The Female Cannon Fodder Is Highly Poisonous

Chapter 4883 Taming a troubled boy (57)

He never gave up and tried to persuade him whenever he had the chance, but to no avail.

Even if he showed Ruan Tang the conditions offered by his boss, Ruan Tang would not blink an eye. She didn't seem to care about money, fame or fortune.

The director didn't believe that Ruan Tang had lost everything at such a young age, but he tried every method, but it didn't work.

Not only did the plan fail, but he was also threatened by Gu Xuan.

"Ziyou, what do you think of them?"

The shooting place on this day was not far away. Susan was following Han Ziyou, while Ruan Tangze and Gao Shu were sitting on the field ridge watching Gu Xuan and Liu Yumeng working.

Han Ziyou was immersed in his work, and there was still a little sweat on his forehead. In fact, he couldn't stand it anymore. It had only been about ten days, and he had turned several degrees darker.

After tanning, the effect in the photo was completely different from before, and not that attractive. He didn't come here just to tan.

What made him anxious was that the director had approached Gu Xuan, Ruan Tang and Liu Yumeng, but he had not been approached. This seemed to mean that outsiders were not optimistic about his development in the entertainment industry.

Han Ziyou has been competitive since he was a child, and he is the same in everything. He does not feel that he is inferior to Gu Xuan, nor does he feel that Ruan Tang and Liu Yumeng are more suitable for the camera than him.

He was angry and depressed.

After Susan asked, he didn't hear clearly for the first time. When Susan asked for the third time, he showed some impatience, "Who are you talking about?"

Susan glanced at Ruan Tang and Gu Xuan quickly, then lowered her head and whispered, "Do you think Gu Xuan knows about Ruan Tang's reputation here? She is so... I don't think they are suitable."

Han Ziyou was tired, thirsty and full of worries. He didn't want to answer Susan's question. As a result, Susan seemed not to notice his fatigue and kept talking about how Ruan Tang always misunderstood her and misunderstood Teacher Ruan and the friends around her. Their evaluations are a bit exaggerated, but they are not all false. Even Teacher Ruan himself has said so about Ruan Tang. A father's evaluation of his daughter is always true.

All in all, Ruan Tang is not as pure and innocent as he seems on the surface. Ruan Tang is very selfish, stingy and has deep thoughts. Ruan Tang is not worthy of Gu Xuan. Gu Xuan must not know the comments about Ruan Tang, otherwise he will definitely not pay attention to Ruan Tang. .

Han Ziyou only felt a mosquito buzzing in his ears. Finally, he couldn't bear it any more. He was so angry that he threw the shovel in his hand into the ground and shouted at Susan, "You think they are inappropriate, so in your opinion Is it normal for your friends and classmates to dislike you because of your parents’ problems?”

Susan's parents were so famous in the local area. One was a gambler, drunkard, stole and robbed, and the other was addicted to card games and shamelessly begged for alms to take advantage. These were much more famous than Ruan Tang's selfishness and stinginess.

Even so, he didn't treat Susan as trash just because her parents were trash.

Otherwise, when he heard rumors about the Su family, he should stay away from Susan and not let Susan get close to her. After all, such Susan was "not worthy" of him.

Han Ziyou's meaning was very clear, and Susan also understood what he was talking about, so all the color on her face disappeared in an instant.

She looked at Han Ziyou in astonishment, then quickly turned her head to see the reactions of the people around her. Some people who were paying attention to them quickly looked away after she looked over, but they still heard what they should have heard.

Susan said that Ruan Tang had a bad reputation and bad evaluation among his classmates. Ruan Tang was not worthy of Gu Xuan, so what about her, was she worthy?

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