On the contrary, Qin Zhaomin's bodyguards were all excited, even Qin Zhaomin was no exception. He didn't expect that Ning's actually embarked on the path of a Gu Master, and it seemed that his achievements were not low.

Looking at the small jar in Ning's hand, Yan Ning looked away: "You all like to see this?"

Qin Zhaomin chuckled: "I haven't seen it before, I'm just curious. Do all Gu Masters cultivate Gu worms like this?"

Yan Ning: "My mother follows the path of an orthodox Gu Master. Like the Guo Jian you've seen before, he follows an evil path. The paths of the two are different, and the Gu worms they cultivate are also very different."

Qin Zhaomin looked away: "Mrs. Ning never thought about accepting apprentices?"

Yan Ning: "No, she practiced Gu art mainly to protect herself. Besides, isn't the court not encouraging Gu art? Why should we come forward? It's good to know some things."

Qin Zhaomin: "If Mrs. Ning's life-saving Gu is known to outsiders, Mrs. Ning will definitely be held to the altar."

Ning shi just came over with the jar: "Do you think the life replacement Gu is so easy to raise? If it wasn't because you couldn't survive last time, I wouldn't give you the life replacement Gu."

Qin Zhaomin clenched his fists at Ning's: "Thank you for your generosity, Madam. Since I met you, I seem to have been taking advantage of it all the time. Even my life was saved because of you."

Yan Ning raised her hand: "Stop the polite words, come with something practical, such as money?"

Qin Zhaomin laughed softly: "Okay, you can take as much as you want when you go back."

Yanning turned her head and stopped talking to Qin Zhaomin, but rubbed against Ning's side. She leaned on Ning's shoulder: "Mother, it is not so convenient to do things in the capital."

Ning said, "It's okay, I'll live in Zhuangzi first, which is just a mountain back, enough for me to feed Xiaojin."

Yan Ning held her arm: "When these things are over, we will go out and travel. I want to stay by your side for the rest of my life."

Ning rubbed her head: "Alright, I won't force you to marry. Women in this world are always more difficult. We don't need to be trapped in a man's backyard for the rest of our lives, we can do a lot of things."

"If we worry that no one will take care of you in the future, we will adopt a few children, and we will always be able to pass on your medical skills in the future."

Yan Ning: "It's still my mother who is open-minded."

Ning pursed her lips: "It's the girl who is enlightened. I learned from your master."

The voices of the two of them were very low, but Qin Zhaomin had good ears and could hear them all clearly. He stared at the bonfire in front of him and gradually lost his senses.

From Jifeng Mansion to the capital, if they took the official road, it would take less than 20 days, but if they took the remote road, they walked for a month. In the past month, Yan Ning encountered several chases along the way.

Qin Zhaomin's attendants were more or less injured, and Qin Zhaomin's combat effectiveness was greatly reduced. Afterwards, it was basically Yan Ning who took action. Although she studied medicine, medicine and poison have not been separated since ancient times. In order to protect herself, Yan Ning prepared a lot of poisons on her body.

Then there is Jiang Chan, who is there, she knows all about it. In the second half of the journey of not returning to Beijing, no assassins appeared again, and often they were solved by Qin Zhaomin's men before they appeared.

Looking at the majestic imperial city in front, Qin Zhaomin sighed: "Gu finally came back, there are too many twists and turns along the way."

Yanning nodded slightly at Qin Zhaomin, and Wu Peng's carriage drove towards Zhuangzi. She didn't want to have a relationship with Qin Zhaomin on the surface, after all, this is not a good thing for an unmarried daughter's family.

Seeing that Yanning had no nostalgia for him at all, without any reluctance, Qin Zhaomin's eyes were much darker. The little conscience doesn't take him to heart at all.

The next moment he laughed again, it doesn't matter, everyone has already arrived in the capital, and he is not allowed to plan slowly? But before that, he had to deal with all the dangers around him. What is it like to always hide behind others?

Qin Zhaomin had just appeared in the capital, and everyone who should know knew the news, so many people gritted their teeth in hatred for a while.

Qin Zhaowen put down the tea cup: "It's really fateful to come back alive."

Concubine Fang: "He's not so lucky every time. He must be guarded by an expert. Have you found out who it is?"

The attendant was trembling: "I didn't find out, all the people sent out were folded in, and not even a message came back."

Qin Zhaowen was furious: "It's all trash! Trash!"

Concubine Fang waved her hand: "Go down first. Since he came back safely this time, the road for our mother and son will be a little difficult in the future."

Qin Zhaowen: "I know, concubine, my good eldest brother, but he is far from being as weak as he looks on the surface."

"I heard that his body and bones are already healed. Who do you think he met? The poison of Xueyu didn't kill him?"

Concubine Fang: "This palace also wants to know that I am not the only one in this harem who is looking forward to his death, but he just survived, and it is getting better day by day. I will go and tell your majesty and let your majesty find out what he is saying. ."

Qin Zhaowen: "My father happened to be unwell recently..."

Jiang Chan can clearly see the plot of the two, "It's only something that can be used behind the scenes. Now it's up to Qin Zhaomin to cover your existence. He is a smart person and won't let you appear in front of others."

Yan Ning: "I guess he will give Xiao Huandan to the Emperor Dog. After all, the Emperor Dog's health is not very good now."

Jiang Chan: "Xiao Huandan can only cure the symptoms, but it can't cure the poison in his body. The poison in the old emperor's body is a little tricky, even I have to pay attention."

Seeing Yan Ning and Ning's surprise, Jiang Chan smiled and said: "You think the old emperor is safe around him? The person behind the poison must have bought the imperial doctor. Otherwise, how can the old emperor be poisoned? so long?"

Yan Ning: "How long do you think he has been poisoned?"

Jiang Chan: "Let's talk about it for a year."

Yan Ning: "Could it be that because Qin Zhaomin is getting better, the people behind the scenes can't wait and start with the old emperor? It's really impossible to force the palace or something?"

Jiang Chan: "It's probably like this, so I say that being an emperor is a bit sad. When there are more children and more wives and concubines, everyone will have their own plans."

Yan Ning: "Looking at it this way, Qin Zhaomin is very pitiful. He is obviously the eldest son, but he ended up like this. Not only are his younger brothers eyeing him, but the emperor is also afraid of him, wishing he died early."

Jiang Chan: "What's so pitiful about Qin Zhaomin? Since he is sitting in this position, he has to bear all kinds of hardships and profit calculations. Besides, Qin Zhaomin is far from being as harmless as he appears, and his subordinates are capable. human."


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