The Female Lead She Really Is Not Sweet

Chapter 327 Your Highness, I'm Super Obedient (40)

With Qi Qi's reminder, Chacha took a look at the bronze mirror.

Then she found out...

Her hair was a mess.

The men's clothes on his body were also loose.

There was also an abnormal blush on her delicate little face.

This look, no matter how you look at it, seems...not normal.

She sighed and looked at Mo Xinghuan again.

The man's clothes were clean and tidy, and even his hair was meticulous, without any sign of mess.


She tilted her head and shouted, "Mo Xinghuan, come here."


Mo Xinghuan walked towards her with a calm expression, and skillfully wrapped her in his arms with his slender fingers, and whispered in her ear, "Baby, what's the matter?"

Chacha didn't say a word, and raised her hand to greet his hair.


Looking at Mo Xinghuan, whose clothes were not neatly arranged and his hair was messed up, she curled her lips into a smile.

"I can't mess around alone."


She is very satisfied with her masterpiece.

Immediately afterwards, he stretched out his hand to push away Mo Xinghuan's hands that had fallen on her waist, and ran towards the delicious dinner.

Mo Xinghuan looked at her figure and shook his head helplessly.

He turned around, took a comb and walked over.

He can't tie a girl's hair in a bun.

After thinking for a while, he found a white jade hairpin and planned to help her tidy it up.

His movements were very light, but it didn't delay her from eating.

"Don't move around while eating." The man reminded in a gentle voice, if she moves too much, he won't let go in time, and it will hurt her hair.

Chacha was a little puzzled, "You can wait until dinner is over before pulling your hair."

Why not now?

Mo Xinghuan didn't answer her.

With her current appearance, she may not even know how attractive she is.

An obedient and soft little girl, with disheveled clothes and disheveled hair, coupled with her wet and innocent eyes, she looked like she was waiting for him to bully her.

It's not bad that he can sit still.

She still wants to finish dinner in front of him like this, and then walk around in front of him a few more times?

Alas, she was challenging his will too much.

Sometimes, willpower really disintegrates very quickly, all it takes is a light look.

He might not want to be human anymore.

When Mo Xingmu walked in, this was what he saw.

Before he had time to lament that Mo Xinghuan hadn't closed the door today, he was so caught off guard that he was stuffed with dog food.

The cold dog food hit him hard on the face.

"..." Sorry to bother you.

I quit.

Mo Xingmu took a step back, he found a very sad thing...

Neither his brother nor the little girl noticed him.

The prince and brother focused on helping her tie her hair, and the little girl focused on eating.

There is no room for a third person between the two.

Mo Xingmu touched the tip of his nose in embarrassment, and stood there for a while.

In the past, in this palace, he could talk to his imperial brother, but now... since the imperial brother had a little girl, he seemed to be abandoned, and he couldn't even find anyone who could talk to him.

So heartbroken, he is so miserable.

Perhaps it was because he stood there for too long that Chacha paused while eating.

"Why don't you come in?"

Standing there for a long time, neither going nor coming in, really stupid.

At that time, Mo Xinghuan also helped Chacha put her hair up, and the white jade hairpin was pulled up high, making the little girl's face even more delicate and pretty.

He looked up and down, sighed, and reached out to help her arrange her clothes again.

Mo Xingmu, who had just stepped into the threshold, "..." I think it's more appropriate for me to stand outside.

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