Xiao Jinting: "Don't say that, you've been very good to me. When I was young, my father...he wanted to raise me up. Didn't you and my uncle always teach me? If it weren't for you, I would have been a well-known **** in the capital by now. already."

Liu Xu glanced at him: "Do you think you have a good reputation now?"

Xiao Jinting was embarrassed, and Liu Xu didn't say much: "I don't care what you do outside, but you must protect yourself and don't be like last time."

Xiao Jinting naturally understood what Liu Xu meant: "I understand, mother, don't worry, there will never be such a danger in the future. When the matter is over, I will stay in the house all the time, and I will never let you worry about it again."

Liu Xu: "Lin Ge'er's side... Let's see, if you can break it, break it. If you can't break it, you and your wife will think about it. You are still young, and it is too late to raise another child."

"The future of the General's Mansion cannot be handed over to such a ruthless and unrighteous person. This is my last bottom line."

Xiao Jinting nodded: "I know, this child is now divorced from us. The Zheng family really has the means to turn my son into a murderous knife in her hands!"

Liu Xu: "Although he is only one year younger than Brother Qi, he is far worse than Brother Qi. Mrs. Zheng is Brother Qi's mother, Mrs. Zheng was sent to the temple, what did Brother Qi say? Brother Qi can still tell the difference between right and wrong, but Xiao Yanlin, he doesn't know right from wrong, he has no opinion of his own, he just listens to what others say, how can such a person be able to take the lead in the general's house?"

"I didn't agree with your father teaching him personally back then, but now it's what I said."

Xiao Jinting clenched his fists: "In the beginning, we really didn't have the ability to compete with Dad. We had to listen to what he said. Now that he's gone, we have to listen to him. Why is this world so difficult?"

Liu Xu patted him on the shoulder: "Okay, many things have changed now, you still have a chance to set things right. It's getting late, you should go back to rest early, you still have injuries, I won't leave you any more."

Xiao Jinting stood up: "Mother, rest early, I'll go back first."

Xiao Jinting walked out of the main house and saw Xiao Yanlin who was guarding outside the yard. Xiao Jinting looked down at him: "Have you heard what your grandmother and I said just now?"

Xiao Yanlin: "My son heard it."

Seeing the undisguised panic on Xiao Yanlin's face, Xiao Jinting looked away: "Go back and pack up, you can go back to the barracks."

Xiao Yanlin: "My son wants to see his grandmother, but he did something wrong before and wants to apologize to his grandmother in person!"

Xiao Jinting refused without hesitation: "Your grandmother has been in poor health recently, and the doctor said she should rest."

Xiao Jinting can also hear the implication. After all, he is still a child. How can he bear the cold face of his parents? This is not Xiao Yanlin's voice with a cry: "Dad and grandmother really don't want a son?"

Xiao Jinting gritted his teeth: "Did we not want you? Didn't you draw a gap with us first? You didn't see us as your relatives, and now you are blaming me and your grandmother instead?"

"Your grandmother, at such an old age, did her best to plan for the second house. Besides, Mrs. Zheng went to the family temple. Your grandmother didn't add the slightest bit of embarrassment to this incident from beginning to end. Mrs. Zheng is to blame!"

"You don't know right from wrong, just listened to a few small words from Qiao Shun'er, and hurriedly came back to find your grandmother, who gave you the courage? Even if your grandmother has no power in the mansion, she is also your elder. You treat your elders with such an attitude, still thinking of your grandmother to forgive you?"

"Your grandfather took you by his side to nurture you, but he ended up making a wedding dress for the big house. Your friendship is all given to the big house. Your grandmother is right. If you really miss your aunt, she will Er is at the temple, you can accompany her by yourself."

Xiao Yanlin bowed his head, he didn't expect that his father would say so many truths just for such a trivial matter. But compared to these, he is more of a panic. Is he really going to be exiled?

"Father, my son really knows it's wrong!"

Xiao Jinting: "You are afraid now because you are worried that you will not be able to inherit the general's mansion in the future, rather than repenting from your heart. Xiao Yanlin, you are really ruthless and unjust, and you are not filial at all."

Xiao Yanlin wiped his face: "The son will naturally admit that he has done something wrong, but he will not admit that he is ruthless and unfilial."

Xiao Jinting laughed angrily: "Don't admit it? Then I might as well talk to you."

"You used to stay with your grandfather in the military camp, and naturally someone served you with splendid clothes and jade food, but you don't know what life your mother lived in the mansion. Xi Tuo, no one will believe it. Your mother remembers you, and would rather save yourself. Every season, she will make clothes, shoes and socks for you and send them to the camp. "

"What's so delicious and fun for your grandmother, the first thing that comes to mind is you, the grandson you didn't raise in front of you, but what did you do? You never cared about your mother's well-being in the General's Mansion, UU Read the book www.uukanshu.com and don't ask if your grandmother is happy in the mansion, and accuse your grandmother as soon as she comes back, I say you are ruthless and unrighteous, what's wrong?"

"You can't see your grandmother's love for your Quanquan, only being coaxed into confusion by Zheng's few words, such a person who doesn't respect his parents, what qualifications do you have to take over the general's mansion?"

"What's wrong with your grandmother's plan for the second house? Zheng's mistakes are her own fault. Did your grandmother wrong her?"

"I've never been blushing with your grandmother until I got married to your mother. Now you're so angry at your grandmother, does she deserve such an accusation just because you're her grandson?"

"Xiao Yanlin, remember, your grandmother is the most respected old lady in the house. Don't say she is not at fault. Even if she is at fault, you will never come to accuse her!"

Xiao Yanlin lowered his head, tears falling one by one. Although he was young, the idea that everyone had instilled in him was that the general's mansion must belong to him in the future, and he would be the master of the general's mansion in the future.

But now that he was going to be exiled, how could he be willing? Thinking that his mother would no longer love him or care about him, and his grandmother would no longer love him, Xiao Yanlin began to panic.

Xiao Jinting doesn't care about his unwillingness: "Du Jie, send him to the camp. Before you make a complete change, I won't hand over the General's Mansion to you. Your grandmother is right, I'm still young, and I can still do it again. Think about it."

Xiao Yanlin wiped his tears fiercely: "The son will pass the test of his father, and he will also seek forgiveness from his grandmother."

Xiao Jinting didn't look at him: "Let's go, I don't believe your guarantee, I only look at actual actions."

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