The Female Cannon Fodder Is Highly Poisonous

Chapter 825 Capture a Bamboo Horse Gold Master Alive (45)

The script of "Redemption" was written by Qin Yun after watching the real case. Because of the trial issue, he has been revising and revising it for the past few years. After seeing Ruan Tang, Qin Yun was inspired and made some revisions.

The heroine Tao Hua is a student of the 1990s. Before graduation, she participated in a public welfare project and went to support teaching with her classmates.

After the event, the others went back to school. Tao Hua and the three girls were delayed because of the family they were helping, so they had to go back by themselves.

On the way back and forth, I passed a sparsely populated town and stayed overnight because of the rain. As a result, the shop was not only a black shop, but the owner and his wife were well-known kidnappers for a hundred miles around!

There were not many girls who went to support education, and Tao Hua was only five of them. They lived in a room in twos and were attacked at night.

When they woke up, they found that they were all covered in dirt and lying in a dark room with the door closed and the windows nailed down. The ground was full of all kinds of rubbish and some filthy water. mark……

The girls were all educated and had read a lot of social news, so they realized what had happened to them.

Their suspicion was confirmed three days later when one of them fainted from hunger.

The door opened, and light entered the small dark room, but it was not light that greeted them, but hell.

The women who were also abducted here have long been tortured into inhuman shapes by the inhuman experience after coming here. Their dignity, personality, and thoughts have been destroyed, and what is left now is just a corpse-like body!

In order not to be beaten, to have an extra bite of food, and to gain more freedom, they, like those men, talked about the hype without asking for money, and coaxed Tao Hua and other new girls.

Let them stay willingly, marry someone and have a child, and stay here honestly, don't think about running away, and don't think about uniting with others to resist, otherwise it will only be a worse end.

Several girls were frightened and cried, asking what it meant.

Then they got an answer.

Many people in this area favor sons over daughters. Baby girls are either thrown away, drowned, or buried in random places. Anyway, very few survive.

Of course, some of those who survived would be worse off than being strangled to death at birth.

After all, everyone around them is ignorant and old-fashioned, like a monster who wants to eat people with his bloody mouth open, so the girls have been living in dire straits since they were young.

When the ratio of men to women is not coordinated, if they want to get married and have children, they have to find another way.

Some of the people here are so beastly that they attack people who are very close to them. They are just like beasts, with no humanity at all.

And some people will go out of the mountain in person, abducting unsuspecting and unsuspecting people who seem to be coaxing and talkative to come to the mountain, and then lock them up, slowly train them, starve them, threaten them, beat people...

Until women are psychologically afraid of them and dare not run away anymore,

Some are traded from human traffickers.

If the family is really poor and has no money, they will go out to find it by themselves.

As for the people left behind, they were all scared of being beaten, they were so scared that they didn't know how to resist, they had a mental breakdown, they went crazy, and they couldn't get out completely.

Anyone who wants to escape is either found in the village by people from various families and then captured and beaten to death or beaten half to death, or they escape down the mountain and see hope and are caught and sent up again, but they still cannot escape and are locked up ill fate.


Those left behind became the walking dead.

Those who escaped were lonely ghosts.

No one can escape unscathed!

5 more!

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