The Female Partner Refuses To Be Cannon Fodder

Chapter 212: Treasure Mouse Nineteen

"If she is diligent in her practice, Sensiluo will grow faster. If she is slack in her practice, she will remain stagnant, and in the end all her cultivation will be absorbed by Sensiluo."

   Mo Yu understood it in a second. To put it bluntly, no matter whether Gu Miaoer's practice is fast or slow, she will die in the end. Cultivation is fast, this reminder will burn faster.

   Slowly speaking, my own cultivation will stop, and finally let Qiansiluo grow up, but the eyes and pointers of others will definitely make Gu Miao'er more unacceptable.

   "You just said that one of the side effects of Qiansiluo is that it will become more and more beautiful. What will she become in the end?" Mo Yu asked other questions aside from the loss of sympathy.

   Jiang Chan rolled his eyes: "Where do I know how beautiful she will become? Nothing more beautiful than a fox, right?"

"Don't mention the fox, I'm angry when I mention it. A male, looks more beautiful than a female fox." Mo Yu rolled his eyes greatly. She and the fox didn't match each other. This is a well-known thing in the forest. .

   The fox's cultivation base is higher than hers. Mo Yu can only avoid him. Now he is out with Jiang Chan. Mo Yu is in a good mood.

   Jiang Chan helpless, how much resentment does Mo Yu have towards foxes? Not in the Warcraft Forest anymore. Mention foxes are still so sensitive?

"If it weren't for the strict security of the Yunshui Sect, I would have wanted to see what kind of beauty Gu Miaoer would become in the end." Mo Yu collapsed his shoulders, knowing that he would not be able to enter the Yunshui Sect, so he gave up angrily. This idea.

   Gu Miao'er's affairs will end sooner or later, and Jiang Chan will no longer pay attention to her. She and Qiansiluo are in touch. Once Qiansiluo grows up, she can manipulate it from thousands of miles away, and Gu Miao'er will be wiped out by then, which can be regarded as revenge for Xiaojin.

   She didn't have the slightest sympathy for Gu Miao'er. In fact, when she saw the memory of Xiaojin's previous life, Jiang Chan was not happy with Gu Miao'er.

   You have so many things, you are so lucky, you are affectionate, and you also covet someone else’s treasure hunter. The human greed is evident. Jiang Chan is not disgusted with people's ambitions, but what he dislikes is that he relied on ingenuity to steal other people's things.

   What's more, Gu Miao'er seems to have awakened the memories of the past. From a certain level, this Gu Miao'er is Gu Miao'er, and Jiang Chan didn't feel bad about her when she started.

   In this world, I have to pay back what I owe to others. In the previous life, Gu Miaoer killed Xiaojin's soul, but now Jiang Chan asked Gu Miaoer to taste Xiaojin's suffering.

   If her chance is big enough, she can find Qingyuan and ask her to help with the task, but Jiang Chan doesn't think Qingyuan will agree to Gu Miao'er. This person Qingyuan is still very principled. You see, the tasks she arranges are basically three-pointed and very upright. This is particularly similar to Jiang Chan.

   "I went to practice. Recently, I have been recruiting Feng Xiwu's little girl. I also have some feelings. I want to retreat for a while." Mo Yu stood up, and the black clothes on his body were spotless.

   "Speaking of which, this little girl is really talented. Before, under my coercion, she couldn't survive all three tricks, but now she can still hold up a stick of incense. You have a good vision."

   Jiang Chan wrinkled his nose: "How long are you going to retreat? I am going to retreat soon. I will retreat after you retreat. I will also have a look after you."

   Moyu grabbed Jiang Chan's shoulder grinningly: "It's really no waste that I am a good buddy. I guess it will take about a month. After my retreat is over, it is estimated that I will be in the mid-primary stage."

   "Okay, then I wish you a smooth retreat in advance, I will consolidate my cultivation base during this time, and there are a few pills that need to be experimented again."

   Jiang Chan also simply, after watching Mo Yu enter the cave, he calmed down again and immersed himself in the pill. She is now trying to refine the Zhanyan Pill, just when the elder of Jianzong was wandering around, she found a few main ingredients to refine the Zhanyan Pill in a secret realm, and Jiang Chan wanted to try these.

   If Zhu Yan Dan is really refined, wouldn't the wealth still come? Fortunately, the spiritual materials brought back by the elders of the Sword Sect still have a hint of vitality. Jiang Chan was planted in the medicinal field of Danfeng. In order to protect this medicinal field, Jiang Chan has laid down layers of restrictions here, outsiders You can't see this medicine field at all.

   It is estimated that when Mo Yu's retreat is over, her Zhuyan Pill will be almost refined. When Zhu Yan Dan comes out, I will give Mo Yu one no matter what, I am very beautiful, and I must be happy to receive this gift.

   After half a month, a major event happened in the realm of comprehension, and somebody actually refined the best-quality Zhu Yan Dan. It happened that this was not refined by the medicine sect, but introduced by the sword sect.

   Now that many cultivators in the realm of comprehension are concerned, when did Jianzong have his own alchemist? Also launched the best Zhu Yan Dan? Sword Sect is not only fame, but also Lingshi from now on.

   As everyone knows, Zhu Yan Dan is not so attractive to male cultivators, but it is different for female cultivators. Who doesn't want to stay young forever? Of course, it is also the female nuns who are crazy about Jiang Chan will leave everything behind, and leave everything to the people of Jianzong to deal with it. She was in charge of refining alchemy, and if she ran out with a grin, it would be hard to guarantee that she would not be seen by others.

   itself doesn't have much combat power, it's better to hide behind the scenes.

  The elders of the Sword Sect were all smiling this time. As soon as the Zhanyan Pill was released, they were full of money. Now, who would dare to say that they are poor sword repairers!

   Now they have spirit stones in their pockets, not bad for money!

  Don't think that sword repair is not smart. In fact, anyone who can be a sword repairer is basically not stupid, especially an elder of the sword sect, who has a deep understanding of the principle of strange goods.

Jiang Chan gave ten Zhuyan Pills at one time, and the elders of Jianzong did not sell them all at once, but auctioned one for a period of time, and auctioned one for a period of time, and forced the price of the Zhuyan Pill to be speculated. Up.

   When he saw the elder's method, Jiang Chan was a little surprised. In fact, there are no stupid people anywhere. This is really too similar to the hype methods of later generations.

   Jianzong has made a windfall now, and the medicine sect's alchemy are not happy. It's not that they don't know how to refine the Zhanyan Pill, but they can't refine the best Zhanyan Pill.

   If you want to talk about the difference between this superb Zhuyan Dan and Zhuyan Dan, that's a big deal. The usual Zhuyan Pill can be guaranteed for up to ten years, but the best Zhuyan Pill is different. It can last for up to 100 years without any side effects.

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