The Female Cannon Fodder Is Highly Poisonous

Chapter 4580 The Daily Life of an Interstellar Husband (110)

The empire was looking for the person who made the flying lamp, and Chen Yang came to the door.

Based on his understanding of the world in the past few years, people in this world don't even know what a Kongming Lantern is, there are few relevant records in books, and there are almost no people who can make it.

So, is it possible that the person who made the Kongming Lantern is his fellow countryman?

He has been reborn, there is no reason why others cannot be reborn.

As well as the songs he wrote about kings and queens, and the movies about movie kings and queens, no one knew at first that he was plagiarizing. However, in the past two years, experts have found so-called unique copies from various planets, the so-called ancient earth history.

This reminded him of a major problem.

Is it possible that this fellow countryman exposed his plagiarism?

Just because he became a famous star by plagiarizing songs and scripts, that fellow countryman was jealous of him, so he exposed him. This is entirely possible!

Chen Yang made the request to see the maker of the Kongming Lantern in order to verify his suspicions.

Although they have a common goal, Chen Yang is neither qualified nor confident to negotiate terms with the Imperial Investigation Bureau.

He must tell everything he knows. This is his duty as a citizen.

But it was up to him whether to tell him the news that the Empire found out.

"Miss, this day has finally come." The warden was very excited. With him were many wardens who came after hearing the news that the empire was going to send an investigation team to the Savage Planet.

They believed in Ruan Tang's strength and understood their own confidence, but they were excited and nervous at the thought of facing the empire head-on.

What's exciting is that their hard work for several years can finally be known to the world.

The reason for the tension is that the empire has existed for a long time, its systems and laws have long been deeply rooted in people's hearts, and its military is also very powerful. Although they have high-end weapons developed by the eldest lady, if they really go against each other, they may not be able to prevail in the end.

There was already a quarrel below. Ruan Tang and Xuan He were sitting in the center of the stage, next to them were Sha Matt, Wu Yueming, and several experts engaged in high-end technology.

She didn't say anything like there was no need to be afraid, and directly asked Shamate and the military boss to show off their weapons and equipment and various high-end armors, which had never been shown before.

After that, people were arranged to perform a real military drill. Some people were responsible for attacking the enemy and some were defending. This drill was conducted in other areas of the Savage Planet.

Ruan Tang and the bosses from various prison districts watched this drill that could change the world.

After the exercise ended, Ruan Tang and Xuan He left, but the others were still immersed in the shocking war scenes and could not come back to their senses for a long time.

"I was worried for nothing. It turns out that Miss Ruan had expected all this."

"Those who achieve great things are those who are not the strategists? Miss Ruan is such a person. She can single-handedly change our entire planet. Naturally, I thought of today."

"This way I won't be afraid anymore, even if I have to get beaten..."

"I don't think it's possible to start a war. The war is nothing more than weapons, food, grass, and soldiers. But that was in the past. Nowadays, the fight is more about technology. The empire's military industry is not as advanced as ours, so they won't want to fight. "

"That makes sense. Maybe they will use their usual tricks to confer honors and knights, but does the young lady need it? Ha!"

"I can't wait to see that day..."

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