The Female Cannon Fodder Is Highly Poisonous

Chapter 4833 Taming a troubled boy (7)

As soon as Ruan Tang coaxed Ruan Yang, the door rang.

Ruan Yang looked at her hurriedly. Ruan Tang signaled him to calm down, and then walked to the window nearby. When she saw Ruan Chengzhi wandering outside, she became angry again.

"What are you doing back here again?" Ruan Tang shouted from the window.

Ruan Chengzhi heard this and walked over with a cold face, "Open the door."

Ruan Tang ignored him and said, "There is still a pound of meat and some eggs in the refrigerator. Take them out. Shanshan's father was beaten. I sent them over to let them recuperate..."

"Did you hit him?" Ruan Tang asked.

Ruan Chengzhi immediately shook his head, "How could it be possible that I hit him? I have never done anything with anyone..."

"Then why do you care about their bad things? It's not normal for a betting dog to be beaten. Why didn't he get beaten to death?" Ruan Tangduo felt bored just by looking at them.

Ruan Chengzhi looked at Ruan Tang with unfamiliar eyes, "How did you become like this? Even if you didn't want to before, you still had some love. Now look what you have become!"

Ruan Tang sneered, "I've always been like this. If you have nothing to do, go back to school and don't hinder our eyes here."

Ruan Chengzhi: " open the door, I want to see what's going on with you."

Ruan Tang: "Get out!"

If she didn't want Ruan Yang to see it, she could go out and beat this old bastard right now.

Ruan Chengzhi was also angry, and his face darkened visibly, "Who taught you to talk like this? How did your mother teach you..."

"Don't talk about my mother. My mother is busy working and can't teach us much. Unlike you, she has time to care about other people's bad things."


Ruan Chengzhi was shocked for a few seconds, then went to knock on the door in silence.

Ruan Yang nervously grabbed Ruan Tang's hand and kept looking at the door, "Sister, will dad beat us?"

Ruan Tang touched his little head and pulled her upstairs, "No, sister will protect you."

In the plot, Ruan Chengzhi not only beat them, but also Tang Mingyu, because they didn't agree with him giving things from home to others, and because Tang Mingyu didn't give him money to do so-called good things.

After entering the house, Ruan Tang turned on the TV, found a cartoon, and said to Ruan Yang, "Watch the cartoon, sister, and we will do our homework together after dinner."

"Let me help you." Ruan Yang had already stood up from the bench.

Ruan Tang pinched his little cheek and smiled, "No, it's very simple. Sister can make it quickly."

When she went out, she took them with her.

After going downstairs and entering the living room, Ruan Tang laughed angrily when he saw that Ruan Chengzhi couldn't open the door and then took something to smash the window.

She concentrated, took a long breath, picked up the mop and opened the door.

After going out, he hit Ruan Chengzhi hard on the back several times. Ruan Chengzhi had no defense and was knocked down by the first blow. After falling to the ground, his face hit the wall.

Before he could recover, the mop stick hit him on the leg again and again.

After beating Ruan Tang for more than ten times, she stopped. She looked at Ruan Chengzhi with disdain and disgust, "What are you doing by climbing through the window? Beat me or steal something? You have to be kind and use your own money, everything in this house, food Everything you drink and wear is your mother's money. What qualifications do you have to do so-called bad things with your mother's hard-earned money? You think you are great and you are a saint, but in fact you are the same thing as Su Dazhou. They’re all fucking rotten people!”

"Go away! Go away, go to the Su family, live with the people you care about and need you the most, and don't come back!"

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