Murphy: "Thank you Brother Liu, I really wouldn't be able to escape today without you."

Leader Liu waved his hand: "Hey, thank you? It's a pity that this kind of thing can't be avoided once but the second time. Although I don't deal much with that old man, I heard that his biggest characteristic is persistence. He wants to interview him. No one is unsuccessful.”

Murphy had a splitting headache: "So I'm being targeted?"

A colleague smiled and said, "Isn't it? Not only is Brother Wang staring at you, but there are many reporters outside the TV station. Everyone is waiting for you to show up. Sister Fei, how are you and Xiao Qin going to deal with this news? "

Mo Fei was helpless: "How to deal with it? I also want to know. The key is that I can't contact him at this moment. Why is it so coincidental that the news came out just after he got on the plane with his forefoot?"

Leader Liu shook his head: "At this time, I particularly agree with a sentence on the Internet, that a wise person does not fall in love, and there is no such thing as falling in love. You see that Mo Fei is in a turmoil now, how can he be calm and stable in the past?"

Mo Fei stroked her forehead, but it was not easy to tell others too clearly. After all, it was a fact that Qin Liyan had lived with her for more than half a month: "Forget it, forget about it, and deal with my work first. As for the Internet Please wait until you contact Qin Liyan."

When she went to the restaurant to eat at noon, Murphy found that many people were staring at her, and their eyes were full of jokes. After all, Murphy's scandal was unprecedented.

Xu Huiying sat opposite her, her eyes full of curiosity: "So you and that little Qin are always together? Sister Zhien called me for a long time this morning. She didn't know how excited she was, but she was very happy. "

Murphy: "Why didn't she call me?"

Xu Huiying: "I'm worried that you're busy. Besides, if I ask you directly, she's worried that you'll be uncomfortable. So when did you get married? How did you hide it so well?"

Murphy: "No, just friends."

Xu Huiying smiled meaningfully: "Know...friend..."

Mo Fei almost knelt on Xu Huiying's knees. Forget it, she couldn't explain how to explain it, so she should shut up. At such a time, there are many mistakes, so let's wait until you contact another party.

Qin Liyan didn't get off the plane until 8 o'clock in the evening. He just turned on his mobile phone, and there was a series of mobile phone messages and missed calls. The one who has contacted the most is his old father, President Lao Qin. When he found that the phone could not get through, he was bombarded with various text messages.

In addition, it was Mo Fei. After briefly reading the text message sent by President Qin, Qin Liyan frowned and contacted Mo Fei first. It's a pity that Murphy was broadcasting live at that time, so naturally he couldn't receive his call.

The secretary already knew what happened on the Internet, and it didn't take long to explain Mo Fei's itinerary: "Miss Mo is doing a show now, so it's inconvenient to answer your phone. Would you like to go to dinner or the hotel first?"

Qin Liyan frowned: "Let's go to the hotel first, and we'll talk about the meal later."

In the car, he searched for Mo Fei's show. Looking at Mo Fei in a capable suit, Qin Liyan's eyes flashed with admiration. A person like Murphy naturally wins the admiration of others, and he is no exception.

He also understands that compared to him now, Murphy is really in big trouble. The key is that this trouble was brought by himself. He really had to think about how to deal with it.

If it was declared that the two were just friends, it would obviously be bad for Mo Fei's reputation. After all, Mo Fei did his best to entertain him. But if it is said that they are lovers, is it a bit abrupt to Murphy? After all, their relationship is only a little more familiar than strangers.

Watching Mo Fei's show came to an end, Qin Liyan took out his mobile phone and called Mo Fei again. Thank goodness it was connected this time. Team Leader Liu winked at her when he handed the phone to Mo Fei. The meaning of watching a good show was very strong.

Mo Fei shoved the manuscript into the hands of a colleague next to her. When she saw the bright gossip eyes of the people around her, she paused: "I'll go out and make a phone call."

"Hey... still going out to fight." Seeing Murphy go out, everyone slumped their shoulders in regret, each of them doing what they should do.

"Have you finished the show?" Qin Liyan's voice was a little tired. After all, a long-distance flight of more than ten hours was unrealistic.

"Yeah." Murphy digs the blinds with his fingers, and finally speaks first: "You were photographed, and I'm in big trouble now."

"I saw it as soon as I got off the plane. I'm sorry for causing you trouble. I thought of a plan, can you listen?"

The corners of Mo Fei's mouth twitched slightly. Compared with meaningless nonsense such as apology, she preferred Qin Liyan's attitude to solve things.

"Tell me first, what's your plan?"

Qin Liyan stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling window: "I have discussed it with the public relations department, and the other party is obviously prepared. If we don't have a real relationship, it will be very detrimental to your public opinion."

Mo Fei bit his lip. He and Jiang Chan gave the same analysis, "But you know we are not in that kind of relationship."

Qin Liyan smiled softly: "I know, but this is the most ideal solution at the moment. After all, if we are lovers, it would be logical for me to live with you, and it makes sense for you to help me with those things."

Murphy also understood what he meant: "Is it a contract of love? Find an opportunity and then separate on the grounds of incompatibility?"

Qin Liyan: "Yes, that's what it means."

Murphy: "Once this is done, there will be more troubles later. After all, in order to be safe, there will be various business operations later. I am a person who is afraid of trouble."

Qin Liyan: "But I have to say, this is the most ideal solution at present."

Murphy: "Okay, there must be a deadline, right? One month?"

Qin Liyan disagreed: "One month is too short, UU reading can't win the trust of others, it takes at least three months to start. Just after announcing the relationship one month and breaking up, the public can see at a glance that this is fake."

Murphy muttered, "It's like it's true."

Qin Liyan: "If we don't believe it ourselves, how can we make others believe it's true? If there is no objection, I will let the company official announce it."

Murphy thought for a while: "Alright, when will you come back? Let's discuss the follow-up content in person. This announcement will bring about a lot of things I've encountered."

Qin Liyan: "My fault, I will compress the trip and go back as soon as possible."

Murphy just said it, but after all, he was still soft-hearted: "I can still handle it here, your work is more important."

The implication is what you should do, don't disrupt your own pace for the sake of others.

Qin Liyan has a different opinion: "You are my girlfriend, and I shouldn't let you face this alone. It's just that the cooperation on my side is very important, and it really cannot be neglected."

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