Jing Yun: "I'm a few years older than you. If you don't mind, please call me Sister Yun. It's too natural to be called a director."

Rhea changed her words obediently: "Okay, Sister Yun, I will trouble Sister Yun to take care of you in the future."

Seeing Rhea, Jing Yun's mood improved a lot, and she pinched Rhea's face quickly: "Don't say that you are quite poignant, you are milky and obedient, but you are cool and handsome Still can't hide it."

Ian smiled: "Indeed, Rhea looks really milky."

After settling in Lin Yao and Ruiya's dormitories in the afternoon, Jing Yun sat on the carpet in the living room with several printed scripts on the coffee table: "Since you signed the contract, you must be responsible for your career. For the next movie the company will shoot, your task in the last few days is to familiarize yourself with the scenes."

"By the way, send me a copy of your case, and I'll ask the doctor about the situation. In addition, I will delete and modify the scenes according to your physical condition, and I can't let you play some scenes that are overburdened."

Lin Yao lowered his head and his eyes turned red, "Okay, I just had a physical examination last month, and I will send the report to your email in a while."

Ian joked: "I'm so moved that I want to cry? She will treat you better in the future, don't you want to wash your face with tears every day?"

Jing Yun: "Okay, don't say too much if you are grateful. Although we met for the first time, I think you hit it off very well. I don't have many friends around me, and there are only a few of them when I can do something for my friends. Happiness, no burden."

Lin Yao nodded: "I will seriously prepare for the scenes."

Jing Yun quickly went through the script: "Fortunately, you don't have any heart-breaking scenes in this drama, so you should prepare well. Is there anything missing in Rhea? If there is something missing, you can directly tell the assistant, or you can tell them. "

Rhea shook her head: "There is nothing missing now."

Jing Yun snapped his fingers: "Okay, since there are no shortages, let's discuss the script, starting with the first episode..."

When it came time to discuss the script, Jiang Chan took the top spot, while Jing Yun sat leisurely on the side. Speaking of which, the scene she saw in the morning really had a big impact on her.

Even though she has been friends with Ian and Sean for several years, she has never seen such a scene of breaking other people's good deeds, and she still feels a little uncomfortable thinking about it now.

Jiang Chan said coolly: "You never did this when you were playing CP."

Jing Yun: "I was just talking about it, how did I know that this guy gave me a big one? Seriously, Nolan is still young, Simon is a stinky shameless!"

"Let's not talk about this, so that I can't hold back when I see Nolan. Teacher, let's talk about Lin Yao. Is Lin Yao's body really that bad?"

Jiang Chan thought for a while: "He is congenitally weak. If I take good care of him, he will be able to recover to the same level as a normal person in a year. But how do you explain acupuncture? Why don't you learn a few hands from me? Let him recuperate slowly with the help of Chinese patent medicines."

Jing Yun: "Isn't it just to learn medicine? I just want to learn it, and I will never expose you, teacher. Since I met the teacher, I have been exposed to many subjects. Fortunately, you have never done anything to me in terms of medical skills. Many demands."

Jiang Chan: "As long as you can make Lin Yao's medicine, you will not encounter medicine jars like Lin Yao's every now and then. If his disease is a disease of the rich, how can ordinary people afford it?" ?”

Jing Yun: "The clothes he wears are not ordinary, and his family background is also very rich. It stands to reason that it is not bad to be a rich second generation at home. Why do you want to enter the entertainment industry?"

Jiang Chan: "Maybe his heart is on being an actor? I think he really loves acting, and his eyes light up when he sees the script. I only see this kind of pure love in Ian and the others. seen."

"Many people just regard acting as a job, thinking that it is glamorous enough, it comes in quickly, and can gain great fame. But how many people really like acting from the bottom of their hearts? It's mostly for making money."

Jing Yun: "I also found out, so I think it's very difficult for Ian and Ian. In this circle, there are really too few people who can calm down and study acting seriously."

"I'm very fortunate that both Lin Yao and Rhea are such people."

At four o'clock in the afternoon, Nolan finally joined the small team. The shameless Simon also squeezed in, but he was sitting on the sofa on the other side with his laptop in his arms, tapping on it from time to time.

Jiang Chan didn't talk about what happened in the morning, because Nolan is a thin-skinned kid. If she said it now, he would probably find a crack in the ground to sneak in. Sean and Ian would not take the initiative to speak, but when they saw Nolan sitting down and changing positions from time to time, the two exchanged a knowing look.

While discussing business matters, the time passed very quickly, and it was half past five in the blink of an eye. Dimon's phone rang on time: "Are you busy? Shall I pick you up?"

Jing Yun said with a smile: "Then you come here, I happened to introduce two friends to you. Ian, Sean, and Nolan are all here, everyone is gathering together, and there are so many people."

Dimon smiled lowly: "Okay, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com I will be there in twenty minutes."

After hanging up Dimon's phone, Ian and Sean also pressed a few times on the phone, Jing Yun stretched his waist: "Clean up, let's talk about something else? Nolan, it's been so long since you've been sitting here. Well, this one won't introduce us?"

Nolan turned his head and glanced at Simon on the single sofa. At this moment, he was looking down at himself with meaningful eyes.

Nolan stuttered: "Simon, don't you...don't you know him? He is my...my...partner."

Jing Yun hated iron for being weak: "How long have you two known each other? You are still young, so you are so anxious to settle down?"

Nolan: "Simon is fine, Sister Yun, he takes good care of me."

Ian gave him a hand: "The more you speak for him now, the more upset Jing Yun will be."

Sean also chimed in: "Okay, can Jing Yun still eat him? When did you get together? It's less than a month, and you two are done?"

Nolan said weakly: "I heard that Brother Ian and Wells got together after not knowing each other for a long time."

Sean: "Okay, feelings are for nothing, your lungs are about to explode, Sister Yun."

Jing Yun had a half-smile but not a smile: "It's not enough to be angry. Since you and Nolan have this relationship, I won't say anything else. If you want to take Ian away, you have to pay something, right?"

"Don't talk to me about love, let's have something practical."

Nolan raised his hand: "His salary card and everything are given to me, and we plan to buy a house together, with my name on the house."

(end of this chapter)

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