The Female Cannon Fodder Is Highly Poisonous

Chapter 5037 When the heroine and I penetrate each other (92)

Ji Ting's question left Ji Xuan speechless.

The gift of childbirth is indeed not reserved for Ruan Tang, but she has never forgotten her biological parents. She lives in the Ruan family, but she always misses her parents in her heart. She...

Ji Xuan cried and explained, but Ji Ting only found it ridiculous.

Fortunately, he had thought that even if Ji Xuan really disliked the poor, loved the rich and disowned them, she would honestly apologize when all this was revealed, but he didn't expect such a result.

His goal of starting a business was achieved, but he was not happy.

"Go away, don't come to me again, and don't bother our chairman. She used to be named Ji Xuan. She changed her name to Ruan Tang just because she liked the name. It has nothing to do with the Ruan family and the Ruan family group. I hope you You can always remember these words of mine.”

After Ji Ting finished speaking, he called his secretary.

The secretary came in and said respectfully, "Miss, please."

Ji Xuan didn't believe what she was seeing. She cried and refused to leave. She even wanted to grab Ji Ting's clothes, but was stopped by her secretary.

"Brother, brother, why have you become so cold-blooded? The Ruan family has raised me for three years and has been kind to me. Can you just watch them fall?"

"Take her out."

"elder brother……"

After Ji Xuan was dragged out by the secretary, Ji Ting, whose ears were finally clear, let out a long breath, then leaned against the wall and squatted down with his head in his hands.

I had a bad luck at the beginning, but I didn't expect that I would reach this point.

After he squatted on the ground for five minutes, his cell phone rang.

"Are you okay? Do you need help?" It was Ruan Tang.

Ji Ting could imagine Ruan Tang's expression at this moment, "No need, Mr. Ruan, I don't dare to bother you, otherwise the people in the secretarial department will eat me."

Ruan Tang: "That's good, the company can't do without you."

Ji Ting couldn't help but laugh, "The company will continue to work without me, but if you don't have me, you will be busy."

Ruan Tang: "It's good that you know."

Ji Ting stood up from the ground and said while adjusting his shirt, "Don't worry, I have been mentally prepared for it and am used to it."

After hanging up the phone, he went to work. When he got to the door, he stepped back and then called Teacher Ji.

He briefly talked about the value of the company and Ruan Tang, then talked about the Ruan family's situation and the Ruan family's many visits, and finally mentioned Ji Xuan's purpose and explanation.

Teacher Ji was silent for a long time and then hung up the phone.

Ji Ting adjusted his expression in the mirror, and when he went out, he had become the calm and calm Mr. Ji he used to be.

After being thrown out of the company, Ji Xuan thought about it and couldn't just give up, so she returned to Ji's house.

Ji Ting became a big boss, had a lot of money, and bought many houses, but Teacher Ji and Dr. Feng still lived in their original homes.

Today, Dr. Feng was working overtime and Teacher Ji was studying late at night. Ji Xuan waited for six or seven hours for them.

Ji Xuan was sitting on the stairs diagonally opposite the elevator. Teacher Ji and Dr. Feng got out of the elevator and walked to their door, as if they didn't see anyone here.

Ji Xuan was greatly shocked and aggrieved, so she went up to call her parents, only to be met with eyes full of doubts and confusion from both of them.

"Girl, who are you looking for?" Dr. Feng asked.

Teacher Ji held Dr. Feng's hand and said while opening the door, "Maybe I recognized the wrong person. Let's go home. I haven't had time to try on the clothes Tangtang bought me. It's all my fault, Lao Xu, if I hadn't gone there at last minute." If I were to teach for him, I would have put on new clothes!"

Dr. Feng laughed and scolded: "I know, I know, you'll have to suffer for a whole day!"

Teacher Ji raised his neck and said in a loud voice, "My daughter is filial and I am embarrassed. What's wrong? Who said I am in a hurry?"

The couple just walked in the door with their mouths together.

Ji Xuan's mood outside the door has completely collapsed.


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