Jiang Chan fiddled with the knife and fork: "That's what you think, Song Xian has killed people outside. I don't want to drag it on like this, so I just let it go."

"God, Song Xian is not usually like this? How could he do such a thing? Isn't your relationship very good?" Xu Huiying was really surprised, but she didn't expect this ending.

Jiang Chan said lightly, "No matter how good the relationship is, it can't match the fragrance of wild flowers outside. Isn't that the case with all men?"

Xu Huiying: "That's not necessarily true. Sister Zhien's husband is very good. The deputy dean of a major university, with a decent career, can never do such an indecent thing."

Jiang Chan smiled and said, "That's not necessarily true. I saw President Zhang giving flowers to a lady the day before yesterday."

As she spoke, she clicked on the photo album on her mobile phone, and there was a group photo of Zhang Zhengxun and another beauty. The beauty was holding flowers and smiling gently at the camera.

And Zhang Zhengxun's eyes have been chasing the girl, looking very soft.

Choi Ji Eun was stunned when she saw this look, she forced a smile and said, "Where was this filmed?"

Jiang Chan: "I was backstage the night before yesterday. Didn't I go to the school's celebration? Originally I wanted to say hello to Dean Zhang, but I didn't expect to see this scene."

"Her name is Li Youla. The school specially invited her to be a guest. She even sang on stage that night, and her strength is not bad."

Cui Zhien was in a state of turmoil: "Just a photo can't explain anything at the moment."

Jiang Chan: "Of course I know it doesn't mean anything. I'm from the past, and a man can't hide the look in his eyes when he looks at someone he likes. I just want you to prepare yourself first."

Xu Huiying looked at Cui Zhien, then at Jiang Chan, and suddenly smiled: "Why are you so serious? If he really has two hearts, we will find another one, just like Mo Fei said, goodbye, goodbye, next Better."

Cui Zhien frowned: "We have two children, can he really do such a thing?"

Jiang Chan: "If a man wants to cheat, he will not take into account the family and children. On the contrary, they will accuse you of various reasons, thinking that the reason why they cheated is ultimately your fault."

"Okay, don't talk about it, don't ruin everyone's mood because of me."

She stopped at the end of the day. As for Xu Huiying, her family doesn't need to worry about herself. This woman is too meticulous, and she can see if something is wrong, why does she need to wake up?

Except for Jiang Chan, the rest of the meal was tasteless. Jiang Chan put down the knife and fork: "We have nothing to do after get off work, shall we go shopping? Let's change our mood. I happened to be shopping to vent my unsettled emotions."

She glanced at Cui Zhien vaguely. It was fake to go shopping, but it was true that she wanted to take the opportunity to dress up Cui Zhien. In fact, if she could choose, she would rather her client be Cui Zhien.

She really appreciates Cui Zhien, who is gentle, generous, and intellectual. No matter which man is with her, he burns high incense in his last life. It's a pity, people have bad roots in their bones, what they already have is always ignored, and what they can't get is always just around the corner.

In the evening, in the shopping mall, Jiang Chan was carrying large and small bags. Her vision is very unique. She often chooses the front foot and hangs the new pairing of the back foot in the window.

She chose a champagne-colored dress from the shelf on one side, and Jiang Chan compared it to Cui Zhien's body: "It suits you very well."

Cui Zhien was a little worried: "Will this be too personal?"

Jiang Chan: "Sister Zhien, you are tall and tall, so this kind of dress is suitable. We have to take good care of ourselves and dedicate our life to our family and children, but don't we feel too wronged for not taking good care of ourselves?"

Pushing Cui Zhien into the dressing room, Xu Huiying looked at her: "You seem to want to transform her."

Jiang Chan did not shy away: "Yes, I do want to transform her. She has worked too hard. She should be happier in the future, not just like this."

"She has a good foundation. As long as she dresses up a little, it will make a big difference. Taking a step back, even if Zhang Zhengxun has a different heart, Cui Zhien can start again."

"Like you?" Xu Huiying chuckled, "Divorce doesn't seem painful to you at all."

Jiang Chan: "Perhaps, I have such a character, I will break when I break, and I won't drag things out."

Xu Huiying: "Can Sister Zhien be as free and easy as you? She has been married for 23 years, can she let go of her emotions for so many years?"

Jiang Chan: "You underestimate Cui Zhien. Although she is gentle, she is a very decisive person. If Zhang Zhengxun really steps on the line, she will cut off the relationship with Zhang Zhengxun without hesitation."

"Don't believe it?" Jiang Chan smiled and said, "If you don't believe it, just wait and see."

Xu Huiying: "Why wait and see for this kind of thing? Do you want Zhang Zhengxun to cheat? Or not?"

Jiang Chan: "It has nothing to do with me whether he cheats or not, but Cui Zhien is a person who can't rub sand in his eyes. You know that."

Choi Ji Eun naturally heard what the two of them said outside the dressing room. UU reading www. uukanshu.com She stroked her skirt and her eyes became much firmer. What Murphy said was right, she had to plan more for herself and take care of herself more in the future.

She dedicated 23 years to this family, and gave her best youth to her husband and children, but she never took care of herself. Looking at herself in the mirror, she was only forty-five years old, but she looked like five As old as ten years old.

Perhaps it was because he made up his mind, Cui Zhien's checkout was very neat. When passing by a cosmetics counter, Jiang Chan pushed her a set of cosmetics: "You should use this first this month, I know a doctor who has a good set of skin care and maintenance, and then I will send a few sets of skin care products to you."

Xu Huiying glanced at Mo Fei's skin: "Is it as good as your skin after using it? I'm worried now. After thirty, crow's feet will appear, and it looks old."

Jiang Chan: "Almost."

Xu Huiying: "Then I'm welcome, Sister Zhien, don't be embarrassed, Mo Fei is a rich woman, I don't know how many good things I've seen, she always said good things, it's definitely not bad, we have to take care of ourselves more, in Love others on the premise of loving yourself.”

Jiang Chan snapped her fingers: "That's the truth, if you don't love yourself, who will love you? Sister Zhien's health is not very good, I will give you a doctor, and let her help you with conditioning. conditioning."

Xu Huiying nodded: "It really should be like this. Sister Zhien has worked so hard all these years. She has to do everything herself, and she also has to work. How can it be so easy?"

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