"This is what he should do, Sister Zhien, your requirements for men are too low. Caring for you and taking care of you is what he must do. Of course, this is not one-sided. They should care about each other and be considerate of each other."

"If a person doesn't care about you or love you because you are strong enough and independent, then this person is not worth dating."

Xu Huiying also helped: "Murphy is right, we can rest assured that he treats you well. You worked too hard before."

Cui Zhien blinked away the tears in his eyes: "Well, he said that there is time for everyone to get together for a meal, and I also want to introduce you to him."

Jiang Chan was very cheerful: "Of course, but I only have time at night, so is it okay?"

Cui Zhien: "Of course it doesn't matter."

Chi Huizhu was a little envious: "So Yangyang, you guys are going to have a new dad, what about me? Mom, when will you find a new dad for me?"

Jiang Chan raised her eyebrows, and Xu Huiying smiled bitterly: "She knew that my father and I were divorced. I kept it from her at first, but Huizhu bumped into it herself. After all, Chi Xianzhen is an independent person, and we have nothing to do with it now. , I can't ask him not to go on a date with Liang Minli, right?"

Jiang Chan understood, she glanced at Chi Huizhu: "Your mother will meet better people in the future, just say goodbye, the next one will be better."

The atmosphere at the table immediately became pleasant, Jiang Chan put down the knife and fork: "Are you full? Not enough for us to order?"

The three children shook their heads in unison, and Jiang Chan smiled: "Then go back, it's getting late."

After separating from the crowd at the entrance of the western restaurant, Jiang Chan closed his coat and walked slowly to the parking lot. Now she is waiting except waiting. To be honest, this kind of passive beating is not Jiang Chan's style.

By the way, when did Murphy wake up? If she wakes up, she will be more able to free herself, so as not to be trapped here like now. Glancing at Mo Fei's sleeping soul, a faint light flashed across Jiang Chan's eyes.

Maybe it's because she has been exposing all kinds of injustices or darkness in the past six months. Mo Fei actually got a lot of merits. Now it seems that her soul is much stronger. As for when to wake up, it is estimated that it will only take this month. Bar.

Unexpectedly, the timeline has advanced so long, Jiang Chan is in a really good mood. But at the same time, she has to be more vigilant. At present, the opponent has not noticed that the variable is in Mo Fei. If she does, Mo Fei's safety will be a problem.

It doesn't matter, as long as she is there, there is a high probability that nothing will happen to Murphy. Jiang Chan pondered these things with her head propped up in the back seat, fighting an unknown existence, her blood was still boiling.

Before Mo Fei woke up, Jiang Chan ushered in Cui Zhien's wedding. She had never been a wedding master of ceremonies, and she was also generous in presiding over the wedding.

Xu Huiying sat under the stage and looked at Cui Zhien in white gauze, and was moved for no reason. She is not a sentimental person, but seeing Cui Zhien's previous experience and thinking that she has to meet a loved one now, Xu Huiying was moved from the bottom of her heart.

Chi Huizhu sat beside her: "I am also very moved. Yangyang's mother is a very gentle person. I am also very happy to see her happy."

Cui Zhien's wedding was very grand. After all, Qin Liyuan's identity was not ordinary, and the contacts were celebrities from all walks of life. As for what everyone was talking about, Jiang Chan didn't pay attention.

After relinquishing her role as the host, Jiang Chan sat down beside Xu Huiying. Zhang Nana pushed over a plate: "These are light oil and less salt. You have been busy for so long, so drink some water to moisten your throat."

Jiang Chan chuckled, "Thank you Nana."

Otherwise, why does she like Cui Zhien? Just having eaten together twice, Zhang Nana remembered her preferences, which most people can't do.

Children grow up well, partly because of their own excellence, and of course partly because of their parents' words and deeds. She didn't see the role of Zhang Zhengxun, but Cui Zhien's characteristics were vividly reflected in Zhang Nana.

On the way back, Jiang Chan suddenly raised her eyebrows, but she didn't expect Mo Fei to wake up at this point. She didn't even think about switching places with Mo Fei now. After all, Mo Fei just woke up and didn't know much about many things.

Mo Fei was already too surprised. After reading Jiang Chan's memory for half a year, Mo Fei was only dumbfounded: "So you mean that I am now a golden sign in the stage?"

Jiang Chan took a sip of juice: "It's me, not you. If you were to host the talk show now, would you be able to do it well?"

Maybe it was because of Jiang Chan's extraordinary existence, or because Jiang Chan's power was too great during this time, Mo Fei didn't dare to be presumptuous in front of Jiang Chan.

She is also a willing person, so she said, "Teacher, can you teach me? I also want to be a queen like you."

Seeing Jiang Chan staring at him, Mo Fei self-examined: "I know that I have a bad temper, I'm not forgiving, I don't save face when I do things, and I'm stubborn and capricious..."

The more she talked about her voice, the quieter she became. Obviously, she also knew what was wrong with her: "But I will change it. When I meet the teacher, I have a goal to work hard for. I will follow the teacher."

Jiang Chan glanced at her: "I'll wait and see. UU reading www.uukanshu.com Cui Zhien's evaluation is correct. You are really wandering around with half a bucket of water."

Mo Fei pouted, but because of Jiang Chan's power, he didn't dare to say anything.

Jiang Chan also saw the disapproval on her face, she didn't say much, time will always teach her to be a human being. Taking advantage of the time, Jiang Chan brought Mo Fei to the study space.

"Starting tomorrow, you will be on the talk show in person, and I will be watching you all the time."

Mo Fei shivered, her eyes filled with fighting spirit the next second, she didn't believe she couldn't do it: "But I don't know the dark side of those people, what should I do?"

Jiang Chan smiled: "What's the hurry? Naturally, there will be a channel for your news."

Murphy's face twisted: "You mean... those ghosts?"

Jiang Chan hummed: "Well, it's them. This is a ready-made source of information."

Mo Fei shivered: "Teacher, why did you bring Zheng Miao to your side? I hate her the most. It wasn't because of her that I died so early? Why don't you stand by my side, teacher?"

Jiang Chan: "I'm not on your side? You have a light life, and you can easily be possessed. I specially reinforced the seal on your soul. I'm not partial to you? Should I remove this seal? "

Mo Fei immediately smiled brightly: "Teacher, I'm just acting like a spoiled child with you, don't I want you to care more about me?"

Jiang Chan snorted and ignored her, knowing that this is a master who can climb a tree with a bamboo pole.

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