"If I go on with her, I'll be mad at her. She's already slapped her in the face twice, how much shame do I have to lose? When you sent Lin Ning away, you said that you would not have this daughter in the future. Now Well, your eldest daughter has an accident, so you think of her?"


"She was also well-bred, so why would you abuse her? Just because you gave birth to her? But have you raised her?"


Seeing Su Sungen's outbreak, Lin Ning's eyes were very calm, Yan Zheng had been paying attention to her, for fear that there was something unhappy in her heart.


Lin Ning: "I'm not sad or sad. In my heart, my parents are very good people, they are just strangers to me, even if I know that we are related by blood, I still feel good about them. I don't feel anything."


Yan Zheng: "It's best if you think so."


Lin Ning: "It's true that my aunt didn't tell me first, am I so vulnerable?"


Yan Zheng: "Isn't this your pregnancy? She doesn't want you to worry about it. These things are trivial things, and you don't need to do anything. I can handle them enough."


Lin Ning: "What do you mean by Suman's actions? I think Liu Guihua hates her."


Yan Zheng: "She is jealous. In her heart, you should be inferior to her all your life. But no one thought that you would grow up to be like this. It is already beyond her reach. How can she accept such a gap? ?"


"People like her will never find reasons from themselves, and always blame others for their misfortune."


Lin Ning: "Let's not talk about them. It makes people feel bad. I didn't expect Su Sunken to do this. I will never be grateful to him, even if he is on my side now."


Yan Zheng: "He is just a stranger to us, we should be filial to Father Lin, not them."


Lin Ning: "That's right. It seems that it is impossible to want Su Man to repent in this life. In fact, I don't have the heart to pay attention to her thoughts. As long as she doesn't jump around in front of my eyes, I can pretend that I don't. this person."


Jiang Chan finally said: "Of course she will not regret it. People like her are the most arrogant and arrogant. How could she overthrow everything she once did? Once she knew that what she had done was wrong, she couldn't accept it. Such a gap. This woman is really pitiful and hateful."


The matter of the Su family has come to an end. Liu Guihua has completely torn her face with Su Man. She swears in front of Su Sungen, and she will never help Su Man again.


But he and Liu Guihua could never go back to the past, and they just lived under the same roof. As for the various rumors between Su Man and Lin Ning, they were widely circulated in their hometown, and there were rumors on the Internet later.


It's just that Lin Ning has never responded positively to these rumors. After the filming of "Green Orange", Lin Ning put down her work and focused on her small family.


Although the outside world has lost her presence, she herself has not forgotten to improve herself. It wasn't until she was thirty-five that she took her second film to an international film festival.


In the following decades, Lin Ning basically maintained the frequency of one film for two years. Although she did not win awards at film festivals every time, Lin Ning's reputation was well known in the circle, and she wanted to be on her. There are not many people who play the game.


When Jiang Chan left this world, Lin Ning was already the most prestigious director in the circle. Jiang Chan is honored to be able to achieve such a result.

When she returned to the mission hall, Qingyuan was still lying under the sea of ​​​​soul light. It was rare to see Qingyuan so silent. Jiang Chan walked down cross-legged beside her, "You don't look in a good mood."


Qingyuan sighed: "It's just a moment of emotion. This small system seems to be a little stronger. It seems that this time the harvest is not small."


Jiang Chan: "It does gain a lot. This time I went to this world, and the biggest gain is it."


Qingyuan pouted: "Have you had a good time going out this time? Seeing your life, planting flowers, raising grass and raising cubs, I am a little envious of it."


Jiang Chan: "I'm really happy, but you don't seem to be in a good mood?"


Qingyuan: "I just thought of some unhappy things. You will find out later. In other words, this has been in the mission world for decades. Where do I still have several clients."


Jiang Chan respected and thanked Bumin: "Let me digest the knowledge from this period of time first, I really have water in my head, and I want to comfort you."


Qingyuan hummed: "For me, the greatest comfort is that you hurry up and do the task."


Jiang Chan stood up: "I'll go back first."


She just wanted to comfort Qingyuan only because she had a brain. How could she easily show her vulnerability in front of others? She and Qingyuan are essentially the same kind of people. Sadness and pain can only be digested by themselves, not let others know.


Of course, to be able to get Qingyuan to this level, the enemy is very strong. She can't even deal with Qingyuan now, and she can't even deal with Qingyuan's enemy.


Turning over on the bed, Jiang Chan hugged Mo Mo's body, Mo Mo's cheeks rubbed against Jiang Chan's hair, Bi Yingying's cat's eyes closed again, and soon there was a fine breathing in the bedroom Voice.


Jiang Chan has been in the mission world for so many years, mainly looking at the information of the suspension car. It's just that due to the current level of technology ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ some things are still difficult to promote on a large scale.


At this stage, she can only improve the performance of existing vehicles. As for the other, it will be possible to wait until the further development of technology. Because she returned to the old house, it was rare for her to relax for a while.


On this day, she made clothes for the old man on a whim. After all, the weather is getting warmer and the season is changing.


Qin Rongyu sat next to her: "You are too talented, you can even make clothes?"


Jiang Chan: "It's just a hobby. I want to change my mind recently."


Qin Rongyu held her chin: "Rong Jin told me about Wang Haibo. It's a pity for Wang Haibo. Although he is recovering well now, it will eventually affect his life."


The old man: "There is always hope for him to live now. If he can't wake up all the time, his family will be completely scattered."


Jiang Chan: "He just can't take part in those dangerous rescues. As for other things, it doesn't affect his life at the moment. Grandpa is right, there is hope in life, and he won't fall down just like that."


Qin Rongyu: "That's what I said, just thinking that he suffered so much, but the other party didn't pay attention. It's cold to think about it."


Jiang Chan: "As long as they pass the test of conscience, of course, there are a few people who can do this with conscience. When Wang Haibo saved them, he never thought of asking them to reciprocate gratitude and so on."


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