But when she got out of this prison, there was no room for her in the vastness of the world. The family has now clearly turned to the Dark Temple, and the parents have been expelled from the core area of ​​the family.

If she left the Temple of Light, it would be nothing more than returning to the status of the family. Is she going to sit in this huge cage and wait to die in the future? When will this desperate life end?

Thinking of this, Karina's heart is full of despair. When will she be able to breathe the free air outside? Looking back now, it seems that those years in the Dark Temple were the most free time for her.

There are not so many rules and dogmas, and there is no need to intrigue, just concentrate on practicing.

No matter how desperate Karina was, Stina lived extremely comfortably. In the Dark Temple, she is basically a group favorite, the elders love her, and the juniors worship her.

Of course, Stina has never been spoiled, and she usually behaves very well. The elders went to various regions of the empire, and the Great Elder didn't care about world affairs, so Stina shouldered the affairs of the temple.

Of course, such a day is not much different from before, after all, she had provoked the heavy responsibility of the Dark Temple as early as ten years ago. The only difference is that there are many fewer elders in the temple now, and she seems to have suddenly become a monkey in the mountains.

In general, the task of the Dark Temple is almost completed, the Dark God has lifted the seal, Qing Yuan has also got what she wants, and Stina has arranged her life in an orderly manner.

Jiang Chan really has nothing to worry about here, but she doesn't want to let her go back now. Stina's life is so long, doesn't she take advantage of this time to study hard?

Of course, Stina is also a person who is used to being independent. If it is not necessary, she will not easily find Jiang Chan.

In fact, after all, Jiang Chan didn't have to work hard to do this task. Before she came here, she felt all sorts of apprehensions. She didn't expect to come to this world, and she found that it seemed not bad?

A mage has a long lifespan. After Stina broke through the **** of magic, Jiang Chan tore the space and returned to the real world. It's not that she doesn't want to stay any longer, but it's really boring to stay alone for a long time.

When Jiang Chan came back, Qing Yuan was reclining on her little pillow. If she was as big as a real person, she would be considered mature and charming, but this time Jiang Chan just felt nondescript.

She glanced sideways at Qing Yuan: "Satisfied? I almost fell in this time."

Qing Yuan smiled and said, "Didn't I appear in time? In fact, as long as you go to this world, most of the mission will be completed. Because I can't go to this world, so you can only go."

"Because there is a bond between us, it's like I have an anchor point in that world, so you can follow wherever you go."

"Of course, this also requires me to pay a certain price. Generally speaking, I still made a lot of money this time."

Qing Yuan threw away the mysterious crystal of divine power in his hand, his small face was full of complacency.

Jiang Chan didn't look at it: "You, you really made a lot of money. This time is the closest I am to death. The moment the God of Light appeared, I felt like I was locked by him, and I couldn't avoid it."

Qing Yuan: "An, didn't I show up? With me here, you are absolutely safe."

Jiang Chan glared at her, "I haven't said that you have been deceived all the way, and I can't hear a few words of truth from your mouth. I don't believe you didn't see the strangeness of the Holy Flame Crystal."

Qing Yuan chuckled, knowing that Jiang Chan's lungs had been poked, so he didn't stay in front of Jiang Chan any longer, and hid in the mission hall tactfully.

Jiang Chan was not in a good mood, so he copied Mo Mo, who was taking a nap, and rubbed it for a long time before dispelling the depression in his heart. Mo Mo is a big cat who can only be sexual, and he doesn't feel that Jiang Chan has disturbed his sleep, so he played with Jiang Chan for a long time.

When Jiang Chan was in the West Fantasy Continent, she was always alone, but now that she returned to the real world, she didn't want to be alone, so she hugged Mo Mo and went downstairs.

Downstairs in the living room, Qin Rongyu was lying on the sofa, holding the phone in his hand and laughing like a spring heart. Jiang Chan glanced at him, knowing without thinking that he was in contact with Kang Yao.

She kicked Qin Rongyu's calf, then sat down next to Jiang Jingyuan, and gradually her head tilted to Jiang Jingyuan's knee.

Jiang Jingyuan smoothed her hair: "Didn't you say you were tired just now?"

Jiang Chan said lazily, "No, it's just boring to be alone, and I want to spend more time with everyone."

Qin Rongyu sneaked in: "You're going to our dad's place tomorrow, so tonight is the only time you can be with your uncle and aunt."

Jiang Jingyuan was a little bit reluctant: "Is it too hard?"

Jiang Chan: "It's okay, doing what you like, even if it's hard work, you'll be happy. It's a very happy thing to work hard for your beliefs."

Qin Wen'an put down the book: "Don't be too tired, my elder brother said before that you use your brain too much."

Jiang Chan: "I know, I really feel sorry for myself. Seeing brother Yu's proud appearance, I think it won't be long before our family will have a happy event."

Qin Rongyu was proud: "That is, I worked hard, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com How can someone be so suitable for me?"

Jiang Chan didn't look at it: "I shouldn't come down. I came down to see your pride? By the way, isn't Zhong Min running his own company? Find something for him to do so that he doesn't have to go to school all the time."

Qin Wen'an laughed: "You say you don't want to interfere, but in the end you still make some trouble?"

Jiang Chan closed her eyes: "I'm not a stumbling block. How could he succeed so easily? Besides, success in his career will also make him more confident."

Qin Rongyu put down the phone, and sighed artificially: "Poor Zhong Min! I think you have a very good attitude towards Chen Yu. Doesn't he like Liu Qing?"

Jiang Chan: "Chen Yu and Zhong Min are completely different people. Of course, Liu Qing didn't understand what Chen Yu meant. Why should I talk too much? It won't do me any good to wake her up."

"They're only in their early twenties, what's the rush?"

Qin Rongyu smiled: "It seems that Zhong Min will have a hard time in the future. Yu Jie is a person who wants to study for a Ph. D. Can Zhong Min wait so long? Yu Jie is only a sophomore this year, right?"

Jiang Jingyuan: "Then don't care about him. If you want a good girl, you will naturally have to pay a lot. You can't just go over with just a few fingers? How bad is that?"

Qin Wen'an: "It's always been about rushing, not buying and selling."

Jiang Chan: "Having said that, it's still about mutual consent. Mom, I want to eat steamed buns tomorrow morning. I'm so busy that I won't be able to come back for another month."

Jiang Jingyuan immediately agreed: "Okay, I'll make it for you tomorrow morning. Tell me about yourself, and you will take care of everything you do?"

(end of this chapter)

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