The Female Cannon Fodder Is Highly Poisonous

Chapter 808 Capture a Bamboo Horse Gold Master Alive (28)

After leaving Wanshan Town, Wen Yu seemed to have grown up suddenly, and his demeanor showed a bit of maturity.

He will take care of Ruan Tang first in everything he does, as if she is really a child who needs to be taken care of by her parents everywhere.

Obviously, he hasn't traveled much, but once he arrived in the city, he acted as familiar as a local. He could chat with the taxi driver for a long time in whatever car he took.

Ruan Tang, who watched all the way: "..."

She had some doubts, did Wen Yu always remember his life experience after he disappeared, or did he remember where he lived in the past, and then searched online when he grew up, otherwise how could he be so familiar with everything now?

"The hospital is already off work. Let's find a hotel first. After eating, you rest and I will inquire about the doctor's situation..."

As he spoke, he paused for a moment, as if he was thinking about something. A few seconds later, he said, "Let's go and inquire together after dinner. Let's take a walk after dinner."

Thinking of the various tracking and monitoring elevator accidents in the hotel exposed on the Internet, he couldn't let Ruan Tang wait alone.

Especially, in such a place that is completely unfamiliar to her.

Ruan Tang: "..."

I don't know what is going on in his mind all day long.

But she was considered in everything, which moved her a lot!

After finding a hotel, the two went to have dinner, and went to the hospital together for consultation. Ruan Tang was held by hand throughout the whole process, and was taken care of like a good baby.

After leaving the hospital, we walked around the city for a while, and went back to the hotel after eating some snacks.

When Ruan Tang was tired, he wanted to take a bath and sleep, but Wen Yu started to patrol the room again, checking almost every corner, especially the bathroom most carefully.

After it was over, Ruan Tang was asked to take a bath.

Ruan Tang understood from his behavior what he was worried about.

Wen Yu is not suspicious, in fact, she knows very well how terrible people's interests are.

All kinds of privacy leakage incidents happened in the hotel are just too many, Wen Yu's carefulness is just right!

Although they are in different beds, this is the real sense that the two are in the same room. Sensing Wen Yu's subtle thoughts before going to bed, Ruan Tang, who feels that he is already very mature, can't help but feel a little shy.

Ruan Tang rested with his eyes closed, and Wen Yu didn't speak, but he kept looking towards Ruan Tang and looking at Ruan Tang.

After a long time, Ruan Tang yawned several times and was about to fall asleep when he heard Wen Yu's voice again.

"Ruan Tang, you have to keep your word. From tonight, you will be my fiancee."

Whether it was a lie or an excuse before, he already took it seriously.

This time on a long trip, Ruan Tang trusted him unconditionally and relied on him. Every time Ruan Tang accepted his care and care, his smile confirmed his thoughts, and he wanted to be with Ruan Tang.

together forever.

Ruan Tang was so sleepy that he could hardly keep his eyes open.

Wen Yan gave a soft "um", opened his eyes slightly, saw the excited expression on Wen Yu's face, and added: "I didn't lie in the first place, you agreed, if you want to escape, it's too late."

Wen Yu: "..."

Isn't that what he was going to say?

Ruan Tang actually robbed him of his lines!

"I asked you to come out with me, we all lived in the same room, and even the money was handed over to you for safekeeping, yet you are still thinking wildly, you are too young, otherwise where did you get the energy..." Ruan Tang muttered a lot A long sentence, then turned over and fell asleep.

Wen Yu: "..."

So when did Ruan Tang fall in love with him?

Wen Yu: Why is my fiancée more manly than me?

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