Of course, this is not a comparison, after all, one is in the laboratory, and she can handle it by herself. One is in the factory, which requires the cooperation of many people and calls for more manpower and material resources.

Many parts need to be made from scratch, and the various principles must be explained thoroughly, so the progress will inevitably fall behind.

Qin Wenbang patted her on the shoulder: "Your speed is already extremely fast, don't push yourself too hard."

Qin Wenbang couldn't help but sigh when he thought of Jiang Chan's protective clothing Egg Ball Space Button and so on. Those were all made by herself. Compared with the flying machine, the latter undoubtedly took longer.

Old Zhang smiled like a big chrysanthemum: "The first test run went well, Mr. Jiang, shall we meet again?"

Jiang Chan: "Let's go to the conference room and talk, there are still some things to improve..."

Jiang Chan led the technicians away, and a man beside Qin Wenbang was a little jealous: "Old Qin's eyes are about to smile now, such a good boy, why isn't it from our family?"

Qin Wenbang is really proud, his son Qin Rongjin is a member of the mecha team, and his niece has such great talent, how could he not be happy? Although his niece is too promising, he also has some troubles, but is he happy?

"Let's go, she won't be able to go back for a while, we should go to our business."

Generally speaking, when the results come out, the subsequent improvement will be much smoother. After more than a month of rushing, the first-generation aircraft barely reached the standard in Jiang Chan's mind.

There was a huge cheer in the square when she announced that the project was complete. Everyone was extremely excited, this was created by themselves, the excitement and pride is beyond words.

Mr. Zhang: "Jiang Gong, what is the next step to research? You can pick people at will, we have a lot of talents here!"

Jiang Chan was helpless: "This cow still has time to rest, let me rest and change my mind, how can new projects come out so easily?"

Mr. Zhang: "Isn't it easy to see what Jiang Gong usually does?"

Qin Wenbang smiled: "It's really time to rest. It's almost New Year's Day. Do you count how long it's been since you went back last time? It must be half a year, right?"

Jiang Chan: "Forget it, once you concentrate on doing things, you will inevitably lose your family."

Qin Wenbang: "I can still come to see you, but your parents can't. After this period of time, I will stay with your parents for a while when I go back. You have worked hard during this period. Don't think about anything when you go back, just be good. relax."

A man next to him said, "I'm afraid that Jiang Bo won't be able to relax when he goes back, so he will make something small."

Once this is said, everyone understands it. In Jiang Chan's eyes, it seems that nothing is big, but small.

Jiang Chan also smiled: "Mr. Zhang and the others have sorted out all the materials, so I'll go back first, and you guys will coordinate the rest?"

She only cares about the project, and she doesn't care about other procedures. Now that Mr. Zhang has so many technicians here, Jiang Chan's laziness is even more aboveboard.

Qin Wenbang scolded with a smile: "Little fox, go back and have a good rest, the dark circles under your eyes are coming out."

Jiang Chan yawned: "I just want to finish it soon, uncle, I won't have lunch with you, I want to go back early."

She is a mortal body, so long hours of work will inevitably be unbearable. In addition, in order to catch up with the schedule these days, Jiang Chan has really endured a bit hard, and now she looks a little haggard.

My own child felt distressed, Qin Wenbang looked over, Huang Juan went to the dormitory to pack Jiang Chan's things, while Li Li drove, and they went straight back to the compound after a while.

After saying hello to the colleagues and leaders of the project team, Jiang Chan got into the car, and she curled up in the back seat and fell asleep as soon as she got in the car. Li Li gestured to the driver Liu, who turned serious and drove more safely.

The old house is no longer lively at the moment, and the old lady is very happy: "The boss said, Huahua is on the way home now, and I have to cook a few more dishes at noon. It's been a long time since Huahua hasn't come back. Home?"

Li Shu was also happy: "It has been less than half a year. The last time I came back was Yang Shuo's birthday. During this period, Zheng Yu and Chen Yu's birthdays have passed, and Huahua has never been back."

"It's really not easy to say. Rong Jin and his father have been away for many years, and Huahua is the same now. It's too hard for the little girl to live in the family."

Jiang Jingyuan: "I also think she's working hard, but that's what she likes to do, even if she doesn't give up, she still has to support her."

The old man: "The second daughter-in-law is right. The greater the ability, the greater the responsibility. We, Huahua, have the ability and the spirit. We should support it. I think she is willing even if it is hard work."

Jiang Chan just entered the door: "Of course, grandparents, aunts, parents, brother Yu are also here? Are you not going to work today?"

Qin Rongyu called Qu: "Huahua, today is Saturday, and Niu still has time to rest."

Jiang Chan raised her eyebrows, this sentence seems familiar?

She sat down beside Jiang Jingyuan, tilted her head on Jiang Jingyuan's shoulder, and arched like a pig: "Sleepy."

Jiang Jingyuan turned her head to look at her: "I have dark circles under my eyes, what time did you sleep recently?"

Jiang Chan closed her eyes: "It's three o'clock in the morning, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com is busy finishing the matter at hand. Mom, stop nagging, there is no dinner right now? Let me sleep for a while?"

Li Shu: "The meal is ready, why don't you go to bed after dinner? We won't call you when the time comes."

Jiang Chan: "It's okay, I really need to take a good rest this time, this project takes too long."

Qin Rongyu seeks truth from facts: "That's my sister, you have the ability. How many projects can you think of that are as lucky as you? It was completed in more than half a year? Many people may spend several years or even ten years to complete a project. "

Jiang Chan closed her eyes and walked to the dining table: "Didn't you say that? I am a genius, how can a genius be judged by common sense?"

Qin Rongyu laughed: "Yes, genius, I haven't seen you recently, and I don't feel like eating well."

Jiang Chan finally opened her eyes: "Isn't it? I see that your face is flushed with pride. Is this a good thing coming?"

Qin Rongyu yelled strangely: "You can see this?"

Jiang Chan: "So-so? Are you planning to get married?"

Qin Rongyu squinted and smiled: "I do have this plan, but before I get married, our family still has a big event. Your eighteenth birthday is coming, so it must be done this time."

Jiang Chan: "Oh."

Qin Rongyu: "So plain? Do you know what comes after coming of age ceremony? Countless bees and butterflies? Are you still so calm?"

Jiang Chan: "It doesn't matter, I can't find anyone, and there is nothing wrong with mad bees and butterflies. Besides, I believe Brother Yu will help me block it?"

(end of this chapter)

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