The latest website: You must know that at this time, the average salary of a young and middle-aged person is only about 4,000, not to mention that in the countryside, it is necessary to buy meat and fish for money, and vegetables are all self-owned.

After staying in his hometown for two days, Jiang Chan was about to go to the city. In the past two weeks, she has saved some money, and it is enough to build a storefront. She has always believed that renting is worse than buying, and the location is good, even if you buy it back and leave it, it will appreciate in value.

The father and daughter are both honest people, and Jiang Chan will inevitably be soft-hearted and take more care of them. One is to save some family fortune for them, and the other is that Jiang Chan doesn't like hard days.

Of course, if you have the ability, you must make yourself a good life, which is her consistent creed.

When returning to the city, Lin Jiancheng was a little worried; "How about I come with you? There is also someone to take care of."

Jiang Chan pressed his shoulder: "As long as the money is in place, everything is not a problem."

Hearing her free and easy words, Lin Jiancheng felt much more relaxed: "Okay, if you have anything, just call."

Jiang Chan: "When my side is on the right track, and your body has recovered, I will come back and take you to see it."

Lin Jiancheng was silent for a while, and suddenly said, "Don't be too tired."

Jiang Chan raised her eyebrows: "I naturally understand, you are resting at home, I have already made a recipe with my second aunt, and she will bring meals every day. This is 10,000 yuan, you can take it first, if it's not enough, call me later. ."

Lin Jiancheng's mouth moved, and he wanted to ask Jiang Chan where the money came from, but he couldn't ask.

Jiang Chan saw what he was thinking: "As long as you have the ability, you will survive wherever you go. Making money is not a particularly difficult thing for me, you spend what you need."

After saying goodbye to Lin Jiancheng, Jiang Chan boarded the bus to the city. Looking at the speeding scenery outside the window, Jiang Chan propped her chin. It seemed that she had to buy a scooter. It was inconvenient to always take a taxi when she went out.

After handing over to the construction team, Jiang Chan didn't stay in the city much. The Suman family was a hidden danger after all, and she still had to pull out the nail.

Su Man's address is naturally hidden from Jiang Chan. When the Su family abandoned Lin Ning, they still deliberately sent it away. Lin Ning is in city n, while Suman is in city x.

Although they did not leave the province, the two sides are one south and one north, and it takes four hours to take the high-speed rail. If there were no accidents, it would be almost impossible for Lin Ning and Suman to meet.

Looking down at the train ticket in his hand, Jiang Chan smiled lightly. Naturally, she came this time to find out everything about the Su family, including why Lin Ning appeared in N City, why Lin Ning passed away, etc. She would understand all these questions one by one.

Also, those who should go in must go in sooner or later, such as Li Chengwei. And Su Man, it would be too cheap for her to live her birthday like this.

After thinking about these one by one, the smile on Jiang Chan's mouth grew brighter. She is not a good person. What she owes to Lin Ning will always be repaid.

Jiang Chan's first stop is naturally Su Man. The affairs of the old couple of the Su family can be put later, but Li Chengwei can't stay any longer. Although she hated Suman, Jiang Chan couldn't let her watch Suman die.

During this time, she has been deeply digging Li Chengwei, but unfortunately this person is too clean, and the evidence Jiang Chan has found is limited. She knew that Li Chengwei had been married twice, and Su Man was his third wife.

Li Chengwei's first two wives died in accidents, which brought him huge insurance money. With these two insurance payments, Li Chengwei turned into a rich man.

What's more interesting is that not long after Li Chengwei and Suman got married, he also bought a high amount of insurance for Suman. This shows that Suman is now his third target, and it makes people shudder to think about it.

At the beginning, Li Chengwei's two ex-wives Wang Hong and Liu Mei both died in accidents, and the insurance company is not without doubts. But in the end, after checking, I couldn't catch Li Chengwei's handle at all. He did it too cleanly.

What's more, he changed a place with one shot. After Wang Hong passed away, Li Chengwei left the original province and city, and after Liu Mei also had an accident, Li Chengwei came to the current X city.

Up to now, three years have passed since Liu Mei's death. Perhaps three years later, Li Chengwei's courage has become fatter. After all, where can people think that they have too much money?

Now, as a wife, what Li Chengwei brings is not a family, but a huge amount of wealth.

Jiang Chan also picked up the information of Wang Hong and Liu Mei. Both of them are from remote villages, they work outside and cannot go back several times a year. If something happened outside, no one in his hometown for ten days and a half months would know.

From this point of view, Li Chengwei is very cautious in choosing the target person. So why did he choose Suman? Could it be that he really has feelings for Suman? After all, Su Man, Wang Hong and Liu Mei have nothing in common.

Jiang Chan raised the corners of his lips mockingly, thinking that Su Man should not sleep well these days, right? Knowing that her husband is going to attack her, it's no wonder she can get better.

Su Man is really going crazy recently. Ever since she knew Li Chengwei's plan, she has been trembling every day. But she couldn't let Li Chengwei see it, so she was worried that he would jump over the wall.

"Damn Lin Ning... If only she came to X City with her..."

Chopping potatoes as if venting his anger, Su Man's expression was a little grim. If Lin Ning came to X City, she would most likely survive. But during this time, she called Lin Ning, but she shied away.

It's to take care of a sick father, and it's to work. No matter what she said, the other party would not let her mouth go to X city. Now it seems that Lin Ning can't go this route, what should she do next?

Seeing that Su Man's thoughts were not right, Jiang Chan was expressionless. She has no sympathy for Suman at all, and she will never sympathize with a person who drags innocent people into the water.

Otherwise, where would Lin Ning be placed? The person was chosen by Suman himself, so what consequences should naturally be borne by Suman himself, why should Lin Ning sacrifice for her? How big is your face?

She doesn't want to see Su Man now, she wants to see Li Chengwei first. After all, the information seen from the photos is limited, and she can only find more information when she sees the main lord. UU reading www.

It was six o'clock in the afternoon, and Jiang Chan was sitting in the taxi, staring at the entrance and exit personnel of the community. According to her investigation, Li Chengwei goes to Tianya Community at this point every day.

The taxi driver looked at the rearview mirror: "Girl, are you here to catch a rape?"

Jiang Chan raised her eyebrows: "No, Master, you seem to have a lot of experience?"

The driver smiled and said, "This kind of thing has happened a lot, but you are so beautiful, why would anyone want to cheat?"

Jiang Chan was helpless: "I really didn't come to catch the traitor."

A car came in not far away, Jiang Chan sat up straight and stared at the car. It was naturally Li Chengwei's car. With two insurance payments, Li Chengwei's life should not be too moist.

Her position is very good. When entering the gate of the community, Li Chengwei must roll down the car window, and Jiang Chan will be able to see clearly.


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