He glanced at the black and thin Jiang Chan and frowned, "Student Jiang Chan, you have to eat more food before you can grow taller. Look at what you look like now!"

   Jiang Chan is about to kneel to Lao Jiang. This is really hurt. He Qinxue has just been damaged, and now she is talking about her height. But she also knew that Lao Jiang was just joking, "You are not as well-developed as the old class!"

   Old Jiang was taken aback, why is this a bit awkward? After watching Jiang Chan had entered the class, she quickly threw off her long legs and followed in.

   It was noisy in the class. When they saw Jiang Chan coming in with their schoolbags, the students fell silent. For a long while, I don’t know who said: "It’s really her? It will be fun in the future!"

The expression on   's face seemed to be happy or unhappy, and there was also a kind of relief after the dust settled.

   Jiang Chan stood on the podium, looking at Lao Jiang who followed up, his eyes asked him where is her seat? Lao Jiang stared, looking at the quiet students.

   "This is Jiang Chan, a new student in our class. Jiang Chan will introduce herself to everyone!"

   Jiang Chan nodded: "Hello everyone, this is Jiang Chan, please take care of me!"

   Just these few sentences are very brief, and some students booed below: "Say more, such as hobbies, specialties, age, weight, etc."

   Jiang Cicada resonates with kindness: "The hobby is learning. If you are special, it is learning. At the age of seventeen."

   Lao Jiang also eased his mind. He pointed to the seats in the class: "There are still a few students who have not come. Do you think you want to sit in which position?"

   Jiang Chan swept her eyes and saw that there was no one sitting by the window. She passed by with her schoolbag. The goal was the last row by the window. It seemed that no matter where she went to school, she basically sat in the last row.

  Looking at Jiang Chan sitting in the last row, Lao Jiang didn't say anything. After a few brief explanations, he suddenly stared in Jiang Chan's direction when he was leaving the house.

   He felt that something was wrong with this girl's words just now, wouldn't he come back to his senses now? She joked that she was a little short, and the girl turned around and said that he was well-developed and simple-minded.

   Jiang Chan turned a blind eye to Lao Jiang's stare, she was also very careful, okay? As soon as Lao Jiang left, the class became lively, and the two boys sitting in front of Jiang Chan suddenly turned their heads and smiled at Jiang Chan with terrible doglegs.

   "Learn God, ask for cover!" Jiang Chan looked up and saw that he was still an acquaintance, who had been in the competition class together.

   "Students still need someone to cover?"

   "Look at what you said, you are a learner of God, we are just a learner. Is this learner a lot worse than learner of God?" A boy with a darker skin smiled with big white teeth.

"Are you reading a math competition book? Do you want to participate in a math competition?" His deskmate was a white boy with glasses. He saw Jiang Chan's math competition book unfolded with a lot of marks on it. .

   Jiang Chan pointed his finger: "Just look, how about you? Not participating in the competition?"

   The dark-skinned boy shook his head: "I applied for a chemistry course. I won't participate in math, but this guy participated. This guy is Song Yi, I'm Chen Wei, a new classmate, get to know?"

   Jiang Chan showed a smile: "I hope we can get along well in the next two years!"

   Chen Wei is a lively temperament, and wailed when he heard the words: "I have a hunch, in the next year and a half, we will definitely be shrouded in your aura. Alas, it will be hard to get ahead in the future."

   Song Yi stabbed the knife abruptly: "It's like you've been in your head before."

Chen Wei held his heart and leaned on Song Yi's shoulders: "Brother, people are hard to dismantle. Didn't I expect classmate Jiang Chan to come here to frustrate someone's prestige? Isn't it because the test scores are high? The nose is going up to the sky!"

Seeing Jiang Chan puzzled, Chen Wei pointed at a girl in the third row and said, "No, that's the one who is usually the first in the class. We didn't participate in any competitions. The look in our eyes was very strange. "

   Jiang Chan took a look: "What does other people's business do to us? Just take care of your own book and do your own business."

   On the first day of the new semester of the second year of high school, I receive books in the morning and rest in the afternoon. Students who live on campus can go to the dormitory to clean up the dormitory.

   This is the carnival before the test. After the thorough examination, the atmosphere became tense. Jiang Chan went to participate in the competition after the final exam last semester, and the bedding of the dormitory was not taken back.

   The sun is good today, Jiang Chan is going to go to the dormitory to dry the quilt, and clean up by the way. Holding the special products brought in the morning in his hand, Jiang Chan walked briskly to the dormitory.

   As soon as he entered the dormitory door, Jiang Chan was seated on a chair in the middle of the dormitory by the three girls.

   Wen Jing sat on the table opposite Jiang Chan grinningly, while Yu Jie and Yang Liuqing stood behind Wen Jing like bodyguards, giving Wen Jing pressure.

   Looking at the appearance of these three persons as a deputy judge, Jiang Chan raised his eyebrows, "Which one are you singing?"

   Wenjing hugged her arms and raised the corner of her mouth: "Oh, our senior sister is back?"

   "That is, I heard that someone skipped a grade during the winter vacation, and I won't tell us about such a big thing!" This is Yang Liuqing.

"Little cicada is amazing!" Yu Jie applauded Jiang Chan with bright eyes~www.wuxiaspot.com~Yang Liuqing snapped Yu Jie's head: "You are stupid, you should be unanimous at this time! She has to admit it. No mistake!"

   Jiang Chan raised his hands in a surrender gesture: "Well, my pot, I have a gift for you. May I ask the adults?"

   The girls couldn't hold back when they heard about the gift. Yang Liuqing cheered and hugged the bag in Jiang Chan's hand. Yu Jie also went to look at the gift. Wen Jing pointed Jiang Chan with her finger, meaning to let her go.

   "I didn't tell you that the winter vacation was too busy. After taking the skipping exam, I went to the provincial capital. A child in the hospital had a heart operation. I went to accompany him."

   Seeing that several people were eating snacks in their hands, Jiang Chan also opened a packet of pastries and explained with a light bite.

   "Speaking of your winter vacation, you are really busy. You have to participate in competitions, come back for exams, and go to work in the courtyard again, just like a spinning top."

   Yu Jie exclaimed, "How was the child's operation? Was it successful?"

   "Success, now in the postoperative observation phase, when Kangkang comes back, I will take you to see him."

"That's great. I wanted to go to your yard for a long time. Unfortunately, you have been running out of time. We are also busy with schoolwork. Then, when we wait for the first monthly vacation, we will go to your yard together and do some work. Volunteers are also good."

   Wenjing settled down immediately, and the other two had no objections. They also wanted to see what Jiang Chan's living environment was like since childhood.

  :. :

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