The Female Partner Refuses To Be Cannon Fodder

Chapter 2052: Gu Nian twenty-three

Gu Nian: "Sister, do you have many friends?"

Jiang Chan hooked her lips: "Of course, and a lot."

Perhaps the last time Jiang Chan's enlightenment had an effect, Gu Nian no longer focused on work. In the past, she didn't get off work until eleven o'clock, but now she almost always leaves the company on time.

After get off work, she would go to the library to read books, and also participated in several reading club activities held by the library. During this period, Gu Nian also met two girls with similar interests.

One is Librarian Lin Meng, and the other is Lin Meng's friend, Luo Sheng, the owner of the music shop next door. Because Luo Sheng opened the piano shop, Gu Nian would also go to the piano shop from time to time to sit.

It's the weekend, and Gu Nian's house has not been so lively for a long time. In the past, Gu Nian went to the library or went to the piano shop. It was the first time for Lin Meng and Luo Sheng to visit Gu Nian's house.

"Niannian, your home is so big! It's just a little deserted." Lin Meng turned around and finally sat down on the sofa.

Luo Sheng hugged Xiaobai and couldn't put it down: "She's good here, but she lacks a man."

Gu Nian came over with two glasses of juice: "Enough, you two are lucky to meet a peerless boyfriend, so don't irritate me here."

Lin Meng approached Gu Nian: "Tell me, what do you like? Let me help you find something?"

Luo Sheng also looked at Gu Nian curiously, obviously interested in this topic.

Gu Nian sat cross-legged on the sofa: "I didn't think about it, I hope he is gentle, and doesn't always show a cold face. You can have an ex-girlfriend, but it must be broken cleanly, and there can be no connection..."

"Why does this sound like the opposite of someone?" Lin Meng was suspicious, isn't this too concrete?

Gu Nian: "I don't know what I like, but I know what I don't like. This is the child of my father's comrade-in-arms. Seeing him like this strengthens my determination not to like this type."

Luo Sheng approached Gu Nian: "Tell me specifically? It's the first time I've seen you dislike someone so much."

Gu Nian: "How do you say it? His name is Yan Han, the son of my father's comrade-in-arms. He has a good relationship with his ex-girlfriend, but unfortunately his ex-girlfriend flew abroad to study after graduating from college, and the two broke up because of this. "

"After breaking up, he would prepare gifts for his ex-girlfriend every year, and he would order flowers for his ex-girlfriend's birthday every year. Anyway, from a worldly perspective, he really does not regret his ex-girlfriend."

Time gradually passed, and now that the cold is mentioned again, Gu Nian's mood is very calm. The severe cold can no longer cause her emotional fluctuations, and she has completely let go.

Therefore, when talking about the severe cold, Gu Nian is like telling the story of a stranger.

Lin Meng: "Then he didn't have another girlfriend after that?"

Gu Nian shook his head: "Maybe not. I haven't paid attention to his news since I went to college, and I don't care about anyone else."

Luo Sheng frowned: "They broke up, and they prepared gifts for their ex-girlfriends. It doesn't make sense."

Gu Nian: "I heard that they once had an agreement to prepare a birthday surprise for their ex-girlfriend every year."

Luo Sheng: "Then this is even more strange. If it is a couple relationship and it develops into a marriage relationship in the future, I think it is appropriate to do so. But if you still do this after breaking up, is it not too bad for his later relationship? Are you responsible?"

Gu Nian smiled, but when she was with Yan Han, Yan Han would prepare a birthday present for Du Miao every year. Is this irresponsible for the next relationship? I'm married and still thinking about my ex-girlfriend.

Gu Nian: "Let's not talk about him. Anyway, I don't like a man who is inseparable with his ex-girlfriend. It's better that he doesn't have an ex-girlfriend. If he ever has, he'd better break it up cleanly, and don't make trouble in front of me."

Lin Meng grabbed the people she knew: "What about the income from work? Are there any requirements?"

Gu Nian raised his eyebrows: "There is no hard requirement for this, as long as he can support himself. Of course, it's best not to spend my money. It's not that I'm not willing to spend money on him..."

Lin Meng raised her hand: "I understand what you mean, and I don't want my boyfriend to spend my money. Of course, if I buy him a gift or something, I'm still quite happy."

Luo Sheng: "Don't interrupt, what about work? What if the other party is also busy with work?"

Gu Nian: "I still prefer that he is not so busy at work, because I am also very busy. If we are both busy, would it be possible for us to make an appointment for a date? Then this romance is too boring."

Lin Meng and Luo Sheng both collapsed on the sofa with a smile: "Indeed, but Mengmeng and I are not busy at work, Jinzhi and Boyuan are usually very busy. When two people are together, someone always needs to slow down. ."

Gu Nian: "The main thing is these requirements. I don't have high requirements, as long as it's pleasing to the eye."

Lin Meng: "You don't have high requirements? Those people who just show your favor, aren't they all good? Are you not the one who doesn't like it?"

Gu Nian: "I always feel a little bit short. I hope that one day I will meet a man who can touch my heart at a glance. But so far, I have never met."

Luo Sheng: "It feels like the most illusory feeling."

Gu Nian shrugged: "Maybe I'll meet you around the corner one day? Anyway, I'm only nineteen years old, so I'm not in a hurry."

Lin Meng rushed over and rubbed Gu Nian's hair: "Ah, ah, I'm so envious, you're only nineteen, and I'm twenty-five. Look at the collagen on your face, the baby fat hasn't faded away yet."

Gu Nian chuckled: "So, don't worry, I will work hard to be a bridesmaid and send you all to the palace of marriage."

Luo Sheng complained: "You can pull it down, don't you meet the right one one day, and the one who has become the first among us to get married."

Luo Sheng was just joking, who knows that one day it will come true.

With and cute pets as company, Gu Nian feels that time flies fast, and it will be the end of the year in a blink of an eye. At the end of the year, it was time for her to go back to celebrate the New Year.

Even Xiaobai and Pudding were reluctant to give up, and she was reluctant to check in for the two little ones, she felt too aggrieved. This is not only able to send the two to Lin Meng and Luo Sheng's house, and ask them to help take care of them for a few days.

Lin Meng and Luo Sheng certainly would not refuse this small request. In the end, the pudding was delivered to Lin Meng's house, while Xiao Bai asked Luo Sheng to take care of him. Now Gu Nian just packs the two little things and sends them to the little sister's house in a while.

After getting acquainted with Lin Meng and Luo Sheng, Gu Nian also visited their house. Luo Dad and Luo Mama were very enthusiastic when he sent Xiaobai over regardless of the thought. If it wasn't for Gu Nian saying that he would go to Lin Meng's house, Luo's father and Luo's mother would have wanted to leave Gu Nian to eat at home.

At Lin Meng's house, Lin Meng put her arms around Pudding's neck and rubbed her cheeks on Pudding's body: "It's so nice, so cute, you're going to stay with me for ten days."

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