Holographic online games? Qin Rongyu let out a strange cry, and couldn't even bother to complain. He rushed to Jiang Chan's side like a big monkey: "Huh, tell me in detail?"

Jiang Chan: I said it's better to play with your own hands. It's just a gadget, just have fun.

The old man was also interested and sat beside Jiang Chan with a cup, watching how Jiang Chan and Qin Rongyu were playing.

Two minutes later, looking at the castle in front of him, the old man rubbed his eyes: Am I dazzled?

Jiang Chan chuckled: No, it's a simulation technology, you see, this is me.

She manipulated the handle to move, and a little man waved at the old man. Qin Rongyu is holding the gamepad: Lord, this is me, this is me!

Watching the characters in the game move around in the living room, although he knew it was fake, the old man was still dazzled. Huang Juan and Li Li also widened their eyes. Although they had already played, they still felt incredible every time they saw this.

Jiang Chan held the handle, and the little man punched on the spot, looking like he had a good look. Qin Rongyu pouted, after he has played for a while, he can do the same!

After Jiang Chan and Qin Rongyu played together, they felt bored. She handed the handle to the old man who was looking at him eagerly: Grandpa, can you try it?

The old man is old-fashioned, and he has been eager to try it for a long time. If he is not, he will not refuse, and he has stumbled and started his old age game life. The living room was filled with admiration from the two of them, and Qin Rongyu alone was able to hold up a drama.

Jiang Chan shook his head: It would be great if a holographic game could be made. This can only be regarded as a stereoscopic projection game. What I want is to lie in the game compartment, with consciousness connected to the game, where I can work, eat, live and so on.

Qin Rongyu didn't look back; this is already great! Jaw, you are amazing! Grandpa, you accidentally hurt me!

The old man was frowning and researching, when Qin Rongyu shouted and shook his hand, Qin Rongyu was covered again.

The old man is not happy: don't make a noise, am I not familiar with it?

Seeing the two laughing, Jiang Chan reclined on the sofa and slowly fell asleep. This is something she made recently, specially made to make Qin Rongyu happy, after all, it's really not easy for him.

Jiang Jingyuan touched Jiang Chan's face: Sleeping so soundly? How long has it been sleeping?

The old lady took a look: has it been an hour? Tired of watching kids!

Although everyone deliberately relaxed their movements, Jiang Chan still heard it. She opened her eyes and her eyes were very clear: Mom is here? When did it come?

Jiang Jingyuan sat down next to her: I just arrived, and I saw you sleeping on the sofa, why didn't you go back to your room to sleep?

Jiang Chan hugged the blanket and rubbed it: The living room is lively, I just squint for a while, Dad also likes to play games?

The protagonist of this game has been replaced, but Qin Rongyu still sticks to his post.

Jiang Jingyuan: Your dad was just curious for a while. You know what he likes most is drinking tea, reading and writing, that is, to see something fresh.

Jiang Chan nodded: Well, I'm going to wash my face.

Li Shu just came out of the kitchen: Hua Hua woke up? Come and eat when you wake up.

Jiang Chan yawned: Auntie, I'm going to wash my face first. I've been tossing around these days, and I'll have a good rest when I come back.

The main thing is that there is her laboratory in the army. If she fishes in the laboratory, Jiang Chan will be a little embarrassed. In addition, she is someone who is easy to get immersed in once she does it, so before she knows it, Jiang Chan is a little too desperate.

Now that he is back in the courtyard, Jiang Chan just wants to relax. It's good to dive in and do things, but it's also a combination of work and rest, isn't it?

Jiang Jingyuan has been distressed for a long time: I have been making up for it at home these days, why not let Rong Yu accompany you out for a walk? Always stay in the lab, don't get bored.

Jiang Chan was a little moved, but she still refused: Rong Yu has his work to do, so it's not very convenient for me to go out now, so I don't have to trouble others.

If she really wants to have fun, she might as well go to the mission world, go wherever she wants, not to mention being more comfortable. In the real world, when she wants to go out to play, it's not one or two people who are in trouble.

Although everyone didn't think it was troublesome, Jiang Chan couldn't get past this hurdle in his heart.

Qin Wen'an had been listening to her mother with her ears pricked up for a long time, and it was very distressing to hear Jiang Chan say that. Children are too sensible and caring, and sometimes they are particularly painful.

Li Shu didn't persuade him too much: New Year's Day is coming soon, please invite your little sisters to come and play at home?

Jiang Chan: I can. I don't like to go outside either. I don't like places that are too noisy.

She still likes to stay in a place quietly, if it is too noisy, Jiang Chan will feel that the noise will hurt her brain. It would be better if friends could be around.

After going home for a few days, Jiang Chan had a complete rest, drinking tea and reading books every day, or accompany the old man out for a walk in the courtyard. During this period, I met fewer conversations, and people had been hiding before, so everyone naturally understood what it meant.

They are all adults, and they all know how to behave decently. Besides, everyone has to work and live, so where do you have time to squat in the compound all the time?

Jiang Chan is also happy to be quiet. This is the day she dreams of, but she doesn't know how long it will last.

She went out fishing with the old man that day. The old man has no other hobbies, the only hobby is fishing. The weather is clear today, perfect for fishing in the sun.

Jiang Chan was sitting beside the old man with a book in hand, the warm sunlight shone on her hair and her shoulders, looking like a gold border. Mo Mo Tuan was on her lap, and the cat's eyes were fixed on the water, hoping that Grandpa would be able to catch a big fish.

It likes to accompany the old man out most. The old man is fishing. It follows him and steals food. He doesn't have to do it himself.

Meow~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Can grandpa catch fish? How long has it been?

Jiang Chan pinched Momo's ears: Come on, don't call, you will scare away the fish as soon as you call.

The old man lowered his voice: that is, look who brought the cat here for fishing, the cat loves to eat fish, which fish is so stupid

Before he finished speaking, the old man suddenly raised the fishing rod, and a crucian carp was taken away from the blowing face. Momo sat up suddenly, staring straight at the hook: Meow.

Meow has another fish to eat, happy! It opened its mouth and looked like it was smiling.

After taking off the hook, the old man pushed the bucket containing the fish to Momo's side: Here's it for you!

After Mo Mo gave a soft cry, he jumped off Jiang Chan's lap, walked around the bucket twice, and then pouted.

Jiang Chan shook her head and lowered her head to read the book again. The girl, the old man, and the cute pet were bathed in the warm sunlight, and the picture was unbelievably beautiful.

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