The Female Cannon Fodder Is Highly Poisonous

Chapter 4928 Taming a troubled boy (102)

However, Ruan Chengshu was still too idealistic, because things did not develop at all as she thought.

Most people, if the people he helped once pretended not to know him and looked down upon him after he fell into trouble, they would definitely not care about this person anymore.

Because you can see the person's character.

But Ruan Chengzhi didn't. Not only did he not learn the lesson, but the psychological disability and low self-esteem caused by his disability made him even more eager to gain attention and recognition from others.

It seems that he is still as beautiful as before, a great benevolent and good person that everyone respects.

For this reason, he would rather eat chaffy vegetables himself and continue to do good deeds, and then once again be in the local newspaper through "good deeds".

After the incident came out, Wang Yunping called Ruan Tang and told Ruan Tang. Ruan Tang didn't specifically inquire about Ruan Chengshu's reaction, but he called Su Han, who couldn't help but swear at Ruan Chengzhi.

The turning point that his mother had been looking forward to did not happen. Even the injury and disability caused him to take a more extreme path, which also made his thoughts become more and more extreme.

In order to get a little false attention and recognition, a hollow and soulless compliment, he can starve himself to death.

If it weren't for the fact that Ruan Tang and Ruan Yang's alimony had already been settled at the bank during the divorce, and the wages were automatically transferred to the cards for the two children when they were due, there is no doubt that this part of the money would not have been left.

"Cousin, the winter vacation will be here soon. I don't think it's better for you and your uncle to take your aunt around for a walk and relax. Let your aunt leave his affairs alone. She can't control anything. Once she gives a little help, That will cause endless trouble.”

Su Han was silent for a moment and said, "I understand. I'm trying to persuade my dad. He has a way to persuade my mother."

Tang Mingyu also knew these things, but to her, as long as Ruan Chengzhi didn't disturb their family, he was just an ordinary stranger and had nothing to do with them.

No matter what the cause or consequences are, he deserves to suffer.

Two years later.

"I am impressed by you two. You two became famous once in the high school entrance examination, and this time you won the double top prize. I am wondering, did you two discuss which questions to write and which questions to leave out before the exam? , why are the scores so consistent!”

Liu Yumeng has been lamenting for a long time. Her grades are good or not, and she has no problem getting an undergraduate degree.

For her, the university she attends is not what excites her the most. What excites her is that she has grown up, her guardian is no longer so powerful over her, and her parents can no longer treat her as a puppet.

If they continue to be as random as before and dominate her maliciously, then she can just walk away with her documents and no longer have to be threatened by them!

Ruan Tang and Gu Xuan are so amazing. From the time they met until now, the two of them have always kept the same pace.

This time he became the double top scorer and was admitted to the country's top university.

When the local media reported on the two people's deeds, they discovered the connection between Ruan Tang and Gu Xuan from Gu Xuan's program, so they dug deeper.

When the press release was written, they used a very long paragraph to describe "the best friendship". There was obviously ambiguity and fun between the lines, but they specifically marked a line at the end - true pure friendship!

In this regard, the teachers and students of No. 1 Middle School, including some parents who heard their stories, felt that there was no need to be so cautious!

Ever since they entered No. 1 Middle School, who didn't know that these two kids were in a relationship?

The school didn't ban it, the teachers didn't care, but the media covered it up. This is a strange thing in the journalism world.

The new article "Quick Travel: The Boss She's Killing Crazy Again" is being steadily updated. If you have finished watching Tangtang, please remember to add it to your favorites and watch it. Baby Yan Su is waiting for you next door~See you there~

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