The Female Partner Refuses To Be Cannon Fodder

Chapter 2423: Lin Lin forty-three

"Although I figured it out, I didn't want to start a relationship right away, because I didn't meet someone who really made my heart beat faster."

She raised her glass to Yunlan: "You are the first."

Yun Lan: "I don't think anyone can reject you. It's an honor to be admired by such an excellent girl. You're right. Fate should be grasped in time, rather than leaving regrets in the future."

Lin Lin smiled: "Is that right? Are you free tomorrow?"

Yun Lan calculated his schedule: "Tomorrow I have classes in the morning, but I have time in the afternoon."

Lin Lin thought for a while: "Do you mind if I go to audit your class? I haven't seen what a teacher in the Department of Acting looks like in class."

Lin Lin knew that she was a teacher of the Acting Department. Yun Lan was not surprised. At her level, it was not easy to find out who's news?

"Of course I don't mind, just as I haven't seen how the teachers of the music department teach. But you are very popular in the school, everyone likes you, you are likely to be recognized, so... you don't do you mind?"

Lin Lin waved her hand: "Of course I don't mind. Do I appreciate you for something shameful? Even if we don't get together in the end, I'm very open."

"But how can the students like me?" Lin Lin was surprised: "You are an acting school, shouldn't you like those entertainers? I'm just a singer."

Yunlan paused for a while, then suddenly laughed: "You are too modest, 80% of the school are your fans. As long as you show up, someone will recognize you."

Lin Lin: "If you recognize it, recognize it. I'm not shameful. As long as you don't feel that your life is disturbed, I'm fine."

Yunlan pushed over an address: "Okay, my class is at eight o'clock tomorrow morning, in A102. If you come in time, you are welcome to come over."

Lin Lin: "Of course I'll go there. I want to know more about you."

The smile on Yunlan's mouth is getting bigger and bigger, obviously in a very good mood. To be honest, who can be unhappy to be admired by a girl like Lin Lin?

After parting at the entrance of the Chinese restaurant, Lin Lin went to a nearby hotel to check in. Although her luggage was still in the hotel near the filming base, how could she take care of them at this time?

After returning to the hotel, Lin Lin was not idle. After all, she was going to attend Yun Lan's class tomorrow. Wouldn't she take a good look at it? By the time she came out of the mall with her large and small bags, it was already bright night.

Seeing Lin Lin's excited look, Jiang Chan looked away. Lin Lin's performance was similar to Yun Qing's. Both of them take the same initiative, and they will undoubtedly feel happy to be liked by such people.

The next day, Lin Lin entered the acting school with a messenger bag. She came early and avoided people on purpose, until she entered the teaching building, no one recognized her.

"A102, this is the room." Looking at the classroom number, Lin Lin pushed open the door and sat down a few rows behind. This position is very good, it will not affect other students' class, and can see Yun Lan clearly.

Around 7:50, students came in one after another in the class. Lin Lin was a little surprised to see that the students basically wore wide clothes and trousers, and they could hardly tell their figure.

Jiang Chan: "Yun Lan is an acting teacher. In the acting class, it is inevitable to pre-set various scenes and various performances. Wearing a skirt and tights will inevitably be inconvenient."

Lin Lin nodded: "I've learned a lot. I thought they were sitting in the classroom like this, but I didn't expect it to be like this."

Jiang Chan: "There is also that kind of theory class, and everyone's clothes were different at that time."

The performance department is taught in small classes, and everyone sits down in the front four rows. Lin Lin looked at her position, so she was left? There was no one around, and there was a row in front of him, which was particularly eye-catching.

The class bell rang and Yun Lan came in from outside the classroom. As soon as he opened the door, he saw Lin Lin jumped from the sixth row to the fifth row like a little mouse and sat down. She didn't forget to turn around and drag the notebook on the desk over. , Looking at the dignified and elegant style said on the Internet?

A smile flashed across Yun Lan's eyes: "Hello everyone, we are starting the class now."

Because she had never taken such a course, Lin Lin listened very seriously, and the more she looked at her, the more she felt that she could no longer afford acting. It was so difficult, she was surprised, how could one person make so many expressions? Just one look can express so many emotions?

Acting is really a very advanced course. Thinking that Yunlan was actually a teacher of the performance department, Lin Lin suddenly became happy. Thinking about this, isn't Yunlan particularly good?

Jiang Chan: "In terms of acting skills, Yun Lan is really good. According to my vision, he can at least score 90 points, which is a very high score."

Lin Lin held her chin: "With such a high evaluation, my eyesight is really good."

Relying on her sitting in the last row of the students, Lin Lin stared at Yun Lan almost blatantly, and the more she looked, the more satisfied she became. How could anyone like her so much? It seems that every inch grows on her aesthetic point.

Lin Lin's eyes Yun Lan naturally saw He turned slightly to avoid Lin Lin's scorching gaze. A smile appeared on Lin Lin's face, "Well, can't she not look at it?"

Lin Lin retracted her gaze and focused on her notebook. From the moment she saw Yun Lan, her mind was like fireworks exploded, and all she thought of were all kinds of sweet lyrics.

Jiang Chan glanced at the notebook: "So sweet?"

Lin Lin hurriedly covered her notebook, feeling a little embarrassed: "Inspiration, inspiration."

Jiang Chan sneered: "Stop talking about inspiration, can't I do it if I don't look at you?"

Look at these sweet lyrics, anyway, let Jiang Chan write her, she will definitely not be able to write it, she has a deep understanding that love can change a person.

Lin Lin stopped staring at herself, Yun Lan could be said to be relieved, but he felt a little lost in his heart. But he is a professional actor after all, and he is naturally good at concealing his emotions.

In the second half of the class, Lin Lin basically spent her writing lyrics, and Lin Lin was unaware when the bell rang after class. Yun Lan waved at the curious students, indicating what they should do, while she walked slowly to Lin Lin and sat down.

His eyes are so good, he can clearly see everything written in Lin Lin's lyrics book. Lin Lin's writing is recognized as excellent in the circle, and now Yun Lan has real insight.

There is no gorgeous rhetoric, nor a straightforward confession, but between the lines, you can see the affection that cannot be concealed, and the more you taste, the sweeter you feel.

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