The Female Cannon Fodder Is Highly Poisonous

Chapter 4943 Taming a troubled boy (117)

Some netizens mobilized their connections to find out Ruan Tang's current identity, but after searching for a long time, nothing was found. Instead, he was invited to drink tea.

When he finished the investigation and came out, the online posts were gone, and even the photos were no longer visible.

Structure, netizens were even more excited than before.

What does this mean? It shows that their guesses are correct!

A top student will always be a top student, a boss will always be a boss, and your dad will still be your dad.

They are the only ones who have been single for ten years.

Ruan Chengzhi knew about Ruan Tang's marriage through these messages.

Ruan Tang could be so successful and stand at a height that he could never reach. This was something he never expected.

He had criticized Ruan Tang countless times because of his grades, many times in front of others, but Ruan Tang slapped him hard in the face with his success.

Tang Mingyu can leave him alone after divorcing him and remarrying, but Ruan Tang can't!

She is his daughter, even if he and her mother are divorced, even if they have no contact during the New Year, even if he as a father fails in some aspects, these are all secondary and cannot affect the blood relationship between them at all. .

Daughters are so successful and have become members of the country. You can't just leave your crippled and disabled old father alone in his hometown in the countryside, right?

The country will not recognize such a person!

Ruan Chengzhi thought well, but he forgot the attitude of netizens when Ruan Tang's life experience was exposed more than ten years ago.

It happened that an anchor came to their town to ride on the popularity of Ruan Tang and Gu Xuan's marriage, and wanted to take the opportunity to interview the locals' current opinions on Ruan Tang. Ruan Chengzhi was the first person he interviewed, and then Ruan Chengzhi's bizarre The idea that is beyond the comprehension of normal people has once again impacted the views of the majority of netizens.

"Let me translate, I am not a qualified father, I don't even deserve to be a father. I beat and scold my children, I belittle and humiliate my children's IQ, I make my children suffer a lot and make them pay for my kindness. , and even almost ruined their lives, but am I a good father?"

"Light a cigarette upstairs."

"If you don't hurry up and cremate him, why are you waiting? Are you waiting for Mr. Ruan to pay his last resort in person?"

"After all, he is his biological father. It's time to let go of all the resentment he has carried for so many years. She has reached that level, and her heart is probably not what it used to be. She can't sit idly by when her old father is so miserable."

"He has appeared! He has appeared! The saint who is generous to others has appeared. Everyone, come and watch!"

"Don't argue with idiots!"

"A handful of support."

"We onlookers are not qualified to comment on the rights and wrongs. I believe Mr. Ruan has his own judgment on what to do. Everyone believes in her and wishes her well."

"What if he goes out to participate in those mediation programs? Those programs are inhumane and have no lower limit at all."

"It's not unnecessary to worry. The local government has started to publicize it. I'm really convinced. I've never seen such a brainless official Weibo. When they were shouting about how outstanding Mr. Ruan is from their local area, the video they posted turned out to be The Great Sage, I’m really impressed by this brain!”

"Big Ruan's achievements today have nothing to do with him. Previous interviews said that Big Brother's mother worked hard to raise and educate him. Now the official is putting gold on the face of the great sage, saying that Big Brother is because of his influence. It’s such an achievement, it’s hilarious, it’s the best joke of the year, that’s not how you get political achievements!”

"Report——the latest news, they deleted the blog!"

"That's too late."

The new article "Quick Travel: The Boss She's Killing Crazy Again" is being steadily updated, baby Yan Su is waiting for you ~ please support ~

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