Chi Xianzhen ruffled his hair: "Is there anything I can't say back? There are many people here, so it's not a good place to talk."

Xu Huiying: "I think it's very good here. What matters should be made clear in person. Right at 608, let's go over and talk about it first."

In the ward, Liang Minli had long been impatient. Isn't it just a fee? Why did Ji Hyun-jin go for so long? After Chi Xianzhen left, Liang Minli's eyes drifted outside the ward from time to time.

Hearing the movement outside, Liang Minli was overjoyed.

Subconsciously shouted: "You're back? Why did you go for so long? I've been waiting..."

When she saw Xu Huiying who pushed the door and came in, the smile on Liang Minli's face disappeared, replaced by embarrassment and overwhelm.

Xu Huiying glanced at her and sat down on the stool beside the hospital bed. She tapped her chin on the accompany bed next door: "Sit down, let's talk face-to-face if you have anything."

"This man has a family, you know?" She glanced at Chi Xianzhen who was restless,

Straightforward question.

Liang Minli hesitated awkwardly: "I know."

Xu Huiying understood: "How long have you been in contact?"

Liang Minli embarrassed: "It's been half a year."

As soon as the word "half a year" came out, Xu Huiying was shocked. Isn't that before Cui Zhien's divorce? It's really good, it's really good to hide.

"What did he give you when you came and went?"

Liang Minli quickly glanced at Chi Xianzhen, bit her lip and said, "Jewelry, car, and apartment."

Xu Huiying frowned. Although she already knew all of this from the data, she still felt bad when she heard Liang Minli say it in person. Chi Xianzhen was her carefully chosen life partner, she didn't expect them to come to this situation.

Taking a deep breath, she pressed down the tears that had already floated in her eyes. Xu Huiying said softly, "Let's go get the divorce certificate today. Let's get together and get together. Don't make trouble for your face."

Liang Minli was startled, the next moment she was ecstatic,

I didn't expect Xu Huiying to let go so neatly. But the next second Chi Xianzhen's refusal made her fall into an ice cave: "I don't agree, Huiying, I don't agree to divorce."

Xu Huiying: "You have no choice but to disagree,

Don't make trouble, everyone doesn't look good, and you don't want Huizhu to see this side of you, right? "

As soon as Huizhu was mentioned, Chi Xianzhen stopped talking, he gritted his teeth: "Huizhu wants to follow me."

Xu Huiying categorically refused: "Impossible, I won't let her grow up with her cheating father."

No matter how Chi Xianzhen kept her, Xu Huiying was determined to leave. Marriage requires the willingness of two people, and divorce is enough as long as one person makes up his mind. No matter how unhappy Chi Xianzhen is, divorce is a foregone conclusion.

After watching the divorce drama in the pantry, Jiang Chan returned to her work station satisfied. When they saw the smile on the corner of Jiang Chan's lips, all the colleagues shivered. Who is this who provoked the queen again?

Yes, in the hearts of colleagues, isn't Murphy the queen? The queen fan all over. The so-called queen is not a domineering and domineering person, but a person who has her unique personality charm, who is not panic when she encounters things, but who can handle things.

The director came to look for Jiang Chan just at this time: "Murphy, how are the preparations for the interview tonight? No surprise, right?"

Jiang Chan said with a smile: "Where are there so many unexpected situations? Director, don't worry, and make sure the weather is calm."

As soon as these words were said, the director's face became a little complicated.

I don't know if I should be happy or disappointed: "In the past, I just hoped that the show would go smoothly,

But hearing you say that now, I feel a little uncomfortable in my heart. "

Team Leader Liu interjected: "So what do you think, Director?"

The station director was helpless: "That's how I feel. Every time Murphy brings up an unexpected situation, the audience ratings on the stage are going up. Now the audience ratings are also good, alas, I'm really greedy."

Jiang Chan said succinctly: "Although there are many dark sides in this world, there are also many evil people, but in the final analysis, there are still many good people. We must think more about light and hope, so that we will not always be defeated by the dark side."

The director smiled: "I'm relieved if you think so. You are growing fast now, and the audience is very optimistic about you. Prepare well for the interview at night, and I won't bother you too much."

Jiang Chan curled the corners of her mouth, and she knew that she was likable. People who dared to stumble upon Murphy before, but now no one dares to reach out. It is easy for a person to be loved by others, but also easy to be feared by others, but it is somewhat difficult to be loved and feared at the same time.

After the evening show ended, it was already around ten o'clock. Jiang Chan had just walked out of the stage when she saw Xu Huiying and Cui Zhien who were guarding outside.

Jiang Chan walked over with her bag: "Why don't you go back so late?"

Xu Huiying smiled and said, "You took me to the hospital yesterday, and I didn't have any serious problems at all. I would like to thank you today. You are too busy, and I can't make an appointment with you for dinner. "

Cui Zhien smoothed things out: "She has a heavy workload, how can she spare time? The show will be broadcast live every day."

Jiang Chan glanced at Xu Huiying and said, "Looking at you like this, you have already handled everything that should be dealt with?"

Xu Huiying gave Jiang Chan a strange look: "You really know a lot, it's all dealt with, he doesn't want to leave, but I don't want to eat this bowl of rice."

Jiang Chan: "Just think about it. The pain is only temporary. If a man really wants to cheat, there will be a second time after the first time. He can't change it."

Xu Huiying laughed at herself: "All three of us got divorced because of men cheating. Could it be that we are an abandoned women's alliance?"

Jiang Chan chuckled lightly: "I don't like the word abandoned wife. It's obvious that we abandoned them on our own initiative. You're saying that in the matter of divorce, don't they want to leave?"

Cui Zhien: "Yes, they don't want to leave at the moment, not because of how much he loves me. It's because I proposed the divorce. As a subordinate party in a marriage relationship, he felt that my first divorce was a kind of gesture to him. provocative."

"But why? Why is it that they cheated first, and we still have to wait in place, waiting for them to take the initiative to file for divorce? I am also a person and have the right to choose. Even if my heart hurts, I have to do it."

Xu Huiying: "I think so too. What did you think when you got divorced?"

Jiang Chan hooked her lips: "What can you think? Just like that, Dang Duan will continue to suffer from it, especially in the marriage relationship, the most taboo is to be sloppy."

Xu Huiying shook her head: "You're too calm. Every time I think about this, my heart feels like tearing pain. How should I tell my child?"

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