Jiang Chan also accepted it when he saw it well: "I believe that the temple will deal with it fairly, and I will go back to practice first."

Jiang Chan left without hesitation, and now that she has been pushed to this height, it is estimated that the two big families will not be able to please. It's not bad to be like this, at least no one will hang around in front of her in the future.

As for the fact that she severely disrespected the elders in the temple today, it is estimated that they will give her small shoes in the future. But it doesn't matter, why hasn't she seen such a big storm?

Besides, whether it's her or the original owner, Stina, the impression of the Temple of Light is extremely bad. She will not be disappointed at what these people will do in the future. How can you be disappointed if you don't have any expectations?

Sure enough, after Shia and Kerry were expelled from the temple, when Jiang Chan went to morning class the next day, the archbishop announced a message at the morning meeting. Looking at the few girls who filed in, the smile on Jiang Chan's lips grew wider.

After all, she is the only candidate for the Holy Maiden of Light at this moment, and yesterday she also clearly expressed that she is not easy to mess with. Since the brain is rebellious, it is necessary to cultivate new candidates for the Holy Maiden of Light as soon as possible.

Regarding this result, Jiang Chan was very calm. In fact, the actions of these people were within her expectation. Presumably, these people were pushed into a hurry, and a few good seedlings were found so quickly to enter the temple.

The new saintess candidates are naturally in a group, so Jiang Chan, the original saintess candidate, is faintly excluded. Regarding this pediatric method, Jiang Chan was noncommittal.

Her mind was not spent on eliminating dissidents in the Temple of Light, her main purpose was to find the largest piece of holy flame crystal. In this way, she became silent in the temple, and she practiced and practiced every day, and the rest was to try her best to find the real holy flame crystal.

The new saintess candidates are all ambitious, but unfortunately, no matter how hard they try, the temple is still divided according to their cultivation level, and Jiang Chan still suppresses them to death.

Unknowingly, two months have passed since Jiang Chan came to this world. After praying at the beginning of the month again, the archbishop picked up the small box containing the "Holy Flame Crystal", got up and walked around to the apse.

Jiang Chan, on the other hand, lowered her eyebrows and led the saintess candidates to the square outside the temple. At the beginning of each month, the holy sons and saints of the temple will bring blessings for everyone in the big square. Jiang Chan is very familiar with this kind of blessing ceremony.

After all, when she was an orc priest, she did this job a lot. It's just that the ways of praying in the two worlds are different. The crowds in the square gradually dispersed until noon.

The saintess candidates who were originally low-browed and pleasing to the eye snorted, and they left the square and entered the temple. Jiang Chan was noncommittal about this kind of obvious intention of holding a group.

Speaking of the holy flame crystal that was taken out at the beginning of each month, does the archbishop know that it is not a real holy flame crystal? If he knows, does he know where the real Holy Flame Crystal is?

If he doesn't know, then the difficulty of seeking is undoubtedly a few steps higher. Thinking about this, Jiang Chan went back to the bedroom. I guess the temple is also a headache now, right? None of the chosen saintess candidates could fight.

He intended to push Stina down by supporting them, but in the end they were all pressed and beaten by Stina? Saying this is slapping them in the face. But they still have all kinds of kindness towards Stina. Every time they see the expressions of the elders, Jiang Chan's heart feels dark.

She knew that her situation was dangerous, but so what? At this time, you have to admire the teachings of the Temple of Light. No matter how dark and dirty the inside is, you still have to pretend to be bright and generous on the surface.

Now Jiang Chan is betting that they will not dare to tear themselves openly.

In the middle of the night, the crow that delivered the letter on time came again. After collecting the training materials this time, Jiang Chan touched the crow's head: "Thank you for your hard work, there is no result yet?"

The crow called twice, and Jiang Chan frowned slightly: "Okay, you go back first, if there is any progress on my side, I will let you know at any time."

Now Jiang Chan is impatient to deal with these people in the Temple of Light, and her main task is to find the Holy Flame Crystal. It's just that the temple is heavily guarded, and there are some places that even saintesses cannot easily set foot in.

If only Stina could walk independently, so she could go anywhere. Where is it like now? To be subject to all kinds of shackles? Glancing at Stina's sleeping soul, Jiang Chan sighed silently. Now it seems that this is still a protracted battle?

A year here is twelve months, and at the beginning of each year, the Pope of the Temple of Light will visit the temple. If luck is good enough, sometimes the God of Light will issue a decree in the temple.

After the tour, the Pope will choose a temple as his one-year destination. At this time, the Pope was in the Eastern Temple, and it was nearly a month before his next visit.

As the largest central temple among the five great temples, the Pope's first stop is naturally the central temple. In order to meet the visit of the Pope, the central temple is now full of excitement.

There are face-saving projects everywhere. Of course, the excitement has nothing to do with Jiang Chan, but the excitement of the saintess and son candidates~www.wuxiaspot.com~ If they are lucky enough to be favored by the Pope, will their future be brighter?

At this time when people's hearts are floating, Jiang Chan is still very calm, doing what he has to do, not impetuous at all. Even those elders who disliked her couldn't help but sigh that she was stable and stable.

A month passed in the blink of an eye, and the pope arrived as promised. Looking at the man wearing a crown above, Jiang Chan narrowed his eyes. This should be the person with the strongest power of light elements she has ever seen, right?

On the surface, the image of the pope is still very gentle, at least those saintess candidates looked at him very hotly. On the other hand, Jiang Chan, when the saintess candidates were scrambling to squeeze forward, she quietly stepped sideways, hiding herself a little deeper.

Now there are ten candidates for the saintess in the temple, and Jiang Chan, who deliberately avoided it, naturally couldn't get into the Pope's eyes. Of course, Jiang Chan is also happy and relaxed, she has no interest in becoming the Pope's harem.

Did he really think he couldn't see the **** in the pope's eyes? Not to mention the dense marriage lines and children's lines, do you think the pope has played very fancy these years?

Didn't it mean that everyone in the temple must restrain themselves and return to ritual? This pope really opened her eyes. So do the bishops or elders know about these things?

Thinking about this, Jiang Chan walked to the garden in the temple and sat on the ground on the bluestone beside the garden. Jiang Chan looked at the sparkling lake in front of her, and she didn't know where her thoughts went.

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