The Female Cannon Fodder Is Highly Poisonous

Chapter 4583 The Daily Life of an Interstellar Husband (113)

I don’t know if the Ruan family will regret it, maybe they will, maybe they won’t.

But the military will definitely regret not recruiting such a talent earlier!

Ruan Tang nodded towards the person who recognized her as a greeting, and then sat on the main seat, with Xuan He next to him and the warden below.

The seats said it all.

Even if everyone couldn't believe it, they had to believe it.

However, Xuanhe is also in the main seat?

Wait, Xuanhe is still alive?

There is a person in the investigation team who is a fan of Xuanhe. He took the initiative to get this opportunity so that he could see Xuanhe's situation with his own eyes and help if he could help.

I was shocked when I saw it today.

Has the Crane God actually begun to eat soft rice?

However, with He Shen's figure and good looks, it would be a waste of talent not to eat soft rice.

Let’s take a look at those at the back: CEO Wu Nian, girl group member Xiao Shuiyou, billionaire Wu Yueming, a man named Sha who single-handedly brought down several major biochemical companies...

These two were not ordinary people before they were exiled.

Wait, something seems wrong.

When did the billionaire commit a crime and when was he sentenced?

And this guy named Sha, who has been fighting with the biochemical company, why is he in the 10th Ward?

How on earth did they get in?

This is a good question.

Soon they knew the answer.

There was no crime, no trial, and no exile, they all came in on their own initiative!

It's just that Wu Yueming was here to protect the safety of the idol Crane God, while Shamate was recruited by Ruan Tang, and now they both hold crucial positions in the prison area.

There are actually people who don’t want to live on the Emperor Star but take the initiative to go to the Savage Star. This world is simply crazy!

The conversation that followed showed them that the world was indeed crazy.

A young lady from an aristocratic family, a genius famous for her military ability, but she also mastered many majors such as medical technology, military industry, architecture, history and culture, and she was at the top level in everything. She was so bold that she even transformed it under the eyes of the empire. She took over the Savage Planet and turned the entire Savage Planet into more than a hundred prison areas under her own control. Isn’t this crazy?

If they hadn't gone there in person or seen it with their own eyes, they would never have believed that all of this was really happening.

Before coming to the Tenth Ward, several people were shaken and began to consider applying for transfer orders to the Savage Star after returning. Now they are even more determined.

"What, you want to come to my base?" Ruan Tang looked at everyone coldly.

Everyone in the investigation team: "..."


They already have a base, and they are so blatant. It would be ridiculous to deceive themselves and others that Ruan Tang has no ambition to fight against the empire and fight for power, and has no ambition to dominate the interstellar world.

But the strange thing is that they actually like her "ambition" a little bit.

Moreover, when they come to Savage Star and know the secrets here, it is difficult to guarantee that they will not be killed and silenced.

Even if they promise, who would believe it?

Who dares to believe it?

Once the secrets of the Wild Star are exposed, the empire will never tolerate the rebels here. Once the investigation begins, Ruan Tang will be the first to bear the brunt!

They all have families and families, but they don’t dare to joke with their own lives and the safety of their families.

They didn't dare to talk too much. Even if it was solved here, there were still a lot of troubles on the Emperor Star. After all, their families were there.

If one is not good, they will become the punching bag for the empire to vent its anger.

It’s time to go to work, catch up on classes, and be unable to wake up again...

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