The Female Partner Refuses To Be Cannon Fodder

Chapter 2452: Murphy twenty-four

In the car, Xu Huiying held her head and looked at the scenery passing by the window, "Seeing her so happy, I am always envious. After the divorce, I will meet such a good person, and my in-laws are still so kind to her. I'm jealous."

"I don't know what kind of people I will meet in the future."

Mo Fei glanced at her: "You're still young, so there's no need to be so anxious. Your fate will always come, so there's no need to envy others. I heard that your ex-husband hasn't given up yet?"

Xu Huiying: "Yes, he doesn't want to give up, but why should he turn back as soon as he regrets it? Why didn't he miss us when he and Liang Minli were hot?"

"Once the family lost his wife and daughter, he knew the pain. Why did he do it earlier? I still feel heartache when I think of this. Now I keep the politeness with him on the face, and I don't want to say a word to him. "

Mo Fei chuckled: "It should be so decisive. I haven't seen the Song Xian family since the divorce. I only trust a person once. If he destroys this trust, no matter what he does in the future, I will do it. I won't believe it anymore."

Xu Huiying: "When can I be as free and easy as you? I divorced Chi Xianzhen, and many people around me don't understand it. In the eyes of many people, he seems to have just made a mistake that most men make. Why do I just You can't let it go lightly."

"He has a decent job and earns a lot of money. Basically, he contacts celebrities from all walks of life. I can drive such a good car and live in a big villa because of his struggles."

"But once I leave him, the glory I once had will no longer exist. I now drive a car of 200,000 to 300,000 yuan, and live in my parents' house. I earn so much in a month. "

"I still want to raise Huizhu, but the people around me don't understand it, so I just think why is it so difficult for adults?"

Mo Fei silently pushed over the tissue box: "Let's see what you think, some people will choose to swallow it for the sake of face or material conditions, but are you the kind of person who makes compromises?"

Xu Huiying wiped her tears: "I'm not, because I don't want to shatter our past, so I chose to divorce. I don't want him to be such a disgusting person in my impression in the end, while I can let go now, Let's break it a little more neatly."

Murphy: "So, since you have chosen this one, don't ask for anything else. How could one person in this world have all the good things?"

Xu Huiying: "I know, but I'm just sad. Why should he and Liang Minli be so sweet, yet I cry like an abandoned woman?"

Mo Fei made a suggestion: "Then you might as well go out to socialize more, meet more friends, and start your next relationship as soon as possible."

Xu Huiying: "I think it's a good idea."

Murphy raised an eyebrow at her: "Then I wish you success?"

She is not as important as Xu Huiying, after all, Jiang Chan has already accumulated a lot of money for her. Although it can't be compared with a big family like the Qin family, it is enough for Mo Fei to live comfortably in the rest of his life.

And compared to before the divorce, Murphy's life after the divorce is not too comfortable. No one will be born in the ear, and there will be no endless quarrel with others.

No one will let her do what she doesn't want to do, instead she can concentrate on her career. In this way, divorce is beneficial to her.

On the contrary, Xu Huiying, the situation before and after the divorce is completely different. Before the divorce, she was a glamorous noble lady. After the divorce, she was a little planner, and her life was far less pampered than before.

But if they live in different places, even if they know that the future will not be as comfortable as they are now, Mo Fei will make the same choice as Xu Huiying. Money, material things, these are foreign things, and she will never bow her head because of them.

Jiang Chan: "I'll give you one hundred million, will you do it?"

Murphy thought for a while: "Not yet, I can always earn money, I still think about being more comfortable."

The corners of Jiang Chan's mouth were slightly raised, and now it seems that Mo Fei's three views are quite positive.

Aware of Jiang Chan's good mood, Mo Fei flattered: "Teacher, you teach well, without your subtle influence, how could I have such a red heart now?"

Jiang Chan laughed and scolded: "So flattering, do you have something to ask me?"

Mo Fei smiled a little to please: "I can't hide anything from your eyes, I'm asking you for something. Although I won't intervene at the company, there are only moisturizing water, essence and facial cream, right?"

Jiang Chan flicked his fingers: "This is easy to say."

Murphy is very funny: "I will increase the amount of schoolwork..."

Jiang Chan chuckled: "Very good, I will send it to you later."

After a busy day at the TV station, when he got home, Murphy lay in the bathtub exhausted. Although she has exercised in the past few months, she will inevitably feel tired after high-intensity work.

After taking a bath, Murphy walked towards the kitchen with vain steps. Unfortunately, after turning it around in the refrigerator, I finally found a few eggs. The rest are all kinds of mineral water.

"Teacher, in such a lonely night, I suddenly feel extremely lonely. I also want to have a hot meal when I go home, and have the bath water that has been put out."

Jiang Chan: "If you invite an aunt, you will have everything you want."

Murphy: "I didn't mean that..."

Jiang Chan: "I understand, never start a relationship because of loneliness or other lost emotions. That's disrespectful to others. The premise of starting a new relationship is that you are ready, and you really want to To form an intimate relationship with another person."

"If you really feel lonely, then keep a pet to accompany you."

Murphy thought for a while: "You're right, I'm so lonely, I don't want to have a dog, because I don't have time to walk the dog."

Jiang Chan opened the screen in front of her, with pictures of various pets on it. Murphy turned several pages, always feeling a lack of interest. When she finally saw the parrot, her eyes lit up.

Jiang Chan was a little surprised: "Want to raise a parrot?"

Mo Fei nodded sharply: "Well, UU Reading really wants to raise parrots, especially this majestic macaw, how domineering? If you can stay with me for so long, maybe it will be able to send me away. "

Jiang Chan complained: "Then you might as well raise a turtle."

Mo Fei shook his head: "That's fine, I still like this gorgeous and flamboyant parrot, look at how beautiful this feather is?"

For the second half hour, Murphy was basically looking up information on various parrots. What the macaw likes to eat and drink, and what needs to be paid attention to in its maintenance, Murphy has made several pages of notes.

------off topic-----

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