However, she is the daughter of her father's comrade-in-arms. Yan Han doesn't feel the need to pay more attention to her. Besides, now that he has someone he needs to care about, Yan Han's expression softens a bit when he thinks of Du Miao.

Gu Nian was holding a small plate, and as soon as he came out, he saw the cold and gentle expression on his face. She had seen this look too many times, and at a glance she could understand what the other party was thinking.

Jiang Chan: "There is a marriage line on his face."

Gu Nian blinked: "Why didn't I see it?"

Jiang Chan hummed: "If you can see it, then wouldn't my tens of thousands of years of practice be meaningless?"

Gu Nian lowered his eyes: "Oh, this little cake is good, I want to buy more."

Jiang Chan: "I think you want to take advantage of the gap to go out and get some air. You didn't want to face it at first, but all of them came at once."

Gu Nian: "It's still sister, you know me best."

She sent the small plate to the kitchen: "Mom, this cake is good, is there any more?"

Zhang Yun wiped her hands: "I bought one yesterday, should I buy it now?"

In the middle of Zhang Yun's words, Gu Nian thought: "No, I'll go by myself. I just happened to go out to get some air. Where is that store?"

Zhang Yun: "Turn right 500 meters out of the community. There is a cake shop called Taste. There are many cars on the road during this time, so be careful."

Liu Hui: "Let Yan Han accompany you. It's okay for him and your father to be together."

Gu Nian: "No, I can go by myself, don't bother him."

Liu Huirong couldn't help but refuse: "Severe cold, Niannian is going to the dim sum shop, will you go with her?"

Yan Han was just bored, and he also wanted to contact Du Miao, which was really inconvenient for him in someone else's house. Immediately he stood up: "Okay, I'll go with Niannian."

Gu Nian took the down jacket on the shelf: "Then I'll trouble you."

As long as you don't look at Yan Han and don't talk to him, Gu Nian's mood doesn't fluctuate so much. She can't be so affected by the cold, maybe desensitization therapy she should try?

Gu Nian is now sixteen years old, but in his early sixties. Yan Han was already twenty-two years old, and his height was over 1.8 meters. Gu Nian was like a dwarf in front of him. When going down the stairs, Yan Han kept staring at the top of Gu Nian's head.

There are two small swirls on her head, and I have heard that two people with swirls are stubborn. Yan Han thought about these trivial matters, and then thought about the conflict between Gu Nian and Gu Qingcheng's husband and wife before, isn't it just stubborn?

Gu Nian is considered a celebrity in the community. First of all, she is the champion of the senior high school entrance examination, and then there is the matter of her going to participate in the competition. Before leaving the unit door, people kept saying hello to Gu Nian.

"Where is Nian Nian going? You need to wear more clothes when you go out at this time."

Gu Nian: "Grandma Zhang, I'm not cold, I wear a lot of clothes."

"Sister Niannian, Yuyu misses you so much. I haven't seen sister Niannian for a long time."

Gu Nian rubbed Xiaodouding who was hugging her leg: "I also miss Yuyu, my sister is a little busy with her studies, so, if Yuyu wants me to have time, come to find me at home?"

Yuyu nodded: "Okay, I can't do some homework, can sister Nian Nian teach me?"

Gu Nian hooked his lips: "Of course."

Grandma Zhang: "Niannian, these are the walnuts I just bought. You usually spend a lot of time studying, so you have to make up for them."

Gu Nian: I suspect that you are metaphorizing me, but of course Gu Nian will not refuse the kindness of others.

From going out of the unit door to the gate of the community, Gu Nian's down jacket pockets were already stuffed with all kinds of snacks. This popularity was an eye-opener for Yan Han.

This made Yan Han, who has always been the focus of the crowd, a little novel. Unexpectedly, when he walked beside Gu Nian, everyone could only see Gu Nian, and could not see him at all.

Gu Nian obviously wouldn't take the initiative to speak when dealing with the severe cold. She now adheres to the principle of three nos: no initiative, no ambiguity, and no rejection. Anyway, the severe cold will only stay here for a few days. After that, everyone will go back to their own homes and go their separate ways.

Yan Han naturally felt Gu Nian's alienation, and he didn't feel relieved. She and her parents are like that, how can she be close to herself? What's more, he doesn't have the habit of sticking a hot face to a cold butt.

Before taking two steps, Yan Han started a video call with the other side. Hearing the voice coming from behind, Gu Nian's footsteps paused, and then subconsciously accelerated the pace.

She smiled wryly, didn't she already know Yan Han and Du Miao were together? Why are you still sad? However, Gu Nian jumped a little when he thought that Du Miao would leave the severe cold to study abroad soon.

Oh, how happy you are now, how sad you will be in the future!

Following the route given by Zhang Yun, Gu Nian easily found the taste. Squatting in front of the glass counter, Gu Nian's fingers swiped across these small snacks in turn, and they all looked good.

"This...this...these are all packed for me. There is also this matcha tea, which shouldn't be so sweet, so I want two."

At first glance, this matcha was brought to his father, Yan Han was not happy: "I want one too."

Did this little girl forget something? He is also a man, why did she think of his father and her father, but didn't see herself coming with her?

Gu Nian looked at him for the first time: "Then come for three copies."

When checking out, Gu Nian took out a few banknotes from his pocket. She has money, but she doesn't want to buy a mobile phone. Without a mobile phone, she feels very free, and it is not easy for others to find her.

Yan Hansan, who wanted to check out, took back the payment code. This Gu Nian was really stubborn and not cute at all.

After walking outside for a while, he took a breath, and after returning home, Gu Nian got into the room again. This is her first time programming, and she doesn't understand a lot of things in it. How can she still think about other things?

Yan Han didn't stay in the living room this time, he moved a chair and sat beside Gu Nian's desk. Worried that it would affect Gu Nian's study, he also changed it into a text message.

But he sat down for more than half an and saw that Gu Nian had been studying. She reads books very fast, and after reading a few pages, she will take notes, and the notes are also very simple.

As for what she had seen, she would not look back, she had already remembered it in her mind. Is this a scholar? Yan Han believes that he is already excellent, but in front of Gu Nian, he is dwarfed for the first time.

Zhang Yun and Liu Hui both moved quickly. Gu Nian read the book for less than an hour in the room, and Zhang Yun came over and shouted to eat.

Gu Nian suddenly returned to his senses, his eyes were a little ignorant: "Huh?"

Zhang Yun smiled: "Have dinner, take a break after dinner and then study. Holidays should also be relaxed."

She has seen this side of Gu Nian many times, and every time she wakes up from her studies, she is a little confused and looks a little silly, not at all as cold and alienated as usual.

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