this cat come from?" Ruan Qin also felt a little strange when he saw the black cat lying obediently on Ruan Tang's knees, and its head would rub Ruan Tang's hand every now and then.

In the past, cats would always walk around him when they saw him, but they didn't expect to like his sister so much.

Ruan Tang said while petting the cat, "Yun Shu just got it."

Ruan Qin suddenly became less happy, "You didn't bring the cat with you before you came."

Yun Shu said that it just fell into his arms.

Ruan Qin, "Does this cat have an owner?"

If the sweetheart has an owner, comes out to play naughtyly, or gets lost, and will eventually return to the owner, then you can't let the sweet child be raised too much, otherwise it will be difficult to separate if you have feelings for him.

Just as Yun Er and Yun Si came back, seeing both of them shaking their heads, Yun Shu said, "I don't know yet, but I can be sure that no one here today has a black cat."

"Tang'er, let me hold you for a while." Ruan Qin wanted to take the black cat over, but before his hand could reach it, the cat's fur exploded and he opened his mouth and roared fiercely.

Ruan Qin: "..."

other people:"……"

This is a bit embarrassing.

But Ruan Qin doesn't think this is a big deal. The cat never likes to get close to him, but he can't let Ruan Tang keep it until it's clear whether it has an owner.

"Tang'er, since Yun Shu discovered this cat, let him keep it first, okay?" After Ruan Qin finished speaking, the cat meowed again as if it could understand human speech.

Want to drive him away from the boss?

Don't even think about it!

Anyway, even if he didn't leave, he not only didn't leave, but also ran from his knees into Ruan Tang's arms, huddled there biting Ruan Tang's clothes and refused to come out.

"This cat... has quite a temper!" Ruan Qin said with a smile.

Ruan Tang was too embarrassed to say that the baby was very docile, and Yun Shu didn't say that the cat was even a little afraid of him.

They stayed inside for a while, and seeing that it was getting late, Ruan Qin ordered Wanfeng and the others to prepare lunch. As a result, Yun Shu directly asked someone to bring out a strange copper pot.

"What is this?" Ruan Qin went over and took a look. The pot was divided into two halves, and even the soup ingredients were different.

Yunshu explained, "This is a mandarin duck pot. Considering that different people have different tastes, it is made like this. If you want more tastes, you can add a few more partitions, and then you can add different soup bases."

What I just put in, one is spicy and the other is soup. The stove is set, the charcoal fire is burning, the soup begins to boil, and the heat comes out.

Ruan Qin took a sip of the aroma, and his consciousness was a little blurry. "This pot is good, but I don't know how it tastes."

Yun Shu asked people to bring out the various dipping sauces he had prepared, as well as various vegetables and meat brought from home, and asked how he would eat them later.

"Did you invent this?" Ruan Qin had already sat down.

Yun Shu said no, it existed long ago in history, but it was lost, and he accidentally got the method.

Ruan Qin didn't want to delve deeper, he just asked out of curiosity, "If you eat like this and move to a restaurant, you will definitely be very popular and make a lot of money. If you tell me the method now, you won't be afraid that I will rob you." Are you going to do business with the recipe?"

Yun Shu said calmly, "Except for the base ingredients, which you have to prepare yourself, it is considered a secret recipe. Others can learn to make other things after they have seen them. If Brother Qin wants to do business, just tell me and I will have the pot delivered to your house. "

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