The Female Cannon Fodder Is Highly Poisonous

Chapter 4544 The Daily Life of an Interstellar Husband (74)

The opportunity that we finally got, just slipped away like this?

Little Baihua didn't want to accept the reality, but she had to accept everything that was happening.

Ruan Tang is not easy to mess with.

If she calls her "Crane God" like her lover now, I'm afraid she will get a few more slaps on her face in the next second...

Xiao Baihua was afraid that Ruan Tang would notice her, but Ruan Tang didn't even look at her and left with Xuan He.

What she was most dissatisfied with was Ruan Tang's aloof and arrogant manner.

He's just a little smarter than her. Do you really think he's so great?

Xiao Baihua cast a hateful glance at the departing figures of Ruan Tang and Xuan He, wondering if Xuan He would tell Ruan Tang about her, would Ruan Tang be jealous, and would he come to declare his sovereignty to her?

"What are you looking at? You can see He Shen and Miss Ruan?" the jailer scolded, then pushed Xiao Baihua to the interrogation room.

After entering a room that was almost closed except for the automatic door, Xiao Baihua was dumbfounded.

At most, she just made a small mistake that many women make. The seduction has not been successful and Xuanhe has not suffered any losses. Why is he treating her like a serious criminal?

After a while, the warden came over in person.

In the interrogation room, the interrogators could be seen through surveillance. Xiao Baihua had never seen the warden, but she could see the respect the staff had for the warden, and she had a guess in her mind.

"What's your question?" The warden looked at the interrogation record.

One person said, "She has a very tough mouth and has been unwilling to admit that she has ulterior motives. She has always called herself a fan of He Shen, saying that she misses her family too much. He Shen is just like her family in her heart, so she came to see He Shen."

Every killer has said this.

The warden didn't believe it at all, "Continue the interrogation. The safety of He Shen and Miss Ruan, especially Miss Ruan, cannot be allowed to slip up!"

Since the first time it raised questions about Chen Yang's academic performance and the so-called "excellence theory," "Xuanniao" has issued more questions.

Isn’t Chen Yang proficient in various music styles, and his lyrics and music are first-rate? Then how can he explain his previous ignorance of music theory?

Not only the program Xuanhe commented on, but also a lot of information shows that Chen Yang is tone-deaf, does not understand music theory, and does not even understand basic composition knowledge. So how did he compose those songs that can be said to be handed down from generation to generation? musical?

Or, in fact, he has been hiding his clumsiness since he left school and entered the entertainment industry.

They are all so impoverished and penniless that they cannot even provide for the most basic living expenses, yet they still hide the fact that they are geniuses in composing music and lyrics. What is there that is hidden in this?

As soon as this question came out, people with the same doubts immediately began to express their opinions.

Chen Yang's fans rushed over after hearing the news and started their most familiar operations again.

Control comments, whitewash, change the topic.

But the problem of music composition has been solved, and there are still other problems waiting for Chen Yang to explain, such as being a director, an actor, writing scripts, and novels.

The more problems are exposed, the more flaws there are in Chen Yang. Except for fans and people who are on the same side with him for profit, everyone else is almost waiting for Chen Yang to give an explanation.

Wu Yueming would check out the latest news on the Star Network every day when he had free time. After seeing many celebrities standing up to attack Chen Yang and claiming that if something happened to them, Chen Yang would be the one behind it, Wu Yueming was so happy that he couldn't sleep for several days.

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