The Female Cannon Fodder Is Highly Poisonous

Chapter 5005 When the heroine and I penetrate each other (59)

On the day they received the "gift", the Ruan family hosted a banquet at their home. All the guests present were relatives and friends, most of them from the business community and only a few from the entertainment industry.

Ji Xuan entered the literature department at university and wanted to be a screenwriter. Ruan Yu asked several times to bring her to meet people in the industry and find a master to teach her, but she didn't agree. This time Ruan Yu invited someone to his home.

Some of Ruan Yun and Ruan Jingde's friends in the shopping mall also cheered, saying that Miss Ruan Jia San made a special purchase and they would definitely invest.

This is of course just a show, and the Ruan family doesn't need to interfere if they want to praise their children.

Ruan Ye was playing a game in his room. The teacher recommended it to him for rest. The game was based on mathematical logic. Although Ruan Ye was not very interested in it, he could barely play it during his break.

The door had been knocked eleven times during the half hour he had been playing, and now it rang again for the twelfth time.

Ruan Ye was so annoyed that he finally opened the door.

There was a very beautiful girl standing outside. She was sizing him up after opening the door. Ruan Ye looked at him expressionlessly but actually looked at her impatiently, "Who are you? Have you got permission from the owner? Why are you knocking on my door?" ?”

As soon as he opened his mouth, the girl outside the door blushed and explained, "Yes, Aunt Jiang asked me to come up to you."

Ruan Ye looked increasingly worried.

The girl then said, "I am your school girl and I admire you very much. I want to learn mathematics from you..."

Ruan Ye suddenly understood, "Are you the one who wants me to help you answer questions to qualify for the competition?"


Seeing the girl looking at him with red eyes, Ruan Ye said again, "I think my attitude is already obvious. I love mathematics and I will not do anything that will bring shame to mathematics. I cannot meet your request. I'm sorry." "

Ruan Yu heard Ruan Ye's words as soon as he reached the corridor, and then a girl ran away from him covering her face.

"Xiaoye, you...she is a guest invited by mom..."

"Want me to help cheating guests?" Ruan Ye asked.

Ruan Yu: "..."

No matter how fresh and refined the wife and daughter described the "make-up lessons" and how well the mother concealed it, they could not conceal their true purpose.

"I said, I won't do such a thing, don't come to me." Ruan Ye said again.

Ruan Yu sighed, "I mentioned it last time, I really didn't expect why mom would invite them mother and daughter here. I didn't come here to answer questions from you. There are so many guests down there who all want to see you. Why don't you go down?" "

Ruan Ye said he had to do some questions.

Ruan Yu: "Those questions are not difficult for you at all, are they? Why do you have to repeat those unchallenging questions..."


As he was talking, a sound suddenly came from Ruan Ye's room.

Ruan Ye ignored Ruan Yu. He thought it was a teacher or classmate who sent him another question or game, but it turned out that an unfamiliar account sent him an email.

The title read "Gift". When he opened it, he saw a very simple but unusual formula.

There is a sentence written below: Happy New Year!

Ruan Ye was attracted by the formula after just one glance. He sat down, picked up the pen next to him and started to calculate. After writing a few lines, he frowned again.


Totally wrong.

Keep writing, it’s still wrong.

When Ruan Yu came in, he saw Ruan Ye staring at the computer screen with a frown on his face, as if staring at a plate of dishes that he didn't want to eat at all but had to eat in order to get enough nutrients.

It was really rare that Xiao Ye was actually stumped sometimes.

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