The Female Partner Refuses To Be Cannon Fodder

Chapter 2754: Jingyun thirty-six

Being an actor is a profession that is constantly given. If you want your performance to be different, you need to constantly dig and enrich yourself. There are very few actors in the circle who are really calm and active in front of the camera.

Jiang Chan: "The reason why I made this suggestion is because I want you to go out and broaden your horizons. There must always be one on the road, both body and mind."

Ian: "Then I will choose the mind. Reading is also the way to understand the world."

Jiang Chan: "You guys are better than each other. Forget about Sean, he just stays in his coffee shop all day long. The same is true for you. You stay at home as soon as you wrap up. Now it's the same with Nolan."

Nolan raised his hand weakly: "I'm staying at home because I want to concentrate on writing the script."

Ian: "Then I will concentrate on studying at home and strive to enrich myself."

Jiang Chan: "There is a reason for each one to compare with the other, okay, let's prepare for the next scene!"

The atmosphere of the crew is good, and the actors can work together with peace of mind, so the progress of the filming is soaring forward. The entertainment industry in this country is very developed. After all, the population is less than 100 million, and everyone will know that it is a little troublesome.

While Jiang Chan was busy shooting, various Reuters photos had already been posted on the Internet. Now the circle's actions towards Jing Yun are basically Buddha, in fact Jing Yun should be regarded as very low-key.

She has never participated in various variety shows, and rarely goes to award ceremonies. The only actors under her banner are Ian and Nolan. But just such a few people can make huge waves every time.

This time is no exception. After only three episodes, Nolan successfully established the image of a black-bellied beauty in the hearts of the audience. At the same time, his various shots were also edited into various small videos.

Jing Yun: "Congratulations, I read the comments on the Internet, this kind of black-bellied younger brother is really very good."

Nolan scratched his head: "Really? It seems that I have performed well."

Jing Yun smiled and said: "Be confident, you have always performed very well! The crew will wrap up in one month, what are your plans next?"

Nolan: "I haven't decided on a new script yet, do you have any suggestions for the director?"

Jing Yun: "Have you thought about it? Let's shoot my script first. Let's not worry, we will come one by one. Even if you don't become a screenwriter in the future, the company will not miss your filming."

Having said that, the surrounding actors are all envious. Is this the benefit of being backed by a big tree? The scripts are chosen at will, and the key is that they are all so good. Does Jing Yun's company still sign newcomers?

In the face of other people's cryptic inquiries, Jing Yun replied very simply: "I will not sign new people for the time being. There are only so many resources, so there is no need to engage in competition."

Is she generating electricity purely for love? After all, the reason why she came to the entertainment industry was mainly because of Ian. As for making the company bigger and stronger, Jing Yun never thought about it.

In essence, she is not a very ambitious person, and now she is very satisfied.

Jing Yun didn't let go, and everyone could only sigh, saying that Jing Yun's company is the place everyone dreams of. Look at the treatment of Ian and Nolan, who is not jealous?

"Cheers! Celebrate the birth of another hit drama!" In the bar, everyone raised their glasses with smiles on their faces. Looking at it this way, everyone has arrived except Jing Yun's two children. Sitting on the spacious sofa are all relatives and close friends.

After drinking a glass of wine, Nolan's face turned red. Jing Yun looked a little surprised: "Show face so quickly? Let him rest, let's celebrate. The last time we got together like this was three months ago."

Wells put his arm on the sofa behind Ian: "It's hard for you to remember, Ian, drink less, your stomach is not good, drink too much, your stomach will feel uncomfortable, you eat this!"

Damon put his arms around Jing Yun's shoulders: "Seeing how happy you are now, I feel happy from the bottom of my heart."

Jing Yun: "Of course, I also thank you for taking over the company and allowing me to do what I like freely. I am really very happy to know them."

Looking at this area, except for Nolan and Ai Ruili who is keen on cracking sugar, the rest of the people are in pairs. Nolan squinted at everyone, and suddenly stood up unsteadily: "I... I'm going to the bathroom!"

Ai Ruili hurriedly stood up: "I'll go with you! I'm now the senior's assistant, so naturally I should follow wherever he goes."

She wanted to take a good look at Senior Nolan. As far as she saw, from entering the bar to now, countless people's eyes drifted towards Nolan. Not to mention that Nolan is still a little drunk at the moment, if something happens to him...

Ai Ruili helped Nolan to the bathroom, Jiang Chan suddenly smiled and said, "Nolan's peach blossoms are about to bloom."

Jing Yun was shocked: "Teacher, you know all this?"

Jiang Chan: "Of course, you will know when Nolan comes back soon."

Jing Yun didn't care about drinking now, and his eyes wandered to the bathroom from time to time, wanting to know who is Nolan's peach blossom?

Besides Nolan, he is a big man of 185 after all, and of course Ai Ruili's small frame can't support him. After sending Nolan to the bathroom, Ariel stood outside the door panting.

But she waited outside the door for five minutes, but Nolan didn't come out, so Ariel bravely pushed open the door of the men's room, and saw a scene that made her dumbfounded. UU reading

"Who are you, why are you hugging?" Ariel jumped anxiously, and it was Nolan and another person who were kissing by the wall. Ai Ruili glanced at it, and trotted over to help Nolan: "Senior, you are drunk, shall we go to Sister Yun's?"

Nolan's eyes were a little confused, "I'm not drunk, he's good-looking! His eyes seem to have...stars!"

As he said that, he even kissed the other party, and Ai Ruili was anxious: "Senior, let's go back, forget it and let me call, I can't help you like this."

Simon watched the little girl stomp her feet, trying to tear Nolan off him, but it was a pity that Nolan hugged her tightly, and the little girl could only circle around.

Looking down at Nolan, Simon bent slightly and hugged Nolan horizontally, and Ai Ruili opened her mouth wide in surprise. At this moment, she didn't care about gossip anymore, but led the other party to the booth where they had a party.

Jiang Chan: "They are here."

Jing Yun raised his head subconsciously: "I'll go! Nolan is a 185 tall man, right? Why does he look so petite now?"

Sean and Ian rushed over to help, and soon Nolan was placed on the sofa. It's a pity that when Simon was about to leave, Nolan held on to the hem of his clothes and never let go.

Jing Yun smiled: "Everyone is destined to meet. If you don't mind, sir, you can sit here. If you are destined to meet, you should have a drink."

Simon smiled: "It's my honor. I didn't expect to meet you here. Hello, I'm Simon."

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