Taotao was a little embarrassed: "Sir, don't you love Taotao?"

Jiang Chan lifted its front paws: "I don't hurt you, then you give me back the corpses of Qiongqi and Tingtu?"

Taotao immediately shut up, it was the adults who called to improve her cultivation, but unfortunately she is too young now and can only eat a little at a time. If she eats too much, her body can't bear it.

Listening to this master's favorite chat, Gu Hanye's conjecture was confirmed, this senior really came out of the endless abyss. I've never heard that people who fall into the endless abyss can come out of it. What is the origin of her?

To be able to trap such a powerful person to this extent, who are her enemies?

Jiang Chan glanced at him: "If you regret it, it's still too late."

Gu Hanye stunned: "No, the boy will follow the adults all his life!"

He can come out of the endless abyss, his strength must be superior, and he always seeks interests at risk. If he goes back on it now, he really won't get any benefits.

Jiang Chan hummed: "Get some rest early, there will be a bad guest tomorrow, you can deal with it yourself!"

"The villain?" Jiang Chan walked lightly, leaving Gu Hanye tossing and turning all night, wondering who the villain was?

At noon, Gu Hanye finished his day's exercise and walked to the guest room with sore hands and feet. Unexpectedly, halfway through, there will be a servant to report, saying that the PY family is coming.

Gu Hanye's mind was in a hurry, so this is the villain that the lord said? Then their intentions are worth scrutinizing, divorce?

Jiang Chan chuckled: "You are really smart."

Hearing this sound transmission, Gu Hanye's heart immediately calmed down, "I had long thought that they would come, but this time is too fast, it's been less than three months since my spiritual vein was broken."

Jiang Chan: "She is the eldest lady of the PY family, how can you allow the palm bead to be bound to a crippled person with broken spiritual veins? Or do you have a deep-rooted love for this fiancee and can't extricate yourself?"

Gu Hanye pursed his lips: "Miss PY and I have met twice in total."

Jiang Chan raised her eyebrows: "No matter what, let's settle the matter in front of us first. The other party is not good, and the Liu family won't send them away so easily this time."

Gu Hanye quickened his pace and walked towards the main hall. If he had been insulted before, but since seeing Jiang Chan, he felt a strange sense of security. It seemed that no matter what happened, he would be sheltered by someone.

In the main hall, Liu Shoucheng looked at the chief elder of the PY family: "I don't know what you mean by this attitude?"

PY Wuguo: "This seat has already said very clearly that Gu Hanye was very talented back then, and was barely qualified for our Wushuang. But now that he is a waste, he should voluntarily withdraw from this marriage, so as not to tarnish our Wushuang's reputation. !"

An attendant behind him said, "Miss Wushuang has already bowed to Immortal Monarch Yimiao in Yiran Palace. If there is such a useless fiancé..."

Liu Shoucheng was furious: "You guys are deceiving people too much!"

"Elder, don't be angry," a clear male voice sounded, and Gu Hanye walked in: "If the PY family wants to break off the engagement, let's break it, they are right, their identities don't match, this is what the two parties exchanged when they got engaged. token."

PY Wu Jiu stared at Gu Hanye and said, "Young Master Gu still has a wink, this is the little care of our PY family."

Gu Hanyuan really changed his face now: "I promised to break the marriage, but I will never accept anything."

He received compensation from the PY family for his front foot, and everyone who preached about his back foot would know, and all his reputation would be ruined by then. This trick of the PY family is amazing, they poured dirty water on him!

PY blameless: "I will ask again, do you accept it or not?"

He is a great power in the tribulation period, and now he uses coercion to deal with a mortal whose spiritual veins are broken, and he is not afraid of losing face when he speaks out.

Under the pressure, Gu Hanye said with difficulty, "No...take it!"

Seeing that Gu Hanye was so tough, PY Wu Jiu increased his pressure again. Liu Shoucheng couldn't see it, and intended to step forward to make a clearance, but was slapped aside by PY Wu Jiu's palm.

Liu Shoucheng stroked his chest, and a mouthful of blood spurted out. Gu Hanye's eyes were splitting: "Elder!"

He stared anxiously at the Great Elder, and wanted to help him, but was imprisoned by PY Wugui, and blood dripped from Gu Hanye's anxious eyes.

"The Yimiao you mentioned came from the Taichen Palace back then, and is a silver-leaf grass at the root?" A clear female voice came from outside the main hall, and the pressure exerted on Gu Hanye suddenly disappeared.

Gu Hanye swayed and sat on the ground without shame.

Jiang Chan glanced at him: "You have two bones."

Gu Hanye cupped his hands: "Don't dare to lose your face."

Jiang Chan: "You earned the face yourself, not I gave it to you. Where does the deity ask you?"

PY Wu Jiu didn't expect that the Liu family still hides such a person, but the moment he met him, his coercion was removed. It's just that the female cultivator in front of him can't really see the depth, and he doesn't dare to be too presumptuous.

"Yes, Immortal Lord Yimiao is indeed from Taichen Palace."

Jiang Chan let out a low laugh: "I didn't expect that a small silver leaf grass has become an immortal now, and actually opened an immortal palace in Jiuzhongtian."

Her voice was full of ridicule, and the main hall was silent, and no one dared to speak.

Jiang Chansu grabbed her hand, and the once mighty PY Wujiu flew uncontrollably in front of her~www.wuxiaspot.com~ You don't care about the deity, but you remember, this kid is the deity , it's not your turn to start. "

She said that she gently pressed her right hand on PY Wugui's dantian, PY Wugui only felt that her cultivation was spilling out every inch, and soon fell from the late stage of transcendence to the late stage of divine transformation.

Falling into two great realms at one time, what kind of means is this? If the other party was more cruel, it would be easy to kill him.

Jiang Chan threw him away casually, and the attendants of the PY family hurriedly caught him, not to mention embarrassed.

Jiang Chan's finger moved slightly, and the storage ring that the PY family had insisted on Gu Hanye's acceptance flew in front of him: "Since you both know Yimiao, then go back and ask her, if you haven't seen her for a thousand years, how about you?"

PY Wu Jiu wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth: "I don't know the name of senior Gao!"

Jiang Chan played with the bell in her hand: "My deity, Li Yue, walk slowly and don't give it away."

Gu Hanye made it clear that with Li Yue's support, PY Wu Jiu knew that he couldn't beg for it today. He was also a good man, and led the people of the PY family to leave quickly.

Liu Shoucheng and the head of the Liu family came over to thank Jiang Chan, Jiang Chan made a random move, and a small jade bottle flew in front of Liu Shoucheng: "This is your thank you gift for helping Han Ye."

Liu Shoucheng opened the jade bottle, and there was a burst of incense in his nostrils, as if the wound on his chest had healed for the most part.

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