The Female Partner Refuses To Be Cannon Fodder

Chapter 2135: Ji Jie twenty-eight

The leading old man is not angry and arrogant, this is naturally the great leader before the end of the world. Even after the end of the world began, he still held the right to speak in the central base.

"How did you say J met us? Now there is no internet or electricity outside."

"J is so powerful, he wants to see us naturally in his own way."

"Ten minutes are up, be quiet!"

Said it was ten minutes, it was ten minutes, Jiang Chan snapped her fingers, and a light screen appeared in the large conference room. The light screen appeared abruptly, and everyone's eyes widened.

Two little girls suddenly appeared on the opposite side of the light screen, but one of them seemed a little unsteady looking at her body? Looking at the background, it seems to be in a large living room, and there is a big man in the light screen.

If everyone in the conference room was surprised, then Lei Ting was shocked. At the moment when the light screen opened, he saw a spiritual girl appear in the living room.

And Ji Jie, who was very calm before, seemed to be a different person. She looked a little wary, like a frightened rabbit.

After seeing the leaders across from the light screen, Lei Ting stood at attention and saluted, and immediately reported the number of his unit. When seeing Lei Ting, an old man in the conference room nodded slightly.

The leader settled down and stared at Ji Jie: "You are J?"

Ji Jie shook her head hurriedly, seeing so many people she could only see on TV before, she couldn't say what she was excited about: "Great..."

As soon as the voice fell, she covered her mouth, obviously not feeling that it was a good way to call her.

Ji Jie snorted, and the atmosphere in the conference room suddenly relaxed. After all, the admiration in Ji Jie's eyes was not fake, but very sincere and passionate.

The big leader was obviously very kind: "It's okay, just call it that. Ji Jie, it's nice to meet you, are you J?"

Jiang Chan looked at this little girl who was both surprised and excited, and her eyes were full of smiles: "Calm down, just for this?"

As soon as he heard the familiar tone, Lei Ting turned his head and stared at Jiang Chan, apparently recognizing that this was the person who had just spoken to him. Who is she? How could she use Ji Jie's body to communicate with them?

Ji Jie's cheeks flushed: "I'm just excited, I'm not J, I'm just a very ordinary senior. She is J, she is Jiang Chan."

Jiang Chan raised her eyebrows over there: "Hello, I'm Jiang Chan. Of course, you can also call me J."

"I'm glad you paid attention to my past emails and didn't think I was alarmist."

Ji Jie fell silent, staring at Jiang Chan with reverence in her eyes. In the apocalypse she knew, there were no protective shields, zombie detectors and body forging techniques, all of which were brought by Jiang Chan.

For Ji Jie's adoring little eyes, Jiang Chan is obviously very useful.

There was a commotion in the conference room for a moment, and Jiang Chan's abnormality was not seen by everyone, so who are they talking to now? Alien?

Jiang Chan smiled: "It's inappropriate to say it's aliens. Have you heard of parallel space? The world you live in and the world I live in exist side by side. It's just by chance that I met Ji Jie."

Ji Jie also calmed down a little at the moment: "I am nineteen years old this year, and I remember that I died on June 23 a year later."

Seeing that everyone was silent, Ji Jie smiled bitterly: "You heard right, I have already experienced the end of the world, but I only survived for about two years. Later, in a zombie siege, I was pushed by my mother's stepdaughter. Among the zombies."

"In my memory, the end of the world is very chaotic, the base is not as orderly as it is now, and the laws and regulations have become decorations. In order to survive, it is a common thing to kill people."

Thinking of the past experience, Ji Jie's face was very bad, and Lei Ting frowned. At this time, Ji Jie looked like his initial impression again.

The big leader put his hands under his chin: "Can you tell us in detail about the apocalypse in your impression?"

Ji Jie squeezed her fist: "Yes, I remember that the end of the world broke out at the end of May last year. At that time, I was still in school, because it is a boarding school, and the school does not allow people to go out. After the end of the world, we are all trapped in the school. in school."

"We finally rushed out of school, and I went to my mother Wang Min's house. After she remarried, she had a stepson Chen Yu and a stepdaughter Chen Miao, and I'll be with them after the end of the world."

"At that time, it was far from being as peaceful as it is now. A small base was established in Y City, where I live. There are many bases like this in the whole country. Everyone is independent, and almost all of them are led by supernatural beings. It is very difficult for ordinary people to survive. ."

"I have the impression that there will be a tsunami in the near future. Earthquakes will occur frequently on the edge of the plate. The zombies will become stronger and stronger. Later, mutant plants and mutant animals will be more dangerous."

Ji Jie was a little embarrassed: "I'm just an ordinary person. After the end of the world, the news will be I don't know much. These are what I heard from others."

The big leader comforted her: "You have done a good job, how did you meet?"

Ji Jie shook her head: "I don't know, I was just unwilling to die, and then I met her out of nowhere."

Jiang Chan leaned on the sofa: "I can explain this to you. I am a tasker, accepting their obsessions and helping them fulfill their unfulfilled wishes. Everyone has obsessions, but some are strong and some are weak. , Ji Jie's obsession is very interesting, she just wants to live the end of the world peacefully."

"And I also want to see what the apocalypse looks like in her memory. But after I received Ji Jie's commission, I found something strange."

One of the men frowned: "You mean Ji Zhengde?"

Jiang Chan: "It seems that you have checked very carefully, even the matter of Ji Zhengde is very clear. After Zheng Ya accidentally murdered and did not want to go to jail, the Zheng family spent a lot of effort to get Ji Zhengde to blame Zheng Ya."

"I thought it was very strange. I wanted to meet Ji Zhengde with my own eyes, but it just so happened. When I went to see Ji Zhengde, I actually met Zheng Ya."

"I saw a causal line on Zheng Ya's face, which means that Zheng Ya's hands were contaminated with human life. Later, I met Ji Zhengde again, and the truth became clear."

"I don't want to explain too much, Ji Jie, if you want, I can show them your past memories."

Ji Jie didn't expect Jiang Chan to have this ability, she nodded hurriedly: "I do, of course I do. Actually, there are many things that I don't quite remember."

Jiang Chan hooked her lips: "It doesn't matter, as long as it once existed in your memory, it will all be displayed."

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