Looking at the speeding scenery outside the car window, Jiang Chan's mind did not know where it was floating. Qingyuan snorted coldly: "Kangkang is a congenital heart disease. If it is in the realm of cultivation, a rejuvenation pill will definitely cure the disease. Even if this is the era of the end of the law, it is the realm of cultivation. Many of the things are worth learning from."

   Jiang Chan moved his fingers, but he didn't expect Qingyuan to take the initiative to talk to her about other people's affairs. After such a long time of contact, Jiang Chan can be regarded as a clear source of temperament, this is a very indifferent person.

   What she cares most about is when she will do the task. She basically doesn't care about other things at all. Now that Qingyuan said this, Jiang Chan knew that this person wanted to kidnap her for a mission again.

   But she just got the bait. I have to say that Qingyuan's method is very simple and rude, but it is too tempting for Jiang Chan.

   When he saw Kangkang being pushed to do a series of inspections, looking at the film test sheets that he didn't understand at all, Jiang Chan actually felt a deep sense of powerlessness.

   If one day I could understand these things and heal health, how good would it be?

   Qingyuan’s words were indeed very tempting, and Jiang Chan was indeed moved. She was silent for a while: "Wait a minute, the selection of the winter camp is about to begin, and I will do the task when the competition is over."

   With Jiang Chan's assurance, Qingyuan stopped talking, and continued to sink his heart to condense his soul. To be honest, the longer she was in contact with Jiang Chan, the more she admired the little girl Jiang Chan.

   Although Jiang Chan has already done a few tasks, and her actual age is far from that of a little girl, her idea age is still not enough in the eyes of Qingyuan, who has lived for several thousand years.

   If this were in the realm of cultivation, why did Qingyuan pull Jiang Chan to his door. Perseverance, determination, principled but goodness, this is a proper seed.

   Qingyuan sighed, alas, it’s a pity that this is the era of the end of the law, the spiritual energy in the air is thin and pitiful, now she has to rely on the good seed she sees, life is really difficult.

   Jiang Chan had his own considerations for pushing this task after the competition. It was said that it was the world of cultivating immortals, and the delay over there would definitely not be short.

   Even though it was only a moment in the real world, Jiang Chan was still worried that if he had been delayed for so many years in the world of cultivating immortals, what would he do if he forgot the knowledge he had learned?

   So the safest thing is to collect Kangkang’s tuition after participating in the competition, and prepare for both. What if you don’t learn a famous school in the realm of comprehension?

  An'an's hare lip surgery has been completed. Kangkang's physical condition is not bad at present, and the surgery fee has already increased. The big stone in Jiang Chan's heart suddenly loosened a lot.

   After arriving at school, Jiang Chan worked harder in his studies. The big guys are already number one, and they are still working so hard, should they be more serious?

   All the students in the competition class are shivering. Are all the first-year high school girls so cruel now? Jiang Chan is both the competition and the school exam. There is a scholarship for the school exam. How can Jiang Chan let it go?

   A week before the selection of the winter camp, Jiang Chan took the final exam again, and once again won the first place. This is a matter of no suspense at all, but this one has never come down from the first throne since entering school.

   Once the final exam was over, Jiang Chan took the scholarship from the school, followed the leading teacher and a few students from the competition class to the capital. They went to the winter camp.

   In the winter camp, there are still layers of selection, and in the end, there are only six places that can enter the home national team. But there were four students in their city alone, not counting from other provinces and cities. This shows how fierce the competition is.

   This time the city's competition team was still led by the city, accompanied by a teacher from the second middle school, who happened to be an acquaintance. It was the invigilator that Jiang Chan had met twice.

   There are still quite a lot of students in the competition team in the city, plus Jiang Chan, there are 20 people, the city and the second middle school accounted for six, and the rest are from various schools.

  According to Jiang Chan's estimation, there are only two or three people who can enter the winter camp.

As soon as I got off the plane, a special person from the competition office greeted us. After arranging everyone to get on the bus, they drove towards the training ground of the winter camp. All the students who came with us all looked at the scenery of the capital intently, except Jiang Chan. Especially calm.

   Jiang Chan has never been to the capital in the real world, but in the mission world, she has been in the capital for decades and is familiar with the capital. Jiang Chan also had nothing to see, she closed her eyes and calmed down along the way.

   She knows that there will be a lot of tough battles to be fought next. There are too many smart people in this world, and she must not let go.

   This winter camp is jointly organized by Qingbei. Generally speaking, as long as you can not be eliminated in the winter camp, you will be eligible to be sent to Qingbei. Even if it is eliminated, it does not matter, there will still be extra points in the college entrance examination.

Unexpectedly, Jiang Chan's expectation ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ There are many students who come to participate in the winter camp. It is estimated that there will be more than 200 people. Even if you want to come, the country is so big, there are a few people in each province, and more than 200 people are considered to be few. Of it.

   has arrived at the training camp, and the physics teacher who came with will not give the students a small cooker, and will follow the students for the training camp. They are also taking good care of the students' lives, and now they can only go on by themselves.

  The teachers who gave lectures are really big cows, almost all of them at the level of professors. Knowledge is imparted very quickly. If the brains are not flexible enough, they really can’t keep up.

   training camp is also very cruel. There are exams every day, and it is eliminated once a week. Jiang Chan is the youngest in this, and to be honest, few people pay attention to her, except Wang Runhui.

   He was also selected for the winter camp, but he has a very good buddhism and knows his level. He didn't dare to count on winning glory for the country, and now he hopes that he will not be eliminated in the first round.

   When meeting in the training camp, he saw Jiang Chan at first sight. Who made Jiang Chan conspicuous? Shorter than others, darker than others, you can see her at first sight in this noisy crowd.

   I don't know why, Wang Runhui has such a feeling, as if Jiang Chan will be able to go to the end. Maybe it's because she is so different from her peers?

   Just entered the training camp, Jiang Chan's performance is not very eye-catching. Because all training camps start from the shallower to the deeper, there are too many smart people in this world, and the plain knowledge professors will understand as soon as they talk about it, and there is no difference in the first two weeks.

  :. :

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