"My parents are very loving. I don't want my child to be born in such an unhappy family. Besides, I was also afraid at that time, and dealing with Yu Yue has already exhausted me physically and mentally."

"If he has a child, he can't help at all. I have to do everything by myself. I don't want to worry about Yu Yue, but also worry about the child. I don't want to live such a life."

"Teacher, am I being too selfish?"

Jiang Chan: "It is selfish not to have children? It is your own choice to have children. No one stipulates that you must have children when you get married. Before you become a mother, you are you first."

There were tears in Lin Lin's eyes: "It's only the teacher, you will really see me instead of seeing me as an accessory of Yu Yue."

Jiang Chan: "Anyone with some brains knows that Yu Yue can't live without you, not you can't live without him. It's also an eye-opener for me to eat soft rice hard."

"You are fine with everything, but you are too attached to your affection, but you should also look at the object of your affection. Don't spend your emotions for someone who is not worthy."

Lin Lin blinked: "You're right, it's a good thing to focus on love, but you have to choose your partner carefully. At present, I don't have this intention, maybe I've been suppressed for too long, and now I just want to do what I like, love. , I'm not included in the plan at the moment."

Jiang Chan said lightly: "Don't give up eating because of choking. There are still many good men in the world, but you haven't met them."

Lin Lin sighed: "Then I'll wait for a good man to come to me. I later believed in a saying that if you bloom, butterflies will come spontaneously, and I will work hard to enrich myself before I meet a compatible partner."

Jiang Chan: "Excellent people are always attracted to each other. Speaking of which, do you still plan to sing original songs in the second knockout match tomorrow?"

Lin Lin nodded: "I want to sing original songs except for the songs specified in the competition."

Jiang Chan: "Then you have to be careful not to sing one type of song all the time. "Prisoner" is really well written, but if you keep singing this style of song, it will be easy to be stereotyped."

Lin Lin: "I've thought about it. I'm going to sing an inspirational song this time. In later words, it's lit."

"Recently, I wrote a few more lyrics. Between competitions, I will take the time to arrange the music, and I can't really limit it to the road of love songs."

Jiang Chan: "It's fine if you have a plan, but you still need to learn more about the arrangement. What are you doing all over?"

Lin Lin was a bit dog-legged: "Teacher... can you teach me again?"

She is now happy to see the hunter, and can't wait to learn all the knowledge in Jiang Chan's stomach. Unfortunately, Jiang Chan has experienced too much, and she can only choose one direction to study.

As for Jiang Chan's medical skills, directing, screenwriting and other abilities, Lin Lin can only be greedy, and is really powerless.

In order to prepare for the second knockout round, Lin Lin stayed in the study space all day, polishing her second song over and over again. Compared with others, she has already taken advantage of others, and she has a teacher with her.

In the study space, Jiang Chan was finally satisfied, and the day was almost over.

Lin Lin relaxed: "Teacher, you are stricter than the strictest producers."

Jiang Chan only thought that Lin Lin was complimenting her: "Strict requirements are a good thing, and a good work can stand the test of time. As a singer, you should pay more attention to your own work."

Lin Lin surrendered: "I see, I just blame me for being too young at the time. I stepped into the teacher's pit with one foot, and now I can't climb out."

Jiang Chan hummed, "Aren't you happy?"

Lin Lin: "How could it be? It's just that the teacher can't keep harassing me like this. Last time I said that I wanted to learn piano. Teacher, you have arranged so many courses for me."

"Last month I said I wanted to write some lyrics about the national style, but the teacher found so many ancient books for me..."

Thinking of the days spent in the study space for more than a year, it was a dire situation. Lin Lin sighed: "Teacher, I think you are kind on the outside, but you are actually full of bad water inside, and you think about digging a hole for me from time to time."

Jiang Chan flicked her fingers: "You just saw it? I've always been like this, and it's rare to find some fun."

Lin Lin, who was forced to be fun, closed her eyes: "Teacher, you will lose me like this."

Jiang Chan didn't care about her, she knew that she was coquettish with herself.

"Go wash and wash up, then rest. Tomorrow is a tough battle, but it won't be so easy to pass."

The 50-to-25 match came as scheduled, and the originally crowded arena suddenly became much more spacious. In the first episode, there were not many audiences, but in the second episode, there were a lot more audiences.

The second knockout round is still decided by lottery, and two pairs are caught and killed. Lin Lin didn't care who was drawn, but those players didn't think so. They were very discerning and knew that it was best not to collide with Lin Lin.

After the lottery, Lin Lin was randomly assigned to a male player. Seeing that the male contestant looked like a concubine, the rest of the contestants breathed a sigh of relief, they really couldn't fight.

Although her strength is good, Lin Lin respects every opponent very much. This is not when everyone is pking, Lin Lin just sits quietly in a corner, writing something in a small notebook from time to time.

This is also a habit of hers. She carries a pen and paper with her wherever she goes. Sometimes when inspiration comes, it is convenient for her to write a few sentences. A girl next to her probed and glanced at it: "Write words on the spot?"

Lin Lin smiled; "It's just some inspiration, and I'll have to sculpt it when I go back."

The girl glanced at her enviously: "It's really talented."

Lin Lin: "Read more, gain more experience, and try to write by yourself. You can do it too."

She knew this girl, and later tried to write her own lyrics, which was not bad. Lin Lin might as well say a few more words to form a good relationship.

The girl was a little nervous: "Is it really possible? Do you have any recommended books?"

Lin Lin opened a blank page~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and wrote a few books, then tore them down and handed them to her: "I read these books when I first started, and I think they are very useful."

The girl baby put away the note: "Thank you."

Lin Lin smiled: "You're welcome, it's almost time for you to play, come on."

Zhou Yingying stood up and went to the backstage to prepare: "You too, come on!"

Look at the number plate, Zhou Yingying will come to her in two more. Lin Lin simply put away the pen and paper and watched everyone perform with peace of mind. Seeing the teenagers and girls who are still young now, and thinking of how they were in the entertainment industry later, Lin Lin suddenly showed a smile.

It's nice to be young.

Zhou Yingying is powerful in her own right, and she won't win easily. Seeing Zhou Yingying smiling at herself, Lin Lin also showed a shallow smile. She had a good impression of Zhou Yingying. If she could become a friend, it would be even better.


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