"They are very busy. I have very few friends in the circle. Many times people make friends with you, not because of you, but because of other reasons. You should understand these."

Yan Yan is outspoken. After she became famous, there was an endless stream of friends with her, but she couldn't understand why others were close to her. After all, it is nothing more than a good word.

Knowing that the other party is impure, she naturally won't have too much interaction with the other party. At that time, she might as well settle down by herself, she looks like she is doing charity?

Wang Zhimin nodded: "Yes, I understand."

Yan Yan looked at the time: "Didn't you make an appointment with a friend to take a hot spring? I won't waste your time."

The implication is that you can go wherever you want, but don't stay with her. Now she is consciously separating the Wang Zhimin in this life from the Wang Zhimin in her memory, and no longer looks at him with the old eyes.

Wang Zhimin smiled: "The hot spring is not important, the important thing is to stay with you. I just contacted my friends, and they will naturally have a good time. Are you staying at home today?"

Yan Yan: "I can't go anywhere like this, so I can only stay at home."

Seeing that Yan Yan was about to clear the dining table, Wang Zhimin got up: "I'll do this, you're already like this, it's better to take a break."

Yan Yan didn't argue with him either, she just sat on the sofa, her eyes a little empty. Whether she admits it or not, Wang Zhimin is something special with her after all. Although the mouth is firm, but where can it really be so clean?

Seeing Yan Yan pondering, Wang Zhimin didn't bother her, just sat on the single sofa opposite Yan Yan, casually flipping through the books he brought from the study.

Yan Yan's study is very large, surrounded by tall bookcases, and there are many kinds of books. The books looked like they had been flipped through, and some of them had annotations on them. I think Yan Yan should have seen them all.

"Is this page nice?"

"Ah?" Yan Yan returned to her senses and turned the page covertly. She took a deep breath, put down the book suddenly, and stared straight at Wang Zhimin.

Wang Zhimin put the book in his hand aside and raised it unconsciously: "Have something to tell me?"

Yan Yan tried to sit up straight, trying to look serious, "Well, I want to say something."

Wang Zhimin leaned forward: "Speak, I'll listen."

Yan Yan: "We've known each other for half a year. You're always like this. I'm a little stressed."

Wang Zhimin: "Why? You should feel happy to be liked by others, why is there pressure? It's my business to like you."

Yan Yan: "What do you like about me? We have almost nothing in common. How can someone who pursues perfection like you treat me differently?"

Wang Zhimin chuckled: "You have many advantages. Is it strange that I like you? You are a very attractive person. It is very strange. After seeing you, I will never see others again."

Yan Yan: "Your lines are a bit old-fashioned, and idol drama scripts are not written that way."

Wang Zhimin: "Okay, but this is what I say from the bottom of my heart. There are not many people who can meet someone who has the same mind in their life. Since they have encountered one, they must grasp it firmly."

Yan Yan: "You know how to hide your thoughts too well. I am a very straightforward person. If my partner is like this, I will feel very tired, because I always need to guess his thoughts."

Wang Zhimin: "How come? If we are together, you don't need to try to figure out what I'm thinking. I'll tell you everything you want to know. Yan Yan, don't push me away all the time, I'll be hit too."

Yan Yan: "You are a very attractive person. If I am not firm, I will easily fall into it. I want to have a love that will never break up. I hope the rest of my life will be happy. But I don't Determine how long you can stay in this state, if we separate in the future, can I come out? I don't even dare to think about it."

"It's easy to start a relationship, but there are many problems when you want to go on. Many people don't cherish it after they catch up. I don't want my future to be a piece of shit. If that's the case, it's better for me to be happy alone. Take it easy."

Wang Zhimin reached out and touched her hair: "You are young, and one set of principles follows another. I'm not sure how long a man's freshness can be maintained, but as long as we are together for one day, I will fulfill my responsibilities as a partner."

"Compared to love, I prefer to talk about responsibility, because responsibility is something I can guarantee to do."

Yan Yan: "I admit the importance of love, but I prefer your responsible attitude. If you just tell me about love, I will feel very illusory, and it's not like your style."

Wang Zhimin's heart fell: "So you promised me?"

Yan Yan picked up the book: "Look at your performance. Anyway, I don't have anyone I love right now. It's not bad to try with you, as long as you don't feel wronged."

Wang Zhimin sat down beside her: "How come? I just didn't expect you to promise me so quickly. I thought it would take a few more years."

Yan Yan wrinkled her nose: "So you think so? Then I will promise you in a few years? Also let me feel the happiness of being pursued?"

"That won't work, UU reading www.uukanshu.com" Wang Zhimin held her hand: "You have promised me, but you can't go back."

"Promising, such a big boss is humiliating in front of me." Yan Yan wanted to withdraw her hand, but was held tightly by Wang Zhimin, she moved: "I'm going to turn the page."

Wang Zhimin didn't let go: "I'll help you, I'm not making a fool of yourself. You are the bright moon in the sky, and now you have fallen into my arms like this, no matter how you cherish it."

Yan Yan sighed, why didn't she know that Wang Zhimin was so obedient? To be honest, she likes Wang Zhimin's attitude very much. Although she values ​​responsibility more, love is also very important, right?

Not talking about love and only talking about responsibility is too cold. It is unrealistic to talk about love without responsibility.

The June sun shines in through the window, and the ground is golden. Yan Yan's upper body was leaning against Wang Zhimin's arms, holding a fruit plate in her hand, while Wang Zhimin was turning a page from time to time. The room was very quiet, but the atmosphere was very good.

Seeing that Yan Yan was silent for a long time, Wang Zhimin looked down at her, but saw Yan Yan fell asleep leaning against his chest. Brushing a few strands of hair off Yan Yan's face, Wang Zhimin carefully pulled the fruit bowl out of Yan Yan's hand and put it aside.

Having lost something in her hand, Yan Yan frowned, and the next moment she hugged Wang Zhimin's right hand with a sweet smile on the corner of her mouth, looking very satisfied.

Wang Zhimin let out a low laugh, obviously in a good mood. Laying down on the sofa with Yan Yan in his arms, Wang Zhimin also closed his eyes.

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