"Your mother is not stupid or a fool, she is just not good at these. Just like you, you can't appreciate the songs your mother wrote, right?"

Xiaodouding thought for a long time: "Okay, I will never say that my mother is stupid again."

Jiang Chan touched his head: "That's right, we ask for common ground while reserving differences, and accept the differences between others and ourselves. How can anyone be perfect? ​​Everyone has their own weaknesses."

Chang Chang shook his head: "But the teacher is so powerful, he can do anything."

Jiang Chan laughed: "Stop flattering, I also have something that I don't know, you will know later."

"Like your mother, she has won so many trophies at home and abroad. When you don't know how to judge a person, you should first look at the evaluation of her in the industry. Your mother's so many trophies did not fall from the sky. There must be something special about her."

Thinking of the trophy display rack in Lin Lin's studio at home, Xiaodouding pouted and was a little unconvinced: "I will definitely have more trophies than my mother in the future!"

Jiang Chan laughed: "If you have ambition, I will wait for that day."

Just after returning to the mission hall, Jiang Chan was shaken by Qingyuan. Yazheng smiled at her like a flower, and Jiang Chan's inner alarm sounded quietly. The last time she smiled so brightly at herself, she was fooling her into Nana's world.

What's wrong with you holding back this time? Thinking of the task that Qingyuan had given him before, although it was a bit complicated, it wouldn't make Qingyuan laugh like this... flattering?

Looking at Jiang Chan's vigilant eyes, Qingyuan knew that she was guarded, and she pouted: "Why are you so shrewd? This task is very simple for you."

Jiang Chan chuckled: "Which task do you think is difficult? So what do you like?"

Qingyuan took out a ball of soul light from behind like a conjurer, Jiang Chan glanced at it: "There is actually yin in it?"

Qingyuan: "The foundation of emotional metaphysics is still there, it's even better, it's easier for you."

Seeing Jiang Chan staring at him, Qingyuan felt no pain or itching: "The world consciousness of this small world took the initiative to find me, maybe it is the reason why the gate of **** is closed, there are many ghosts lingering in the yang world."

"They are by the side of the people they care about, and those who are still alive have various ailments over time."

Jiang Chan: "So what does that have to do with me? Do you want me to go to that world to find the ghost gate?"

"Talking to a smart person is a peace of mind." Qingyuan snapped his fingers: "As soon as I talk about it, you will know the task, and the two of us will cooperate more and more tacitly."

Jiang Chan: "So you sold me so lightly and let me be the savior? What benefits does it promise you?"

Qingyuan rolled his eyes, and Jiang Chan knew that the lion must have opened his mouth.

"This is a temporary stoppage. The situation there is not very good, otherwise this small world will not take the initiative to find me."

Jiang Chan clicked Qingyuan: "You really don't let me worry, if I have three strengths and two weaknesses, I won't let you go as a ghost!"

Qingyuan waved his hand: "An Xin, you should take it for a vacation and come back soon. Although it's a little troublesome, it can still be done."

Jiang Chan reached out to Qingyuan, Qingyuan blinked: "Why?"

Jiang Chan died fish-eye: "Do you want me to meet the client? Otherwise, I will be smeared in the past? In other words, the client's emotions are quite strong, and all kinds of grievances and grievances can be felt from such a distance."

Qingyuan threw the soul light ball over with his hands, and after reading the client's memory, Jiang Chan sighed: "I really don't appreciate your vision, this client's temperament."

Qingyuan: "There is only such a client that can be sent over there. Do you want to do it? You only have one choice. At most, you don't have to deal with her. You are to solve the problem, not to solve her obsession. read."

Jiang Chan: "Okay, why did you tell the truth?"

She didn't stay in the mission hall too much, crushed the ball of light and disappeared in place. Qingyuan hummed twice and also hid.

As soon as Jiang Chan regained her senses, she heard a gentle voice, but a gentle tone did not mean that her words were gentle. Looking at Song Zhiyuan and Huang Manling sitting on the double sofa on the left, Jiang Chan knew what time she had reached.

Look at the two-seat sofa on her right, sitting a young man and a woman. The woman looked a few years older than the man, and at the moment she was full of resentment.

She looked around the living room slightly, and couldn't help but pouted. Now she understood the Yin spirit that Qing Yuan was talking about. Is that too much? There must be a dozen or two in the living room.

Jiang Chan looked away lightly. From the elderly in their seventies and eighties to the young children of two or three years old, only you can't think of it, and there is nothing you can't find here. Forget it, let's wait for her to deal with the matter in front of her first.

In essence, Jiang Chan was impatient to accompany them to stage these **** dramas, but there was no way, who made this world collapse like this? There is dog blood everywhere, and the dog blood in this world is the most outrageous she has ever seen.

Now that she has accepted the entrustment, why should she handle Murphy's affairs well? What's more, Murphy is sleeping now, and now she is Murphy, she really doesn't want to have anything to do with anyone in this **** drama. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com

Leaning back on the sofa, Jiang Chan's aura opened: "So you are pregnant, and I put a knife on his neck to make him cheat?"

Zheng Miao stumped: "You let him stay at home... he has no dignity, and he doesn't feel the warmth of the family. Song Xian told me that you never eat the side dishes that your aunt makes you, but throw them in every time. The trash can, it was made by my uncle."

Jiang Chan held her chin: "But they all know that I have nephritis, so I should have a light taste. Those pickles have such a strong taste, and eating them is harmful to my health."

Huang Manling looked away slightly, obviously she knew that the original owner, Mo Fei, had this problem. She added two sentences: "I didn't give it to you, I prepared it for Song Xian. He likes to eat the side dishes made by me."

Jiang Chan knew this. She knew that Huang Manling was not the kind of cruel person, and would not deliberately give Mo Fei food that was harmful to her body.

Zheng Miao didn't expect Mo Fei to have this disease, she just felt uncomfortable for a moment, and then started her attack again: "But you never cooked a meal for Song Xian... He always wanted a child... "

Jiang Chan is funny: "I'm busier than him at work. He hadn't woken up when I went out, and he was basically asleep when I came back, so I still have to cook for him?"

"Song Xian didn't cook for me a few times. He said that the rights and obligations between husband and wife are equal. Since he has not fulfilled his responsibilities as a husband, how can he ask me?"

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