Jiang Chan smiled: "This is all learned from long-term learning and experience. If you live in a long enough world, you can do it too."

Zhang Xiao still shook his head after thinking about it: "Auntie, I don't want to live such a life. Maybe at first I thought it was new and I could broaden my horizons and learn a lot of knowledge, but over time, I can't stand it."

"What I fear most is parting. I wish that the people I care about and the people I love are always by my side. If one day I am separated from my friends or relatives, I am worried that I will collapse."

Jiang Chan: "Everyone comes to this world as an independent individual. Our life paths are different. After we meet, we will gradually drift apart. As long as we try to grasp the time at the moment of meeting, then we will be separated when we meet. I have no regrets when I do.”

"Because I cherish the fate between us, then when I look back on the past, I will only be happy. Sometimes, it is enough to make sure that the other party is doing well. As for being around, I don't think it is that important."

Zhang Xiao shook his head: "Aunt, you are so free and easy, maybe you haven't met someone you really care about? What I'm talking about is not between friends, but between lovers."

Jiang Chan thought about it: "Maybe there is a part of this reason, I seem to be lacking in this aspect. Of course, I understand what I should know, but I really have no interest in love. Maybe it's like you said , I haven't encountered one that really moved me."

Zhang Xiao pouted: "I don't think my aunt is indifferent. I think my aunt is the most gentle person in the world. I feel very happy to be protected by my aunt."

Jiang Chan was helpless: "You ate cake today? Your mouth is so sweet."

Zhang Xiao: "I originally opened a pastry shop, and naturally I have a sweet mouth, but I do it from the bottom of my heart. I feel relieved when I leave Liu Guoming out of my life."

"It's clear that he and I have no fate after all. It hurts my heart to leave him out of my life, but I feel relieved after the heartache is over. It's too tiring to take care of him, not only physically, but also mentally. Up."

"His mental development is low, and he may never grow into a normal person in his lifetime. I was able to take care of him for decades when I was alive, but who can he rely on to take care of him when I'm gone?"

"Every time I think of this, my heart aches. Although I hate Qian Hongmei, I still hate myself even more, and why I brought him into this world to suffer. I also hate myself for being so soft and so soft. Afraid of Qian Hongmei, and the long-term psychological torment, I feel like I'm going crazy."

Seeing that Zhang Xiao was about to fall into that gloomy mood, Jiang Chan pointed her index finger between Zhang Xiao's eyebrows, and soon Zhang Xiao returned to normal.

Jiang Chan said lightly: "I know you used to have a lot of pain and regret, but you have to understand that this is your real life. You can learn from the past, but don't let them affect you all the time."

"You have been completely separated from the past. You should understand how to choose. Do you want to be dominated by the past and fall into this self-pity mood, or do you want to get rid of the burden and drag and work hard towards happiness in this life?"

Zhang Xiao's eyes are clear: "Auntie, I will definitely choose the second one. You are right, I shouldn't be fettered by the past, I am doing well now."

Here, Zhang Xiao's shop is booming, but Qian Zhiguo is in all kinds of troubles. Sometimes honest people are easy to deceive, but they are really in a hurry. Who knows what he will do?

This is not Liu Guoming is the best example. He has pinpointed the identity of the victim. Of course, looking at the whole thing, he is indeed a victim. Helping others to raise their sons will last for several years. Who can endure such a thing?

Therefore, he received a lot of sympathy. Qian Zhiguo and Qian Hongmei were not so good. The two have become street rats. It is not impossible for everyone to see what Liu Guoming lived in the past.

Qian's house, the living room was filled with the choking smell of smoke. Sun Hui pushed the door and came in, and the first thing was two sneezes. After opening the window to ventilate, Sun Hui turned to look at the father and daughter in the living room: "What happened to you two?"

Qian Hongmei screamed: "Liu Guoming is trying to destroy me! Now who doesn't know that I am looking for Liu Guoming as a pick-up man, there are many people who say Xiaoguang outside, saying that he doesn't know who's a wild breed..."

Sun Hui fell silent. She was not feeling well during this time. She had just come back from grocery shopping, and she didn't see the strange eyes from the neighbors. But who makes the fault in their own home?

"If you don't divorce him, there will be so many things in the future? I told you a long time ago, let you love yourself, you don't love yourself, you got a big belly before marriage..."

Qian Zhiguo had an attack this time. He considered himself to be upright and upright all his life, but he didn't expect Qian Hongmei to make him fall into such a big trouble. Now that it is time to retire, there is no guarantee for the evening.

Not to mention his work, thinking of this, Qian Zhiguo couldn't help sighing.

In front of Sun Hui, Qian Hongmei dared to get angry, but when she saw Qian Zhiguo's sullen face, she immediately did not dare to say anything more.

"Mom, what should I do now?" She pulled on the corner of Sun Hui's clothes, and for the first time knew she was afraid.

"It's all Zhang Xiao. If she hadn't told Liu Guoming about this, how could I be so passive? I'm going to find her!"

Thinking of Zhang Xiao's previous threats, Qian Hongmei grabbed her bag and was about to leave.

"Come back!" Qian Zhiguo stopped her: "She left early! Where can you go to find her? You are so good at hiding it~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I ask you, who is the child?"

Seeing Qian Hongmei's eyes twitching, Qian Zhiguo stared at her: "If you think about it before you talk, we will not help you raise the child."

"Dad!" Qian Hongmei stomped her feet. If her parents didn't help her, would she want her to take the child by herself? She looks at Qian Xiaoguang very much now, if it weren't for this little brat, she would be in this field now?

Sun Hui pulled Qian Zhiguo's sleeve, intending to let him say a few words less, but unfortunately Qian Zhiguo's stubborn temper came up: "I'll leave it here, hurry up and find the child's biological father, if you don't want to find it, it's fine, Move out with the kids. Whether you live or die in the future has nothing to do with us!"

Jiang Chan looked at the farce below, and there was a trace of ridicule in her eyes. Should it be said that this family is all equally selfish and cold? It was Qian Hongmei who did the wrong thing, but in the end she took a child to vent her anger.

From Qian Xiaoguang's point of view, he is not wrong, because he has no way to choose his origin. It was the adults who were at fault, and it was their irresponsibility that brought him into this world.

It's a pity that Jiang Chan shook her head. Although she knew that Qian Xiaoguang would not be a good thing in the future, but now that he is a child after all, she will not trouble him at this time.

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