The Female Partner Refuses To Be Cannon Fodder

Chapter 2756: Jingyun thirty-eight

Well, everyone is here now.

The current situation is like this, Nolan is sitting alone on one side of the dining table, facing Jing Yun in the center, and Sean and Ian are sitting on both sides. The expressions of the three of them were gossipy, and their eyes were full of curiosity.

Jing Yun spoke first: "Let me ask first, were you drunk yesterday?"

Nolan was silent for a while: "I'm a little drunk, but I'm sane, and I know what I'm doing."

Jing Yun suddenly understood: "So you were drunk and cowardly yesterday? Seeing that you are not usually a person who likes to be hugged and kissed, I didn't expect to become so active after drinking a glass."

Ian was very serious: "Are you sure you didn't just look for **** yesterday? Simon's appearance is very good."

Nolan blushed: "Please don't say it. Thinking about it, I still regret it now. I am not usually such a person."

Sean: "Some people seem to be different after drinking a little wine. You are the best example."

Jing Yun: "So what do you think?"

Nolan: "I didn't think about it. I just remembered that his name was Simon, and I didn't know anything else. Besides, I just kissed and didn't do anything else. I usually don't miss kissing scenes."

Ian said narrowly: "But your kissing scenes were filmed on borrowed seats, let me remind you? Strictly speaking, is this your first kiss? Simon really earned it!"

Sean made up the knife: "It's not just a kiss, how sweet is a princess hug? How safe is it to be able to give you a princess hug?"

Nolan knocked his head on the dining table: "Please shut up! I feel ashamed."

Jing Yun also accepted it as soon as he saw it: "Okay, we won't tease you anymore. It just so happens that Yi Yi is here today, let's discuss the next work? I'll get the script."

When it comes to work, Ian and Nolan are serious. In the morning, a few people sat around the living room and read the script, and even Sean read the script with great interest. He reads it purely as a story, and the whole person is sad or happy with the ups and downs of the plot.

After quickly watching the first two episodes, Ian sighed: "Sister Yun, your talent is so enviable that it makes people jealous."

Nolan also nodded: "Well, after reading your script, I will have all kinds of unconfidence if I do it myself."

Jing Yun felt guilty: "How could it be as exaggerated as you said? Now that the script is given to you, you should prepare well. In the morning, Xixi also asked Vincent to have dinner together, let him take you back by the way, I am too tired these days .”

Ian put his arms around Nolan's shoulders carelessly: "I came here by car. I'll take Nolan back so I won't waste Sean's time. It's immoral to disturb other people's relationship."

Sean nodded to Ian: "You, you also like to tease me now."

As soon as the three of them left, the living room immediately became empty. Jing Yun yawned and went to the master bedroom to rest. In the past two years, she has been going on and on, filming one TV series after another.

Although she is not the director, she did a lot of work in the later stage, which is also a very labor-intensive job. Now that she has finally taken a break, she naturally needs to recharge her batteries.

Jing Yun didn't deliberately pay attention to Nolan's emotional trends, but Jiang Chan left a trace of traction on Nolan. Who made her also a candy-crazy girl right now? She found out that playing cp can be addictive, especially this kind of real cp. Even more addictive.

Nolan didn't take the encounter with Simon to heart at first. In his opinion, the probability of the two meeting each other should not be high. But by such a coincidence, he saw Simon's poster when he returned to school to hand in his thesis.

After looking at the poster carefully, I realized that he came here with the professor for academic exchanges.

"We meet again." While Nolan was staring at the poster, someone beside him suddenly said such a sentence.

Nolan turned his head subconsciously. After seeing Simon's face, his face turned red and his eyes were a little flustered. Simon looked amused, and he leaned closer to Nolan slightly: "You look like this, do you remember?"

Nolan's eyes were a little erratic: "What are you talking about? I don't know anything, I have something to do and I'll leave first!"

He gave Simon a slight push, and ran to the screenwriting department's office in three steps at a time, leaving Simon alone. After a few breaths, he smiled slightly, and then walked in another direction.

He naturally knew Nolan. In fact, after the last encounter in the bar, he went back and found a lot of news about Nolan. He also took the time to watch the two dramas that Nolan participated in, and the more he watched, the more cute Nolan became.

When a man thinks another man is cute, he is not far from falling. Jiang Chan hides in the void to watch the show, the summer of TT basically never stops.

Nolan thought that the encounter at the school gate that day was just an accident, and the past was over, and the two parties went their separate ways. But what he didn't expect was yet to come. He didn't expect the school to hold a welcome party for Simon's teacher.

As the most famous student at the school, Nolan was also assigned a task to present flowers to Simon and his mentor in the middle of the welcome party.

Nolan was numb when he heard the news. Is it still too late for him to join the filming team overnight? Obviously it was too late, after all, Jing Yun's crew hadn't started to prepare yet.

Nolan had to show up on time at the welcome meeting, even though he was very unhappy in his heart. Handing the bouquet to the old professor, Nolan smiled very decently: "You are welcome to visit our school for guidance, UU reading I hope you will take care of me in the future."

After shaking hands and hugging the professor politely, Nolan took another bouquet of flowers from the master of ceremonies. Just... red roses?

Hostess Ariel winked at him: "This is the only flower left."

Nolan glared at her, as if he didn't know what Ariel meant? But at this juncture, no matter what he wanted to give away this bouquet of hot roses.

With a stiff smile, he handed the bouquet to Simon, and Nolan's words almost came out between his teeth: "You are welcome."

Simon was obviously in a good mood: "Thank you, please take care of me in the future."

The hostess lady on the side, Ai Ruili, was so excited that she almost stomped her feet. She thought that Nolan's attitude towards Simon was unusual. Now, is she knocking candy at close range?

Could it be that she wanted to witness the birth of a young couple with her own eyes? Oh my god, this is so happy! Nolan glared at Ai Ruili and said angrily: "Restraint, I will settle the score with you when I go down!"

Ai Ruili didn't feel any pain or itching, so she knew that Nolan was just talking, but in fact she was very soft-hearted in private. He was uncomfortable at the moment, and he guessed more that his thoughts were seen through by him, and he became a little angry from embarrassment.

After delivering the bouquet, Nolan ran backstage in a hurry. He really couldn't stay here any longer. It's a pity that he wanted to leave but couldn't. After all, he was very popular in school, and for a while in the background, he was entangled by those juniors and couldn't get away.

Thank you for your recommendation tickets and monthly tickets, thank you everyone!

(end of this chapter)

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