Wu You took a picture of Qin Fen's hand: "You don't have to do anything, I'm talking to Brother Hui, what are you talking about?"

   Wu You is a little pepper-like personality, and he is used to fighting with Qin Fen. At this moment, she stared at Qin Fen coldly, and Qin Fen deliberately teased her.

   "Look at the clothes you wear? Where does it look like a girl? It's either gray or black all day long."

   Facts have proved that no matter how great people change, the lip service in the bones can't be changed, even if Qin Fen has floated for so many years after his death in his last life, he is enough to be Wu You's grandfather by the combined age of his previous life.

Wu You bared his teeth at him: "You care about me? I'm just like that. You don't want to watch it. Don't ask me if you have the ability? You are also picky, I haven't complained about you. I'm separated from Brother Hye?"

   Qin Fen choked immediately, his grades were really his culprit, but Wu You got the right one. She tossed her ponytail: "Huh, elementary school scum, despise you!"

   Knowing that these two people were just fighting, Jiang Chan didn't get in either. In recent months, all her thoughts have been spent on the Robot Contest. She has put aside the other four competitions invisibly, and has to make up for it quickly during this time.

   At this moment, Jiang Chan has a physics competition question in his hand. When it comes to competition, the least thing is to brush the questions. As long as you are proficient in the problem, you will not panic when you come to the game later.

   Money cannot solve all problems in this world, but money can solve most problems. Qin Fen's movements were also very neat. All the students in the class gathered at the school gate and got on the bus that Qin Fen contacted.

   Within twenty minutes, all the students arrived in the Tang Dynasty. Shengtang is a high-end seafood buffet restaurant in the city. The ingredients are very fresh. There are also many receptions and banquets held in the Shengtang.

   The influx of such a large group of students only occupied a corner of the Great Tang Hall. Jiang Chan didn't want to join in the fun, so he took some of his favorite food and hid in a corner of the restaurant to enjoy.

   Qin Fen wandered around in the restaurant, and finally found Jiang Cicada behind a green plant. Jiang Cicada piled up a pile of shrimp shells in front of him, and his movements continued.

   Maybe the environment in the orphanage was relatively harsh before, and I haven't eaten shrimp a few times. Jiang Chan is particularly good at this bite. Now when he comes to this seafood buffet restaurant, Jiang Chan wants to feast on his mouth.

   Not far away, Song Miao watched Jiang Chan's movements fiercely. She remembered that Jiang Yuhui didn't like seafood. Why didn't this habit exist in this life?

   Seeing Jiang Yuhui sitting there eating really fragrant, Song Miao felt that everything was messed up. She bit her lip, then suddenly turned and walked in the other direction.

   Song Miao remembered that Jiang Yuhui was allergic to peanuts. She happened to go to the sushi place. There were still quite a few sushi in the cafeteria, and the variety was very rich.

   Song Miao picked up a few peanut butter, then took a glass of orange juice and headed towards Jiang Chan. At this moment, Jiang Chan was sitting there alone, and Qin Fen didn't know where to go for food.

   Song Miao pushed over her carefully selected sushi: "Student Jiang Yuhui, this is the sushi I just took. I think it looks delicious, would you try it?"

   Jiang Yu sniffed, "Is this peanut butter? Sorry, I'm allergic to peanuts, so let’s take it myself."

   The shrimp in Jiang Chan's plate has also reached the last one. She ate the back end of the prawns and left, leaving Song Miao sitting on her seat.

What exactly is going on? After her trial, Jiang Yuhui was allergic to peanuts, but how could he like to eat seafood so much? Song Miao looked at Jiang Chan's back and was lost in confusion.

   Jiang Chan took a few steps and slowed his heartbeat, but Song Miao did not expect this woman to give her this trick. If she didn't have the memory of the original owner, she might have seen some clues by Song Miao this time.

   Now it seems that everyone is not to be underestimated. If you treat others as fools, you are fools.

   Jiang Chan kept walking, and walked towards the seafood he was optimistic about. The original owner doesn't eat seafood. Jiang Chan doesn't know this, but the original owner is allergic to peanuts, but Jiang Chan saw it in the original owner's memory.

   After this class gathering, Qin Fen's popularity in the class is unprecedented, of course not only because of that meal, but also because of Qin Fen's character.

   Jiang Chan is preparing for her own competition methodically, but it is Song Miao who keeps her thorns on her back because Song Miao has been eyeing her inquiringly, seemingly wanting to see her inside.

   It seems that it is not a good choice to always let Song Miao linger in front of her. Jiang Chan wondered if she could find something for Song Miao to do? Before Jiang Chan could act, Song Miao was kicked out of the experimental class.

   Song Miao has been away from school for decades in his previous life. On weekdays, he spends all kinds of eating, drinking, and indulgence. The knowledge from books and school has long been returned to the teacher.

Her grades are almost the end of the crane in the class. The elimination mechanism of the experimental class is very cruel. As long as she is the last place in the two consecutive exams, she will be kicked out of the experimental class~www.wuxiaspot.com~Unfortunately Yes, Song Miao was the last in the midterm and the second monthly exam. In this way, the old class naturally couldn't tolerate her, and after the grades came out, Song Miao was packed and sent to another class.

  The old class can't wait. He knows that Song Miao is not thinking well. Now that he can get her away, the old class feels that the class is much more refreshed.

   When Song Miao left, Wu You was the happiest. After class, he rarely talked and laughed with Qin Fen. Qin Fen and Wu You said a few words, then turned to look at Jiang Chan with horror: "She took the wrong medicine? How kind to me today?"

Before Jiang Chan could speak, Wu Youyin’s compassionate voice sounded from behind Qin Fen: "Okay, I think you are a scumbag, so you have to ask someone to help you relax. I will speak to you in a good voice. You actually said that I took the wrong medicine..."

   Wu You’s good mood was all blown up by Qin Fen’s words. You pinched me and I pulled your hair. Watching the small movements of Qin Fen and Wu You, Jiang Chan held a smile on the corner of her mouth.

   Don't look at Qin Fen's carelessly, but no one can get close. Only Wu You can pinch Qin Fen's arm or hit him on the back from time to time.

   To say that Qin Fen didn't have that thought in his heart, Jiang Chan didn't believe it alive or dead. Wu You is young, but I don’t know, Qin Fen, as a gamer, can’t you understand?

   Now when I think about it, isn't Qin Fen just a kind of little daughter-in-law? Regardless of his age, plus his previous life, he can be Wu You's grandfather, shameless, old cow eats tender grass!

   Wonderful Book House

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