The Female Partner Refuses To Be Cannon Fodder

Chapter 2288: Glass? Thirty-three

Jiang Chan thought for a while: "Call Yong Yue."

Li Yue understood what Jiang Chan meant: "Auntie, I will be happy in the future, and I won't let you worry about me."

"Actually, I'm doing fine now. People who have hurt me in the past have received their due retribution. The people I love will come to me again soon. I really shouldn't be so downhearted. ."

Li Yue caressed her heart in a daze: "Although I understand all this, how can I take back the emotions I have given in the past? Whenever I think about the past, I still have heart-piercing pain."

Jiang Chan: "Time will slowly forget everything, maybe after you meet them, you will be better."

Li Yue forced a smile: "Maybe, auntie, I want to go to the Demon Clan first. After all, I used to be a brother and sister, and I also want to see their current situation."

Jiang Chan has nothing to do: "Yes, I can do it."

Li Yue is also a **** now. She was silent when she entered the Demon Realm, and no one noticed her. Strolling in the Demon King's Palace, Li Yue lowered her eyebrows lightly as she looked at the once-familiar plants and trees.

What brought her here is endless pain, not the slightest happiness. When her biological mother gave birth to her, she ran away, her father ignored her, her first mother condoned her children to oppress her, and Zhong Liduo’s brothers and sisters often suppressed her and plundered her cultivation resources.

Yimiao and Lingjin, who once brought her joy, also turned their backs on her. Her life seemed to be a joke.

Looking at Li Yue who was immersed in grief, Jiang Chan lightly looked away. Li Yue's biggest fault is that she is too soft-hearted, and she is sincere to those who have treated her kindly.

But sometimes your sincerity may be raised by a white-eyed wolf who holds grudges but not gratitude. Aren't Yimiao and Lingjin the best examples? There are too many such things.

Aren't Yimiao and Lingjin the most obvious examples? To say that Li Yue is so miserable, the source lies in these two servants. Especially Yimiao, the punishment for her was really too cheap for her.

After sitting in her own small courtyard for a while, Li Yue walked slowly to Zhong Liduo's residence. As the eldest prince of the Demon Race, Zhong Liduo's residence is second only to Zhong Lijing, but unexpectedly, there is another person in Zhong Liduo's original palace.

"Who is he?" Looking at the three-headed child, Li Yue's eyes were a little strange.

Jiang Chan: "Naturally, it's Zhong Lijing's son. Zhong Liduo is obviously useless, and Zhong Li is no longer cultivating heirs? This old thing is really fast, and he has another son so quickly."

"Don't you say that the higher the cultivation base, the harder it is for the descendants? I think the bloodline of the woman is a bit special."

Li Yue laughed sincerely: "Nangong Feixue is going to die of anger, she is very jealous, how can she tolerate this?"

Jiang Chan: "She can't take care of herself now. Even if you and the demons have torn apart your face, everyone still doesn't dare to offend you. Nangong Feixue is already a waste of chess for the Demon King's Palace."

"Now that both children have been abandoned, in order to stabilize his position, Zhong Li naturally has to make plans for himself."

Li Yue smiled very happily: "It's good, maybe Zhong Liduo and the others didn't think they would fall into such a situation. Seeing them in distress makes me feel very happy!"

Jiang Chan: "It's fine, are you in a better mood?"

Li Yue nodded: "Of course it's much better, I'm really happy. By the way, where is Zhong Liduo now? Where's Zhong Lishu? She didn't go back to the Dragon Palace?"

Jiang Chan flicked his fingers, and the layout of the Devil's Palace appeared in front of Li Yue. She lit a remote palace: "That's where Zhong Liduo lives now."

Li Yue chuckled: "Now it seems that Zhong Liduo has been completely abandoned by Zhong Li? It's so good! Where's Zhong Lishu?"

"Of course she is in Nangong Feixue's palace. She can't go back to Long Palace. When Long Xi got married to her, he wanted to win over the demons. Now that she has been rejected by you, Long Xi will naturally no longer have **** with Zhong Lishu. meet."

Mentioning Longxi, Li Yue's eyes darkened: "I really liked Longxi at the beginning, he is one of the few warmth in my life. When Zhong Liduo and Zhong Lishu bullied me, he did give me shelter. ."

"But then he insisted on breaking off the marriage..."

Thinking of the past, Li Yue's mood was much lower, "Each of them has their own last resort and difficulties, what about me? I deserve to be abandoned and abandoned?"

"Long Xi broke off the marriage because he wanted to think about the overall situation of the dragon clan. Hanze arrested me because the teacher's order was hard to follow. But what did I do wrong? I am the victim, why should I, a victim, forgive others in turn?"

Jiang Chan: "I have never asked you to forgive others. After you are hurt, you should fight back instead of taking it silently. For those who have hurt you, the best way is to completely kick them out of your life, and never again. Don't meet."

Li Yue smiled bitterly: "I know, I will try to learn to do it."

Looking at Zhong Lishu lying on the big bed, Li Yue's eyes were very calm: "The phoenix that sheds its hair is not as good as a chicken. Now I have seen it, but it only has broken wings. I didn't lie in bed like her for a few years. Shu, it's really too weak."

"Nangong Feixue, when did you see her like this? She has always been graceful and luxurious, but now she looks really embarrassed, just like a favorite concubine in the harem who failed to compete for favor."

Jiang Chan: "The Demon King Palace has always supported the high and stepped low, and everyone can see that they are disgusted by Zhongli. Then those who once held grudges will step on them when they are in trouble. You are also right in a certain aspect, Nangong Feixue. The reason why she is so domineering is mainly the support of the Nangong family. Now the mother family has given up on It is only natural that she is in the current situation."

"Zhong Liduo is so useless?" Li Yue clicked her tongue twice: "It's just that he has broken his wings. Is he really at a loss?"

Jiang Chan glanced at Zhong Liduo who was drunk and dreaming of death: "Not everyone is as resilient as you. There are traces of Zhong Liduo being so drunk and dreaming of death now."

"He has always been the most arrogant and arrogant. He used to be domineering. First, he relied on his identity as the prince of the Demon Race, and the other was the support of the Nangong family."

"Now that the Nangong family has given up on Nangong Feixue, they won't even give him a second look. Zhong Li has a young son again, plus he has lost such a big face in Jiuzhong days, his Dao heart has been completely broken. Zhongli Duo can't go very far."

Seeing that Zhong Liduo, Zhong Lishu, and Nangong Feixue were not doing well, Li Yue was really happy.

Jiang Chan's eyebrows flew up when she saw her: "Happy? You are looking more alive now."


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