The Female Cannon Fodder Is Highly Poisonous

Chapter 4536 The Daily Life of an Interstellar Husband (66)

For people of this era, if a person who knows a lot about ancient earth culture appears, they will definitely be curious, cheer, and applaud him.

But there are many people who really know the business.

Although Chen Yang has created a character who is proficient in the cultural customs of the ancient earth, does he really understand what those cultures represent? Were those stunning and brilliant works really created by him?

In this case, why was he unknown in the past and even did a lot of robberies? Not only was he not well-known in the entertainment industry, he almost couldn't support himself.

And why is it that he seems to be a completely different person from moment to moment, as his works are published one after another, as if he has an endless library in his mind?

"Crane God, what are you writing?"

Wu Yueming came over to supervise Xuanhe according to Ruan Tang's instructions, fearing that he would not rest on time, so he saw something on the screen.

After watching it for a few seconds, he said angrily, "This is also an important reason why I suspect there is someone behind him. When he first appeared on the show, he was clearly a tone-deaf outsider who couldn't even read the music. But after he became famous, he stood up and accused You said that you were jealous that the newcomer was better than you, so you threatened him backstage, and that he didn’t dare to show his true strength because of the strong force. This is just the way those guys with their brains are watered down, but you can’t deceive me!”

What he thought was exactly what Xuanhe thought.

To him, Chen Yang was just an insignificant person.

He didn't remember the game that Chen Yang said made him lose the courage and confidence to pursue his dream. He didn't remember Chen Yang at all. He only remembered his comments after the incident was revealed.

Talking nonsense and ruining notes, if it is just for fame and fortune, then you can go to some other platforms to develop. The real singer stage does not lack singers like him who have no talent, no skills and no hard work.

The reason why I comment like this is because the lyrics of the song written by Chen Yang are unsightly, full of obscenities, and every word is full of obscene and derogatory meanings towards women.

No one cares how despicable and vulgar he is in private, but if he imports his values ​​on the public stage in front of billions of people, allowing more people who are as despicable as him to point fingers at women, then no.

Although Xuanhe was not deeply impressed by the game, his comments at the time were recognized and applauded by the audience and guests.

But not long after, Chen Yang came back with his new works such as "Blue and White Porcelain" and "Red Rose". Once released, they quickly reached the top of the music charts, and several songs were also widely sung, especially the unique "Blue and White Porcelain" His composition, lyrics and singing made him a god for a time.

Then Chen Yang's comments such as "I can't compose and don't understand music, talk nonsense and ruin the notes" became the target of public criticism.

Many people who once recognized Xuanhe asked Xuanhe to stand up and give a response.

They recognized Chen Yang's new work and were amazed by Chen Yang's musical talent. They stood on Chen Yang's side and naturally wanted to seek justice for Chen Yang's jealousy and threats by Xuan He to prevent him from showing his true strength.

From this incident on, various scandals about Xuanhe came like a flood, and soon developed out of control.

The song released by Chen Yang was indeed amazing and good, but Xuanhe didn't believe that the song was written by Chen Yang. He hoped that Chen Yang could disclose the lyrics and composer. As a result, Chen Yang composed a song "East Wind Breaks" that night. "In response.

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