The Female Cannon Fodder Is Highly Poisonous

Chapter 4553 The Daily Life of an Interstellar Husband (83)

When the warden came over again with what he had written, he saw Xuanhe and Ruan Tang leaning together and not knowing what they were talking about. In short, the current atmosphere did not allow him, a superfluous person, to exist.

It seems that there will be something happy in the prison area soon!

When the warden walked away knowingly, he heard Xuanhe proposing.

He paused on his feet and listened intently. There was no sound, but from the corner of his eye, he saw Ruan Tang kissing Xuan He as if he was standing on tiptoes.


Look no further!

It's time for the wedding!

As soon as they left, the warden called everyone else together and discussed whether to secretly prepare a wedding as a surprise for the two of them.

Wu Yueming was the first to object, "Don't mess around. The eldest lady is so thoughtful. We don't know what kind of wedding she wants. What if the eldest lady wants a traditional and classical wedding? Do you know what to prepare? ?”

Warden: "..."

Of course he doesn't know!

So far, he can't even write the word "classical" with a brush!

Wu Nian also objected, "I don't think there is any need to rush. Miss Ruan obviously values ​​the Spring Festival now. Let's organize the Spring Festival first. With experience, we can give him a grand wedding when she wants to have a wedding." "

The warden originally thought about double happiness, but after hearing everyone's opinions, he felt that his idea still needed some consideration, so he stopped mentioning it.

"Warden, those wardens are here again."

The word "again" completely exposed the behavior of the wardens of the first, third, fifth and seventh prison districts.

Since that visit, they would find reasons to come here every now and then, bringing gifts every time. They said they were visiting relatives and friends to show their care, but in fact they were secretly studying and copying everything here to their prison area.

But recently, after hearing that the 10th Ward was celebrating the Spring Festival, their visits became more and more frequent.

Normally, the warden would definitely not want to see a few people, but today, he was very happy, "Quick, invite everyone here."

At the same time, he took out all the hundreds of pieces of paper that he had written wrongly, and each of them had several big characters written on them. Unfortunately, not even one of them was completely correct.

Although his level is not very good, it is enough to fool a few laymen and show off!

On the other side, Ruan Tang wrote dozens more couplets. His wrists were a little sore before he stopped. When he and Xuan He went for a walk, they heard the news that several other wardens were visiting.

"We'd better not go there and let them enjoy themselves." Xuanhe said.

Those wardens worship Ruan Tang as much as everyone here. Once Ruan Tang shows up, there will be no rest today.

They walked around the achievements of the past few months. When passing a construction site, they heard a dispute inside and stopped.

After a while, Xuanhe frowned, and Ruan Tang also recognized whose voice it was.

At this time, the people inside came out noisily, it was Xiao Baihua.

There were two men behind her. Although they were not handsome, they were both tall and muscular, but both of them had anger on their faces at the moment.

When they came out, each of them held Xiao Baihua's hand and asked the same question.

"Who do you choose?"

Xiao Baihua was a little embarrassed, looking at this and that, Brother Qin, don't get me wrong, Brother Zhao, you are really good, but you have brought your tea art to the extreme.

It wasn't until she looked up and saw Ruan Tang and Xuan He that her expression froze.

But soon, she got into the drama again, shouted "Why are you forcing me?" and ran away with her face covered.

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