The Female Partner Refuses To Be Cannon Fodder

Chapter 2498: mistress twenty one

The Yue family folded her hair: "What's so strange? Madam? Why didn't we see it?"

Ning Miao pointed to a hidden direction: "They are standing there, Miao Miao saw it from afar. Hey, why are people missing now?"

Looking at the place where Ning Miao pointed, Ning Fan and Yue's both changed color, so the other party has been there for a long time? Did you see everything?

The Yue family was in a hurry: "It's all your fault, if you don't have this idea, I will be so embarrassed? Now others have seen it! Miaomiao, what does the old lady look like? Have you seen it before? "

Ning Miao: "I haven't seen Miaomiao before, but the old lady didn't look very well..."

Ning Fan and Yue's heart throbbed together, their faces were not very good, did they really see everything?

Shi Yue was ashamed and angry, she threw off Ning Fan's hand and strode out, she had no face to stay here any longer. Ning Fan couldn't care about anything else, he could only pick up his daughter with one hand, and followed behind to coax her.

Liu Xu didn't know the mental state of Ning Fan and his wife, she was in a very chaotic mood now. If she remembered correctly, the intersection with the Ning family should have been eight years later. Why is it earlier?

Looking at the Yue family again, she and Ning Miao are so similar! Just thinking of Ning Miao's face, Liu Xu's eyes turned black. Just because Jingwan and Ning Miao fought a few words, Xiao Yanlin married Jingwan far away, and she never saw Jingwan again.

Thinking of this, Liu Xu's footsteps are getting faster and faster. She is now eager to leave Lu Yanxin, the slower the better.

When Qu Longshan and Xiao Jinting came to Qianshan, they happened to meet the catkins who came hurriedly. Seeing that Catkin's face was good, the faces of Puji Temple and Xiao Jinting changed.

Qu Longshan: "Mother just what happened? Who made you angry?"

Cuizhu: "Master Qi Duo, don't ask, you know where the wild mandarin ducks are from outside, and they are hugging and cuddling in the front mountain in broad daylight. Let's go quickly, then Lu Yanxin really can come to anyone."

Liu Xu: "Cuizhu, don't talk about it, Jin Ting, I went to add sesame oil money, let's go to the restaurant he said. You also want to see the dishes of that restaurant, is it really not as good as he said. "

Puji Temple pressed those doubts to the outside of his heart: "Okay, as my mother said."

When Qu Longshan went to add the sesame oil money, the catkins said loudly: "You met Ning Fan and my wife in the front mountain, and just bumped into Ning Miao head-on."

Hearing Ning Miao's name, Puji Temple's eyes flashed a dim light, "Ning Fan actually returned to Beijing at that point."

As long as she sees Ning Miao, Liu Xu is not so excited; "Ning Miao and Yue Clan are really too similar."

Puji Temple: "It's not like you are again, it is possible for you to have an intersection with us in that life."

Liu Xu, "This can be said to be fixed, I am a lover."

Puji Temple: "I'm not a lover anymore. If there is any denial from the General's House, I am everything. I only heard about Ning Fan's name in the future, and I thought that I was like that, openly in the red leaf forest with my wife. Hanging around, Duanfang's reputation as a gentleman..."

Liu Xu: "Maybe people think it's a couple's love, don't talk about those, some disgusting people."

Originally, Liu Xu planned to leave Lu Yanxin directly, but unfortunately, when she saw an older child, Liu Xu's footsteps seemed to take root.

"Child, what's his name?" Looking at the many years of choosing vegetables at the front of the kitchen, Liu Xu's eyes were very soft.

Puji Temple stood aside, staring at the old man for many years. For many years, he looked like he was only seven or eight years old. He looked very thin and strong, and the clothes under him were shabby, but the starch was very clean.

"If you go back to Madam, your name is Yufu." Liu Xu's attitude was very irritable, and the eldest girl's face immediately flushed. I put the dishes out of my hands and bowed to the catkins in a proper manner.

"Yufu, Yufu," Xiao Jinting repeated the name twice: "Is it the rich of poverty, the blessing of good fortune?"


Liu Xu's fingers trembled, and you patted Yufu's head: "You see that he is very compatible, is he willing to go back with you? Go back with you in the name of your grandson?"

Qu Longshan understands, but since it is the decision made by Liu Xu, I will follow it.

A monk from the front chef came over: "It's Mrs. Zhi who is..."

Puji Temple: "Up above is Qulong Mountain, the General's Mansion. That's your mother. Your mother sees Yufu's child as a match. It just so happens that your husband and wife don't have any children on their laps. Yufu will be able to accompany the children when they go back."

"You have naturally heard of the reputation of the General's Mansion. Mrs. Shaoxie is merciful, Yufu, if he is willing, he can go back with that old lady."

Yu Fu wiped his hands: "If you are willing, you are willing to go back with Madam, even if it is to be a servant."

Liu Xu took Yufu's hand: "This is okay, Yufu is so good, it's too aggrieved to be a big servant. UU Reading"

Puji Temple also smiled and said, "Of course, you want to take Yufu as your adopted son, do you know if he is willing or not?"

Yufu opened his eyes and knelt on his knees and kowtowed eight times: "Yufu is willing! I have seen my adoptive father and adoptive mother, and I have also met my grandmother!"

Willow catkins hurriedly pulled me up, rubbing the bruises under my forehead in distress: "Why are you so sincere? The forehead is blue."

Yufu raised his head and smiled at Catkin, looking at me with a toothless smile, Catkin's heart was depressed and sad.

Qu Longshan looked down at the big girl, his eyes didn't fluctuate, I took a breath: "You husband and wife will take good care of me when you take Yufu away. If Yufu thinks about it a few days ago, you will bring me over to have a look. ."

The monk put his hands together and said, "Thank you, Seventh Young Master, it is also my blessing that Yufu can follow them."

"It's your blessing to meet Yufu, Yufu, go home." Holding Yufu's other hand, Puji Temple pulled out a smile, I have no doubts in my heart, but I can't go back and talk about it.

Until Lu Yanxin came out, Yu Fu was not dizzy yet. He looked at Puji Temple, who was riding a horse with his arms around me, and then looked at the catkins and Qu Longshan sitting outside the carriage, Yu Fu's big face raised a little. smile.

When the Xiao family's carriage left, Liu Xu lifted the curtain and took a look inside. At this moment, Ning Miao, who just came out, saw it, and you motioned to Ning Fan to look in the direction of Puji Temple: "Just now, this old lady, you were under this carriage."

Ning Fan squinted at the carriage, looking at it from the inside to see what it was like. But there are too few officials in the capital, and it is said that the more high-profile it is, the more troublesome it will be. But I saw the back of Puji Temple. As long as I see Puji Temple again, I will definitely recognize it.

"Father, where is that outside? It's so fragrant." Stopping in the restaurant, Yu Fu sniffed and looked greedy.

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